Frozen... Rooted...

"Well, I deserve it," said Darius smugly, as he sat on the sofa with his feet on top of the center table. 

Bianca poked her tongue at him. Then she looked at Dawn and said, "Mom, is it necessary to go to the clan gathering for my birthday? My friends are waiting for me to give a party. You aren't allowing me to call them for the clan gathering, you aren't going to let me stay out of the house after 10PM. Not only that, there's like thousands of guards that are roaming around me at all times!" There was irritation in her voice. The clan shindig is going to get over by 10PM!" She raised her hands up in pure frustration. "What do I do?" 

Maintaining a stoic look, Dawn said, "You won't and will never skip clan gathering, okay?" The seriousness in her tone was so strong that Bianca rolled her eyes and went to sit in front of Darius with puffy cheeks. "Even Darius isn't going to miss it. It's his birthday too!"