The two male alphas of a powerful pack

After regaining his strength and reaching his packhouse, The green-eyed wolf shifted into a handsome and manly man in her early twenties.

The man had perfectly shaped eyebrows, with long legs, and a correctly built body. He looked like a runway model posing to an expensive and famous magazine.

His well-defined abs and sharp chin made him look calmer and in control. His apathetic look with no emotions and facial features looked like a Greek god.

The man wore blue striped jeans and a white shirt as soon as he changed into human form. The man asked all the members ready for a counter-attack.

Since he was not present at the time of the attack, his younger twin brother took charge and deployed the pack's troops already.

Both the brothers changed their initial plan in less than an hour to tackle the rogues. They both belong to one of the most powerful werewolf pack in the world.

The younger twin brother looked almost similar to his brother apart from his honey brown eyes.

One person has the fresh green leaves blossoming on the trees. Whereas, the other brother has the sweet sand smell before it rains, which brings an unknowing smile.

The man is muscular and more manly compared to his elder twin brother.

The man with a white shirt and blue striped jeans is slightly taller and just an hour older than the other person.

Both of them are good looking that one can't avert their eyes.

The other man is wearing a simple black shirt and white trousers. The man had a devilish smile on his face, unlike his brother, who is calm and stern.

As soon as they saw each other, they went to the packhouse meeting room. The second person addressing the first person said:

"Jac, this is an unexpected attack, we have already deployed our troop to fight with them. Let's wait till we get a report from our beta.

By the way, where were you and what happened to you that we were unable to trace you for quite some time before this".

The man who referred the other as Jac is Leon, Leon Gresham, and the man called by him as Jac is Jacob, Jacob Gresham.

They are the twin heirs of the most dominant pack Moonstone pack. The pack's home is in Verizon city of the same country in the north, which is quite far from Carla's place.

Jacob's wolf name is Darth, while Leon's wolf name is the chase.

Both the wolves should be in pitch black like their ancestral wolves, but they got both of their mother's and father's wolves' colors mixed up.

So they became rare kinds of wolves in the real werewolves world. Having both black and white fur, they also possess a little bit of magic from her mother's side, magical powers.

Both of them have a good relationship from her mother's side, and she is the only direct descendant and heir for the wizard community, which makes them future heirs.

Their mother is a mixed breed of wolf and wizard. Her father is a wizard, and her mother is a wolf making her both witch and wolf.

Their mother is the princess of the witches and wizard community.

The moonstone pack has its roots from ancient times. They are one of the oldest of all time.

Their ancestors hail from different places in different countries.

The power they had is immense and can destroy their existence if it fell into the wrong hands.

Their influence runs deep into the werewolf and wizard community.

Their father is William Gresham, a well-known businessman and a doctor by profession, while mother Nina, a renowned singer in the human world.

They are in their vacation hence unaware of this attack taking place in their pack territory as their sons don't want to bother them.

Leon strictly ordered not to inform anything of this to their parents as they went on vacation after a long time. They both are capable of handling such situations.

At the age of 22, they have achieved many things with minimal physical effort. Jacob is a well-known painter under his pen name Jac, and Leon is a professional bike racer.

They were quite popular among their group of youngsters in their respective colleges. Jacob is pursuing his doctorate in arts while Leon is learning car racing in a famous Institute.

Even though William can sense something is off, he wanted to test his son's caliber to become future alphas.

So he kept quiet and didn't give a serious thought about this.

He is enjoying with his wife somewhere in Egypt who is explaining their history and origin of mummies.

Their beta is Rack, Rack Hamilton, and delta is Aston Bentley.

Aston came back from the war zone along with their pack doctor Stephen who trained under William, as he is one of the best doctors.

According to their pack rules, Jacob and Leon cannot be declared as alphas officially unless they get their partners.

In the werewolf world, the other half is called a mate who cannot be replaced by anyone.

Every wolf can be able to find their significant other as soon as they turn into 18. For some, it may take less than a year, while for some, it may take to years to get one.

Even though they are sad about not finding their mates earlier, they are quite looking forward to the meeting and are not depressed.

Both of them are open-minded. It doesn't matter whether the one, Leon and Jacob are going to get as a partner, a male or a female, as long as they are beautiful, sensible, and understanding.

The moonstone pack is a combination of both magic and werewolves. Since they possess less magic powers, they can assume that their luna will be either a witch or a wizard with a strong magical sense.

Aston, as soon as he reached, he began reporting. "Master Jacob, when we were almost going to overpower the rogues, suddenly they disappeared into thin air and didn't turn out.

We all thought it might be a miracle but got shocked when they started attacked invisibly. Even though we possess magic through luna Nina, we still need a reliable place to defeat them," he finished.

