
Reluctantly, Dawn nodded. "Okay…" 

Pia struggled in Caleb's arms. "Set me free, you monster!" she shouted at him and then slapped him hard on his chest. But Caleb had pinned her tightly against his body. He was in an ugly mood. He growled. No amount of struggle could help Pia. He took her to his car in the parking area, threw her inside and strapped her. Daryn and Dawn sat behind in the passenger seat. He started the engine and zoomed off to the hospital in rage. 

"Drive slowly brother," said Daryn. "My wife here is pregnant." 

Caleb slowed the car a little. Pia attempted to open her seatbelt but the bloody thing was stuck in its place. How? What magic was this? Why did she smell so much copper in the air? Little did she know that magic crackled around Dawn's fingers on the back.