Laws Are The Same For All

The Lunar Council members came right on time. Flanked by white robed members the Shaman looked ominous in his black robes. When Dawn walked to where they were sitting, the Shaman stared at her from under his thick white eyebrows until she greeted him and sat down. Daryn sat right beside her whereas Gayle sat on a lone sofa opposite the Shaman. 

Moments later Caleb joined them, looking extremely tired and pensive. He hadn't shaved and his black stubble over his pale face stood starkly. There were dark circles under his eyes. He looked mentally and physically… exhausted. 

Daryn's heart reached to his brother, while Dawn lowered her eyes and bunched her white dress in her lap. 

"Where's Sedora?" Gayle asked a servant who arrived with fresh pomegranate juice for the members.