Jacob fell into deep thought and informed that he would go to the zone and take a look. He sent a mind-link with other pack members to be careful and don't take a rash step at first.

The rogues were provoking them to take a rash step so that they could defeat this pack and defend themselves in the yearly council meeting.

Jacob reached the war zone, which is on the left side of their pack home. Their pack members were getting attacked by the rogues invisibly.

Jacob understood that someone from behind is guiding this rogue pack. The rogue was a decent pack in their earlier alpha guidance.

Now with the new alpha, they are becoming more reckless each passing day.

They started attacking anyone from everywhere randomly and defending themselves shamelessly, saying they are just testing every pack strength.

The new alpha is too greedy and money-minded and doesn't think about the pack but only about himself. The pack members blindly followed his honey-coated words.

If there is someone who dares to question the new alpha, then it will be the last day of that someone for wishing packs' welfare and health.

Jacob possesses a bit more magic compared to Leon, and Leon's wolf chase is the most powerful and intelligent.

Leon took charge and shifted into a wolf. The change over is a sight to be held. In a fraction of seconds, there stood the dark ink black and white fur wolf with its palms in red color and tail.

Chase stood there like a painting in a canvas and looked at rogues menacingly. He started tearing everyone into pieces, whoever came in his way.

Leon is only a playful cute, and enthusiastic boy in his early twenties until he becomes sober. Opposite his nature, his wolf is relatively calm and a dangerous one.

Chase is a calculative and ruthless type of wolf who doesn't spare single thought to tear apart his opponents who stand against him, complimenting his meaning of hunter.

Darth, unlike his human form, is an aggressive and possessive one. Darth doesn't like at all being at a disadvantage.

Jacob cannot turn into a wolf at this time, so he used his magic to remove the invisible spell and make all rogues visible.

Ten minutes intense battle took place, and both the sides, wolves were fighting intensely. Both parties were losing their army but not at all ready to back down.

Even though Jacob uses magic, the other party is quite aware of this and is increasing their strength along with the numbers.

The moonstone pack is unable to understand how the numbers of the rogue pack increase as soon as they lose their companions that are too in the same amount of the lost ones.

Jacob is on the verge of losing his temper, looking at this situation, but he calmed himself in the last moment and focused on the rogue pack.

He observed their style of fighting. It looked like no matter what, they came prepared for a win against his pack. It only meant they planned this attack for a very long time.

It's not an easy task to defeat a century-old pack with some silly tricks. Jacob immediately, there must be some loophole.

He observed like a hawk and found an open seal behind their camps, which is only visible when we follow carefully and will secure with invisible magic.

The camps looked quite old and are there for a long time. Jacob immediately linked his mind with Leon about this and asked him to shift into his human without noticing.

As soon as he changed, they both went behind the trees without any once noticing. "Leo, these rogues came prepared, and their leader has some knowledge about magic.

There were tents placed with invisible magic, and behind it, there is an open seal to increase their number as soon as they lost.

Their master, whoever it might be, is observing our every move from the same open seal. It seems he is also aware of our parent's absence and came quite prepared.

I am afraid we have to close the seal with our combined magic power, but it may harm anyone of us," he finished looking at Leon.

"It doesn't matter as long as our people won't die, and we can stop this ruckus. But brother, you can't shift into your wolf form now. You have not recovered yet," Leon said.

Nodding at Leon, Jacob said: "it's okay, I can get manage; let's finish this, as early as possible.

Nodding their heads at each other, they shifted into wolves."

For Jacob, it is too painful to shift with his wound; alas, he endured it, and there stood Darth white wolf the dark black patch palms.

Before joining the other party troop, they changed their scent and slowly sneaked towards the tents.

As soon as they reached, they turned into human forms and combined their powers to close the seal. The seal is nothing but a port key.

At first, the seal erupted into small balls of fire when they tried to close it.

It took quite an amount of power from them, but they don't have another option.

When it got closed, they informed the same to their beta rack and others. They motivated them to fought with all their will power and joined immediately.

With their alphas, the moonstone pack fought back without any restrain and started suppressing the rogue pack. Their numbers are also decreasing in quite a high number.

Sensing they are going to lose at the last moment, their beta mind linked to their alpha and suggested to get back or else it will lead to massive deaths in their pack.

The alpha sitting on a chair that looked like a throne for a ruthless demon king who only cares about winning went into deep thought for a while.

Beta unknowingly shuddered for the chill emitting from their alpha instantly, making him sweat profusely.

He was about to remind the alpha when the alpha responded with a sneer like a vicious black cobra and ordered them to come back immediately.