He Had His Reasons

Dawn gazed around, feeling weak. The soft hands that stroked her hair made her feel better. His smell, his warmth and his closeness calmed her always. "Daryn…" 

"Baby, how are you?" he asked, concern laced in his voice. 

"Weak…" she answered honestly. 

She could feel his heart rate increasing on her condition. 

"Calm down darling," she urged him. 

He wrapped his hand around her and drew her closer. 

"How did I come here?" she asked. "We were at the cottage." 

"No one knows Dawn… When you didn't come back late in the night, I became worried and we informed our people to search for you in the forest area, but Gayle called and said that you were sleeping in your bedroom. He was surprised that we all weren't back with you." He sounded baffled. "So you have to tell me what all happened and who left you here."