What Financial Harm?

Lily Wyatt was sitting in the garden of her manor—garden, which Clare had beautifully created. She was sipping her Sambazon Acai juice while reading the newspaper. From the past five days she had been reading it regularly to know what had happened to Daryn Silver and his wife, but there was no news. Today also there was no news. She puffed, "No news means good news!" Surely she was dead by now. However, curious as she was, she picked up the phone and called Helena. 

"I haven't heard anything about Dawn. If she was dead, then the news should have been covered with that information. Not a single channel shows that she is dead!" she barked on the phone. 

"It's quite possible that the Silver House is keeping this under wraps. Today my people are going to find out about it. I will call my person planted in their office," said Helena. "The last I called he said that the husband and wife haven't come back from their honeymoon so far."