Meeting The Chiefs (2)

Caleb raised his eyebrows. He shook his head to remind himself that sorcerers surrounded him and he was also one of them. He entered the portal, followed by Daryn and Canton. As soon as they stepped on the other side, they found themselves in a small clearing on a grassy knoll. The portal closed behind them. 

"Where are the men? How will they come?" asked Daryn, surprised at Canton for closing the portal. 

"They will join us via another portal because this one can allow only three people," said Canton dryly and walked ahead of them. 

As they walked, Caleb noticed the blackness of the night. It was so deep that it obliterated the memories of the day. The stars were hazy behind the tufts of clouds that blew with the warm wind. The place was in complete contrast to Bainsburgh where the snowfall had already begun. "Where are the chiefs?" asked Caleb, growing restless with each step forward. 

"Yes, where are they?" asked Daryn.