Shadows from Smoke

A beeping noise caught Daryn's attention. He darted his eyes to the source and found that the radio was still working, but the headphone was blown to pieces. Relief sailed through him as he looked at it with hope. He managed to climb inside the cockpit and check the buttons near the radio. At first it was just the beep. He pressed the buttons around it for it to come alive. Rough, crack-ish sound emanated and the radio came alive. Excited as hell, Daryn tapped the sleek microphone that was hanging upside down. 

"Hello!" he said. But there was no voice from the other side. He was so restless and thought that before even the radio went off, he should at least send some message. So he informed whoever was on the other side, "This is Daryn Silver, CEO of the Silver House." Once again a jarring sound from the radio emanated and it threatened to go off anytime. "My aircraft has cr—"