Gloom And Excitement

Geoffrey pursed his lips. "I am sorry, Your Honor, but whatever I am saying is very important," he replied. 

"Okay, but please make it fast," the judge said in an irritating voice. 

"Yes, Your Honor!" Geoffrey scratched his forehead and walked back to his desk. "You may cross examine the witness," he said to the opposition lawyer as if trying to buy time. 

Kirk got up from his place and walked to Bree. "Ms. Bree, where were you at the time of explosion?" 

These were some questions she was nicely prepared for. "I was in my room. The explosion was so powerful that I came out running and saw that flames were coming out of the kitchen." 

"So you weren't anywhere near it?" asked Kirk.

"No," she shook her head. 

"What did you see when you came out?" 

"I saw people running frantically around. The glass pieces had shattered and it was complete chaos. People started bringing buckets of water to douse the fire."