The Altar

In the end, when the fight stopped, Ileus was standing with his sword over Emma's neck and his leg was over her thigh, which was bleeding profusely. "Why can't things be simpler?" he said and spat his blood on the ground as he jerked his head back to remove the locks of hair that had fallen on his forehead. "Since you will not take us there, I will have to kill you!" he said and took his sword up in the air holding it with both hands in order to plunge it into her. 

"Only I know the way to that place Ileus," said Emma. "Only I know the way." She panted heavily as she waited for his verdict. "You will never be able to find where Daryn is if you kill me." 

On a second thought, Ileus brought the sword down with a lot of force and Emma shut her eyes. The sword struck the ground right next to her ear. Her face was pale and she held her breath. 

"Then take us there or you won't get a second chance," said Ileus.