
Pia looked at her with an introspective gaze. But Dawn passed those looks with a shrug. She didn't want to mar her lovely days with a woman as bitchy as her. 

"So what do you think is going to be next?" asked Pia, sounding mysterious. 

"What do you mean?" Dawn inquired. She started to walk back to the room. She hated the fact that Pia had come to the portico, which meant that she even came to her room, uninvited. 

"I mean how will you go forward with this pregnancy?" 

"It's not your area to think Pia," Dawn said, clearly annoyed at her question. Instead of congratulating her, she was making her uncomfortable. 

"That pregnancy is an abomination. It is unnatural," she said in a cold voice. 

Dawn gritted her teeth. How she would have loved to gouge her face. "Like I said, don't put your pretty little brain into so much thinking."