It Was the Same Day

Gayle seemed perturbed when he voiced the last sentence. He raked his fingers through his already raked hair. A glass of water on the table beside him could quench his thirst. He picked it and chugged the content. But could it cool down the deep anguish that was burning in his chest? 

He continued, "Helena's role was to lure Luke Wyatt, get the Company back, kill Luke and then get out. But she double-crossed me. She had grown used to Luke's growing affection for her, the way he spoiled her with his money and the fact that he wasn't faithful to your mother—it was something she could take advantage of. And she did! She took advantage of both of us—Luke and I."

Dawn pressed a fist to her mouth. "You wanted to kill my father?" Fresh barrage of tears flooded her eyes. "Oh my God! You are so sick!"