
When Bianca nodded, he plunged in. As he let her adjust, his body quivered and his neck muscles corded as he tried to hold himself steady in her. "You already had my heart Bianca, now you own my soul!" he said and thrust more. "I have wanted you for god-knows-how-long, been so obsessed with you! Take me Bia, take me!" 

His inner beast was rising. The dragon tattoo moved. He held his beast inside even as her soft breasts, her creamy skin rubbed against him and her core held him in her. She squeezed him inside her and that was it. He untied her hands and said, "Come over me!" He knew that she needed to unleash her wolf. He held her waist and rolled on his back with her atop him. 

She growled. Yes, this is what she needed. She bent over him and her claws dug in his chest. 

"Ride me baby!" he said. Taking her hips, he took her up and down his length to teach her how it worked.