Craved For You

Bianca got up and walked out of the room. All the guards bowed to her and a man came forward. "Good morning, Your Royal Highness. I am Tymir, the Royal Housekeeper. In your realm's language, the Manager of the palace." He said with a smile. 

Bianca chuckled. "Thanks for explaining it to me."

"I will be taking you on a tour to the palace." 

"Ah okay!" said Bianca. 

They winded down the stairs and walked slowly through an endless series of rooms, another set of stairs, across a hall, which he said was the old court room, through a library that was stacked with books in shelves from floor to the ceiling, then another set of stairs that led into an antechamber. Tymir opened the heavily-crafter door into the throne room. 

It was empty and she stared at her throne while passing through the hall. Electricity zapped around it as if beckoning her to come and sit on it. She gulped and took a step towards it.