The mystery man is none other than her father

Even though it's time for Carla to know her real identity, she is still a minor according to both vampire and wizard rules.

Her birthday is on November 17, which is still four months due to her becoming a major. Another pressing issue is they even don't know what power she possesses immensely.

Thinking all this, Margery, hesitatingly, said, "brother in law, calm down. Think about it; she is not yet of legal age. We can't risk her safety by revealing about ourselves.

The man grunted in response but said, "what if she knows from another person and then she hates us. It's still better to know from their closed ones."

Easton interrupted in between saying, "brother lets Mr. and Mrs. Gresham come. We will discuss with them first, and then we will conclude."

The man didn't speak and kept quiet for some time before asking them to repeat what the invisible voice warning is,

Margery replied, "Ooh royal descendant of witches and wizard, the community is in danger along with the last royal descendant.

Be careful with the known people and be more cautious with the unknown people. If you become careless, the entire community will pay the price.

Then the white figure looked at Jacob and Leon for some time before she utter, "the royal mate will meet before she knows her real identity."

The mystery man nodded his head and asked her to handle the school first. She used her magic power to make some weather changes.

Adaline excusing herself, called all the parents whose children are less than 15years of age to bring their children home.

Meanwhile, the rest of the children had sent through campus vans.

In between this, Easton called Carla to stay wherever she is as Margery will come and pick her up. Carla is still not 18, which is the adult age in the vampire world.

He didn't want to risk Carla's safety at any cost and hence asked her to stay where she is now.

The prophecy in the vampire world says: if the father is a vampire, the child will also be a vampire, regardless of who he/her mother is, so they are all assuming her to be a vampire.

Carla stayed in the classroom, patiently waiting for her mother to pick her up. Adaline helped Margery in sending all the children home.

When Margery came to Carla, she astonished, looking at her eyes. Her pure red and orange combination of eyes became silver-white color.

Moreover, Carla doesn't seem to notice her eye color change. Margery immediately sealed it with magic, but her magic is not able to cover them completely.

Margery tried to use invisible magic on her, but that also didn't work. With no option left at hand, taking Carla's into her hands said,

"Darling, I am sorry, there is something wrong with your eye color. I have to call him for help. Don't ask me who he is; please be obedient this one time. "

Carla is smart, so she immediately understood who him her mother is referring, nodded her head, and, as instructed, closed her eyes.

Margery sends a signal with her eyes closed to both Easton and the mystery man. The mystery man is still contemplating about the message the white figure gave to them.

They both came in the blink of an eye, receiving the message. The children are still leaving from the campus, Adaline and Rome are helping in sending them safely.

Carla opened her eyes and looked at the man who seemed more or less like Easton. She guessed this man might be her father.

The man looking at Carla, who resembled the two most beautiful women in his life, doesn't know how to react.

Carla just stood there, comparing herself to him. Their eyes are the same along with the nose but not with the lips and eyebrows.

The man is pale looking and is more charming than any young lads in her school. No one will believe if he is her father. He is too handsome and manly for his age.

Carla looked at Margery and Easton to confirm her doubts. Whereas the man noticed her eyes, her eyes should be in red-orange, but they are in silver-white.

The man didn't know how to react, witnessing this. Those silver-white eyes exactly looked like his wife's before the tragedy occurred.

He was terrified with the thought and immediately hugged Carla murmuring, "I will not allow you to leave me this time. You must stay with me no matter what."

Carla is sensible from a young age, and she can understand he is speaking about someone who left her.

She hugged him back and comforted him, saying, "I will not leave you; I will always be with you."

Nodding, the man hugged her more tightly and kissed her on the forehead. He took her out of the campus into the st—Mary's house.

He is surprised and both terrified, looking at her eyes, changing into another color. After bringing her home, he asked her, "are you feeling angry or sad? If so, tell me."

Carla is confused, looking at him asking such weird questions, but she shook her head, looking perplexed at him.

Meanwhile, Margery, Adaline, and Rome helped all the children to go back to home. After like half an hour, the issue with the campus settled, and they returned to their mansion.

Easton is still unable to wrap his head on the new thing they discovered; at the time of Carla's birth, they saw her eyes in red-orange color, but now, what does this mean changing into silver-white.

