
"Yes, it is and I will be going to contain it. Canton says that if we don't suppress the rebellion now, things may turn darker." Daryn took out a satchel from the wardrobe. "Help me pack wife!" 

"I am not saying about the situation, Daryn! I mean that you have to fight alone. That is not done," she gritted.

Daryn snapped his head to look at her. "I will not take you at any cost!" 

Dawn pursed her lips. "I am telling you about Caleb! Why can't he go with you? He needs to understand that he can't always bank on you for every damn horrible situation that is thrown at you by fate. He needs to take up the responsibility and help you!" 

"Dawn!" Daryn roared with anger. "He is not in the right frame of mind. Elize is unwell." 

"I am here to take care of Elize. He should go with you!" she said without fearing him. 

"Stop saying that!" Daryn scolded her harshly. "Can't you see how hassled he is already?"