The Bank Locker (1)

In the next one hour, the three were driving to the bank. The excitement, the anticipation, the anxiety—all the emotions had surged to an extent and Dawn and Cole weren't talking with each other. They were looking on the outside waiting for the driver to reach the bank. If it had been for Dawn, she would have shape shifted and reached the bank earlier, but she was with Cole. 

The bank was located in a quaint area away from the hustle and bustle of the main city. "This is the same area where we had come to live after Azura brought us here," said Cole as his eyes became wide the moment they entered the familiar locality. 

There were goose bumps on Dawn's skin. They were so close to this bank, yet so far… She pressed her hands to her mouth. "Oh my God!" she rasped. Just four blocks away, was the cottage they lived in. "Oh my God!"

Cole raked his hands through his hair. He thought he would throw up.