The unexpected encounter

The young lady to whom Sassy is speaking all this time got irritated. She looked indifferently and coldly said to stop bugging her like an annoying fly.

She also informed me that she doesn't worthy of her time. Moreover, she didn't even look at her, then why will she feel inferior to her.

Sassy got furious, listening to Carla, mentioning her as lowly as a fly. She is determined to teach her a lesson and show her place.

She looked around the place and quickly got an idea to push Carla when she is ready to leave after taking her belongings from the locker room.

Carla shook her head, looking at the Sassy, who is full of herself, thought this woman would never change her attitude unless she gets her retribution.

Clicking her tongue, Carla tried to leave from there as soon as possible so that she can go and focus on this strange feeling she is getting, and the weather changes only she can able to feel.

Sassy confirming that there is no CCTV camera here and tried to push Carla without Carla's notice. But Carla saw through her intentions and tilted her body a little bit, which "unintentionally" resulted in stepping on sassy.

With a thud sound, Sassy fell, making a mess of her.

At the same time, all the students came out of the classroom, finishing exams to get their belongings in the locker room.

Looking at Sassy, who is already on the floor, they started laughing, pointing at her saying how arrogant and smug she looked when she was advising them to take the exam.

People always laugh at you when you get to humiliate. They don't empathize with you at all. They will be ready to pull you down and mock you but not to pull you up at your weakest time.

Carla is always indifferent towards such people. She never cared about anything or anyone as long as she is happy with what she is doing.

She only cares about Romina, the mother she got without any blood relation. The one who cares and truly loves her despite being strict to her.

To avoid ridiculous speculations, she never called her as a mom in the school campus nor the orphanage.

Sassy tried to get up and shrieked, "hey, you red-eyed scary woman, stop right there. How dare you to make me lose my grip like this.

You intentionally stepped on me, which resulted in my falling. Don't dare to mess with me; you don't know my background. I can make you disappear from this city.

What are you so proud of and indifferent ..? Just because Romina is backing you, don't be so full of you. Wait till you get the results of the test".

Vowing to take revenge on Carla while announcing the results, Sassy got up and went away, spewing nonsense while fuming at others.

Since all the students took an exam of nearly 3 hours for all the significant subjects they are into, they have given a break. The classes will presume in the afternoon.

Taking this as an opportunity, Carla went towards the forest behind their campus, sensing that something is going to happen today.

She started walking step by step carefully. She can hear the rumbling of leaves under her feet from time to time as she moves forward. The pungent she got before became intense suddenly.

The more she moves forward, the more she started melting in the forest as she belongs here. She loved to look into the woods from afar.

Now she is a bit excited to walk into the forest. When she was younger, the city that covered all types of big and tall trees along as one witness to the town.

As time passed, the trees cut down to build this city and be more lively. She used to wonder thinking about how the animals feel because of this.

When she was younger, like ten years old, she was so curious to go into this same forest and see what lies in between, which raises this eery feeling.

Carla almost got succeeded in going inside the forest but got caught by their caretaker.

He brought back to the ancestral mansion where she stays along with Romina.

As she is wandering in her thoughts, suddenly, the thick copper smell filled her nostrils along with the fresh taste of blood.

Carla panicking at first and stopped in her steps midway. She won't know where she is going and from where this smell is coming.

She felt like pulling her hair as she was going crazy and unable to find out what is going on around here.

Sensing nothing is going to happen if she panics, which can place her into more danger than she already is, she calmed herself and tried to find out where this smell is coming.

When she was about to move further into the forest, she suddenly heard a low whimpering like a pet tat whimpers when it injured, which can only notice with concentration.

She walked furthermore carefully, listening to the whimper. She was stupified and astonished for the scene unfolded before her.

There was a beautiful werewolf having a combination of white, black fur with pure lush green eyes looking at her as if he will pound on her as soon as she moves towards him.

The werewolf seemed like an alpha wolf and got injured intensely. Lifting her hands up and not knowing what to do, she started speaking as if speaking to a human.

"Hey! Beautiful wolf, I am not here to harm you. Please don't be scared, umm I don't know what to say to make you feel less anxious.

Hmph, since you are injured, I will try to treat you so that you can walk away from here," -- saying, so Carla moved carefully towards the werewolf.

The werewolf understanding her intention, didn't make any sounds and let her come towards him. Carla carefully inspected his wound and did some first aid.

She cleaned the wound with water she bought along with her, and thankfully she had a scarf with her. She dipped some anti-infection and covered the damage with the scarf.

"I am not sure how long you can hold on with this. I am also not familiar with cleaning wounds, but it will help you up to some extent.

Once you are ready to move, go away from here. If anyone finds you, that person will either kill you or can make worse than that".

As she is busy taking care of the werewolf, she heard a bell ringing from the campus, which indicates her to come back.

Even though she is unwilling, she gave some instructions and patted his back, ready to leave. Warewolf is not at all willing to let her go.

The pain in his beautiful green eyes is making her impossible to leave, but she can't stay here. Promising him that she will be back as soon as she finishes her school today, Carla left the place.

She started running like crazy to reach the school campus. The students had almost finished lunch and moving back to their respective classrooms when she came to the campus.

She didn't notice how fast she ran to reach the campus, and after having a sandwich and some water, she went back to the classroom calmly as nothing happened.

The werewolf gave a low painful whimper when Carla left. He is regretting not able to chase after her.

The werewolf felt a hard pang in his heart when Carla left and almost teared up. Not knowing when she will be able to come, he just wished she will be back before he goes and fell asleep.

Before falling asleep, he sent a signal in the form of a werewolf growl to his pack members to inform his whereabouts.