Decisions, Decisions, Decisions. 

Brantley glared at her back trying to stop himself from not going and shaking her vigorously. 

Dawn stopped in her tracks, turned her head over her shoulder and said, "You should go back to Aztec and not come here until you have come up with a solution or until you have thought of the situation carefully." She knew that it was a delicate situation but she had to say it, she had to put her foot down, she had to pour her heart out for her child. All the hardships that she had undergone only made her stronger and it helped her in her ventures, her decisions and her choice of life. 

She came back home only to find Daryn sleeping. He looked so drained out that she pulled the cover of blankets over his shoulders and went to take a bath. The talk with Brantley wasn't over and she was aware that he would challenge her decision. Maybe they need to come to a compromise. She sighed. 

Decisions, decisions, decisions.