The happy picnic

The five of them happily enjoying their picnic here, ignoring others present there.

In the moonstone pack, Jacob is dealing with the paperwork on the absence of his father.

He has to handle all the paperwork until his father comes as he is the private alpha of this pack.

Jacob's parents were still enjoying their vacation somewhere in Europe this time, treating this issue as a test for their sons to prove themselves to the werewolf world.

Jacob was in several meetings with the other packs to get information about the rogue attacks. He is quite suspicious of the investigation team.

Even though the vice president formed the team, no one can guarantee not to use underhanded methods.

The investigation team is not at all good with the outcomes of their investigation.

After seeking permission to continue further study in Winden city, they went to meet the mayor of the town.

The mayor of the city is a young man in his late thirties, his family involved in politics long before even his father was born.

His knowledge and reputation in the masses made him one of the best mayors the city had seen. His strict follow of rules earned public approval.

He doesn't want some supernatural creatures to trespass their city under his supervision in the form of investigation and disrupt their peace.

Moreover, to begin with, he never believed in this kind of supernatural creature in the first place.

It is not at all easy to gain these personal approvals for the investigation team. Unlike their world, the human world is always guarding up against them.

The supernatural creatures are obliged willingly to accept humankind's existence, whereas human beings are unwilling.

The rumors added more mystery to which the humans long forget their history and their real nature.

Humans nowadays think, other than them; all the other creatures are a threat to their existence.

It's quite natural for them to believe in this way and fear them.

But no one can purely remove other creatures' existence. All these beings exist simultaneously to balance the earth and its nature.

Roger is unable to convince the mayor to carry his team for the investigation. The mayor is not at all ready to listen to his talks.

Having no option, they settled to have a meeting with the international human welfare council.

The mayor still in disbelief as he doesn't even know such a council's existence.

He attended the meeting as he cannot avoid being a mayor of the city, even though he doesn't believe in these supernatural things.

With the intervention of higher officials, they fixed the meeting place. Roger had to do much hard work compared to his thoughts to convince these people.

The main reason they don't want to approve the investigation team's inspection is that they don't want to alert their enemies and the opposition parties at any cost.

In any world, politics works in this same way; even if their kind is in danger, they only care about their benefits rather than the public.

Moreover, people are quite fearful of the other existing creatures other than them.

The meeting took a long time, with some exceptions for the investigation.

The cooked up a different story for their local policies to allow these people to conduct their inspection.

Roger heaved a sigh of relief after obtaining all the necessary approvals for the inspection.

Without wasting any time, he dispatched his team immediately on the area where the attack took place.

It was already two days after the attack took place, and for their misfortune, it rained heavily one day after the spell.

Even after trying with all their might, they didn't find any useful information.

Surprisingly they didn't find anything about the rogue attack. It's like the crime didn't happen in the first place.

Roger is frustrated with the bones with the outcome of the inspection.

Mayor also didn't leave a single minute to taunt them for the outcome.

Roger left the Winden city with empty hands and reported the same.

The officials were not at all happy with the outcome of the investigation.

They were not sure how to report this with the other vampire and witchcraft councils.

On the other hand, Carla and the family enjoying their small picnic till evening and came back to the mansion.

They were all hell tired with all the fun they had on the beach.

They happily roamed along the beach, enjoying the view. Carla is the one who wanted them to enjoy the most after a long time with a family like theirs.

In her memories, she didn't remember at all having an outing like this. All she remembered having no one to play.

At her young age, whenever she tried to mingle with others, they used to fear because of her different personality.

As long as she remembered, she never had any playmate with whom she can play games.

At first, she was confused and hurt for not having anyone with her.

Later she got used to it and never bothered about this.

Carla never demanded anything, and she was just happy and content to have a roof on her head and able to get primary education.

Thinking all this and now having a family to care for her, she is beyond happy. She is not an orphan now but has a blood-related uncle.

They started chatting about a random thing, looking at the tidal waves in front of them. Sassy and her parents, who were wandering nearby, noticed this, and she secretly took some pictures of them.

Intending to introduce her family to them, she moved forward towards them. They were about to have lunch in the nearby restaurant but stopped by sassy.

Sassy immediately went to Margery and introduced herself along with her family.

Sassy's father is a government official, and her mother is a famous journalist.

Taking this as an opportunity, the sassy wanted to warn Carla not to go against her. Sassy's family joined along with the Carla family.

Easton is feeling annoyed being annoyed by these flies but still maintained his composure.

He was happily enjoying his time after reuniting with his family.

Sassy's father is too arrogant to start a conversation with; even Rome is unable to maintain his composure.

His meaningful looks made Carla boil with anger towards her aunt's.

Throughout the conversation, the Sassy's father and mother flirted with her aunts and uncles, whereas the sassy gave her disgusting looks.

She almost lashed out at them, but Easton stopped.

He added; further, it was nice meeting you guys. It is getting late for us as we came long back in the morning and politely left there.

As soon as they reached the mansion, everyone collapsed on to the sofa in the living room.

The servants in the mansion mentioned about the inspection that happened on the backside of the school.

Easton and Rome immediately opened their eyes as soon as they heard this.

As the forest is behind the school, the school servants automatically got their hands on the information and informed with the principal building servants.

Easton's brother didn't mention anything about the investigation team sent by the werewolves council.

Naturally, his brother could have got the information.

The investigation team didn't get any information about the attack as the powerful magic destroyed it by none other than the king himself.

Margery and Adaline were all tense and looked at each other as they feel Carla might get inflicted by this information.

Moreover, this is not the right time to reveal her real identity.

Easton gave a signal to be calm as Carla is present; they will not be able to discuss this matter.

Carla is delighted as she got the time to spend with her family.

Even though she knew they are hiding something from her and that is regarding her birth, she couldn't be angry or upset with them.

Roger gave the investigation report to the WICC members.

They informed the same thing to Jacob's father. William thought it was for his son to go personally.