From the Thunderbolt

At first Dawn thought that her stomach would lurch as Quetz ascended in the sky, but when they were higher, she began to enjoy it. She realized how much she missed flying on her dragon. She relaxed her arms behind and straightened her neck back, as she took in the vista beneath her and in front of her. The pink Whispering Eobens looked wonderful. They were whispering something she couldn't understand as they swayed in the soft breeze that was coming from the river. When Quetz slightly higher, she could see how the pink blossoms dotted the banks of the river. It was simply divine and she thought how blessed she was to see the scenery that not many could witness. 

Quetz let her enjoy and soak in the surroundings and then said, 'Dawn you have to help me unleash my powers.'

She was eager to know how she could help him but she was also worried at the same time. 'How?' she asked.