Sedora is Watching

Once again the sky was filled with inky darkness, but this time they could hear the gurgling and hissing of the Shadows through the darkness. 

"Go higher!" Bianca said on top of her voice. 

Ileus's broom shot higher in the air and others followed him close behind. 

"She is watching us," Bianca hissed. "Sedora is watching our movement." 

"How can you say that?" asked Ileus. He flicked his fingers and a wisp of inky smoke rose higher up in the air. The wisp extended and curled and started to swirl attracting more smoke and gaining speed. By the time they came near to it, the portal created was almost two meter in radius. His broom whooshed through it and they found themselves on the third level of the wizard kingdom, right outside the palace. 

Bianca stepped down and turned back to see if others had arrived safely. When she was assured that they have, she exhaled a long heavy breath. "That was close!"