Uncle's in the home (II)

arentRome, flushing with an awkward smile, went towards Adaline to appease her, whereas Margery and Easton continued teasing them,

Easton said, "oy! Rome, don't go overboard and start your adult session right here. We have serious things to discuss, saying he chuckled.

As soon as Rome entered the guest room, Adaline gritting her teeth, said,

"You fool, look what you have done..? If you didn't hurry me while getting ready, I could have concealed these love bites.

See what happened now..? they will keep on teasing me all day" Adaline finished pouting and giving an aggrieved look.

Rome chuckling to himself, smoothing Adaline's hair and kissing on top of her head; come on, Ady, it happens sometimes. Do you think they couldn't have done more than us..?

Smiling mischievously, he added, moreover darling, don't you think you are a bit harsher than usual, and you dared to shout on me".

Adaline gave a seducing smile and decides to tease him a bit, "so what, does master think to punish his sweet wife. Tell me, master, do I deserve a punishment for this..?".

Rome looks at her seductive smile and demure appearance, gulped his non-existing saliva, and was about to kiss her but stopped when they heard voices from outside.

Easton shouted, "come on, love birds, come out of the room now. We have a more important thing to do here. Rome, don't you dare to start your physical activity".

Adjusting their apparels Rome and Adaline came out of the room. Rome glared at Easton, saying -- "right second master, don't you think you are so noisy here.

Don't you think the eldest young master should discipline you for not taking care of Carla..? By the way, don't even think of teasing me using this, coughing lightly, he continued.

As if we don't know what second mistress and you have done all night ignoring little miss. Just think about what happens when the eldest young master gets a whiff about the news".

"Oye Rome, how dare you to threaten your childhood friend? We both are of the same age, remember that. Moreover, you are our family butler, so you shouldn't betray your master like this," -- said Easton.

"Alright, alright, stop your bickering both of you. We should think about how to convey our matter to Carla. I don't want her to feel bad because of this,"-- Margery said.

"Yes, Rome, on top of that, you are the butler of this house. How can we say about our marriage thing to Carla? She might think this is the reason why I favor her the most, which are not true," -- Adaline added.

Rome and Easton looked at each other and went to their respective partners, holding them, they both said --

"No need to worry, we will handle this. Our little princess is more mature and can surely understand our situation."

All four of them went to her room, looking at her peaceful face sleeping on the bed; they smiled at each other. For them, she is the only child they had ever since they got married.

They are regretful for making her suffer in this human world and concealing her real identity.

Even though they don't know what she can become in the future as she is still underage, she will always be the princess of the vampire world.

The little princess of theirs should be in the royal mansion enjoying all the luxury and being doted on by Carla's parents dearly.

Carla slowly opened her eyes and looked at all four of them. Smilingly she woke up and asked them what's the time now. Did I oversleep again, saying she came out of the quilt and started folding it..?

Looking at them, she added, "am I that horrible when I woke up from sleep, or is there something sticking on my face. Why are you looking at me like that..?"

Oho! Who is this handsome man with the same red eyes as me..? Raising her left eyebrow towards Rome and Adaline, "hold on, what's going on with my mathematics professor and my dear butler Rome..?

Holding my professor by her shoulder, it seems there is an exciting story to hear. Looking at your tense faces, I can understand something is going on in between both of you.

But Let me fresh up first, then I will listen to you. It would be best if you spilled all the truth tom me and don't even dare to think about deceiving me," saying, so Carla left to the washroom.

All four people released a sigh, not noticing they were holding up their breath until now. Seeing her serious face, they thought she is outraged.

Whereas Carla rejoiced inside the washroom, thinking about teasing her mother and her favorite professor to her heart content.

Margery informed their servants to prepare a set of fresh breakfast according to Carla's taste, and they sat waiting for her on the dining table.

Easton naturally sat on the head chair on the absence of his elder brother, whereas others sat on their respective seats. It took 15 minutes for Carla to freshen up and come for breakfast.

When she saw the natural seating of the four people, it made sense to her. She can understand by the looks in their eyes that they love each other deeply. But she wanted to test them, so she came and sat on her chair.

With a serious face, she asked them what it is they wanted to speak with her. Clearing her throat, Adaline started talking, but Carla stopped her and said

"I want my mother to speak first. Tell me, mamma, who is this man with the same eyes as me. I don't want any of you to lie with me, so think before you speak".

Adaline and Margery looked at each other, agreeing silently to tell her truth. Margery said, "Carla, I can't explain why the man and you have the same red eyes now.

All I can see is, his name is Easton, and we are married to each other for a long time. Your professor Adaline and Rome, are also married to each other.

Not only is Easton my husband but also your father's younger brother, which makes him your blood relative. Coming to Adaline she is my childhood friend.

Butler Rome and Adaline betrothed to each at their young age. Your butler Rome is the head butler of your father's lineage and also his special assistant.

Margery also added, my original name is not Romina, but Margery, ah Easton stopped her saying her full name as it is not mandatory as of now.

Easton said, "Carla dear, I believe you are a smart child so that you can understand this. We are not lying to you, but this is not the time for you to know the truth.

As of now, please don't be angry with us and allow us to stay with you. Also, don't think your parent's left you, your father is still alive, and he loves you the most. But this is not the time to reveal their identity."

Carla is a smart and intelligent child from childhood. Based on her memorable appearance, she can understand there is something that she didn't know about her birth.

Even though she never expressed her longing for her parents, she always wanted to know about her parents. She also had doubts about them being humans like her.

Understanding the situation, Carla said, "okay, I can understand this but want to ask one question. Think carefully before you both answers finished looking at Rome and Easton.

Eston said, "okay, dear, ask anything you want. We will never upset you."

"If I don't accept your marriage and don't agree with you staying with me, what will you think to do."

Thinking what she said is not what she wants, Easton noted, "we will agree with your decision. But we have to stay with you based on current situations."

Margery said, "but dear Carla, think about it once again. We are already married to them. If this is your final decision, we will agree."

"After all, your happiness is what we want," --added Adaline, p

Even though there is much more, she has to know she decided to wait for the right time to learn about all those things.

Smiling at them, she hugged her mother, saying she was teasing them. She never wanted to deprive them of their loved ones because of her.

"I will accept both Rome and Easton as my uncles. Aunt Adaline, tell me one thing. Be honest okay..?" Carla asked with curiosity.

Adaline signal her to continue. Carla asked, "is this is the reason why you always favored me in the school hmph."

Adaline stammering said, hmm, no! No, no, Carla, you are a brilliant student. How come I will not favor you based on your studies.

Come on, why can't you favor me, for this reason, after all, uncle Rome is the personal assistant of my father. Don't worry, even if you prefer me because of this; I don't mind at all.

After all, I need your support and love. Even though I don't like to argue in the school, but I can't tolerate their provoke right mamma..?" she finished looking at Margery.

"From now on, you can openly show partiality on me, haha, it's wonderful, isn't it..?" Carla looked at everyone

Easton happily hugged Carla saying, "oho my dear niece; you got all the mischief from your beloved uncle, which is me. I almost fainted due to heartbreak.

Pinching her cheeks, is it needed to test us like this. Look at your mother's crying face".

All of them laughed at Easton's playfulness, unaware of a storm that is going to hit them soon.