Second Task (2)

A demon flapped his wings harshly and flew past Dawn. His wing hit her with full impact. The force of it sent her to the ground. When she looked up, she saw him hovering over her momentarily before attacking her with his clawed legs. 

Before he could pounce on her chest, three arrows fanned out in the air and pierced his legs. He yelled in pain, and stumbled back in the air. Another set of two arrows pierced him in the thigh and he fell on the ground. 

Brenda had been busy nocking white arrows, which were poisoned on their tips and sending them flying towards the beats. She would string three arrows at a time, turn the bow horizontal and then let them fly. The creatures would stumble back a little, but they would resume their action. A constant barrage of arrows kept them at bay. Her quiver never emptied and she wondered why. 

When she saw the winged creature attacking her Luna, she did the same. The demon faltered, giving enough time for Dawn to get up.