Moreover, her eyes look exactly like his sister in law, Easton and Margery looking at each other, thinking any explanation they could come up with also none came into their mind.

Rome and Adaline are also equally surprised by this new outcome knowing from Margery. Does it mean she will be a powerful witch like her mother or a powerful vampire like her father..?

They didn't know what to think or what to understand with this. Moreover, Carla is not yet legal age according to the laws of both witch and vampire worlds.

The mystery man has calmed himself and tried to change her eye color, but he is still unable to do whatever spell he used.

Carla doesn't feel anything as she thinks she is just a normal human being. She asked him, "hmm, if you don't mind, can I ask you something..?"

The mystery looked at her longingly and just nodded his head as a yes.

"Are you someone related to me, looking at you again? I believe I have seen you before, but I don't remember."

The man stunned for a moment; thinking does she remember him leaving at st. mary's orphanage door when she was a toddler back then.

If so, how could he explain that it was all meant for her protection?

He is still contemplating letting her know that he is her father; what if she fell in danger..? He is a king, for god sake, who cannot even secure his daughter's life.

He regretted to chosen as king, and he regretted not being able to protect her father.

The pure-blooded vampire from the world's most influential and one of the oldest vampire families regretted being born as a vampire.

It would be nice if he were born as a human being and live a happy life with his family.

Of course, he will die once his time comes, so what he will enjoy every moment being with his precious ones.

This scene seemed like something changed in Carla drastically, but she can't understand it correctly. She realized one thing looking at this man.

The mystery thinking of his life is mourning with unshed tears. He was surprised when Carla suddenly placed her hand on his shoulder and starting comforting him.

"it's okay you can't choose what's written in the destiny. It seems you are my biological father. Aren't you..? Don't worry, and everything will be fine.

Even though I am angry at you for leaving me on fate, I will try to understand your situation. You have to compensate for all the days we have missed.

By the way, please tell me what your name is. I don't want to call you as a mystery man from now on."

The mystery man felt she is more mature than the average girl of her age despite being born to supernatural beings.

"I am Luther, dear Cele hmm.. Carla, and yes, I am your biological father. How could you forgive me so easily..?

Are you not pissed off or angry at me" he asked her, confirming their relationship.

Carla awkwardly looked at him answering truthfully, "yes, of course, I am angry and upset other than that; what can I do..? I can't change my past, and I will gain nothing dwindling in the past.

Aren't you here before me right now..? What can I do by getting angry at you..?

Lastly, you might have your reasons for doing so back then, right..?

Even Margery mama lied to me saying that I am her adoptive daughter, doesn't she..? just because I am angry over a silly past, is it correct if I push you all away from me.

Aren't I not be considering their care and love towards me all these days. My professor, aunt Adaline what will she do if I get angry and stop talking to them..?

If I do so, doesn't it all be wasted what you have done for me till now. To get closer, it may take some time, but I don't want to be an orphan daddy."

She cried, saying that. She cried, remembering all her days being lonely without mother and father, she cried, remembering everyone looking at her strangely because of her eye color.

She cried even more, thinking all the time when every child of her age rejected her from playing with them.

She sobbed even more, saying, "What if I have strange eye color..? Like every child, am I also, not a child, tell me, daddy..?

What if something happened whenever I am angry, don't I still a child like them.

Remembering everything, she cried until all her tears dried up. It will be the last time she calls and will embrace her fate, her present.

Luther awkwardly tried pacifying her by smoothing her back, saying, " It's okay, my princess, I am here now I will protect you no matter what.

Of course, you will be the little princess to me, don't worry. I will play with you from now, on.." Carla laughed heartily, listening to his words.

She said, "silly daddy, I am just overwhelmed with this sudden news." She appreciated his effort to ease her worries.

After venting up all her inner struggles to her father, surprisingly, her eye color changed back to normal, the same red-orange eyes, specifically orange flames in the middle.

She looked at him worriedly, thinking did he get offended her calling him silly, but he is not at all angry but gave a small smile. She was relieved, looking at his stiff smile.

Margery and others listening to her words didn't come inside the Rome, giving the father-daughter duo some space to become closer.

Margery thought Carla might be angry with her but felt relieved listening to her saying she is not mad but happy to be her blood-related daughter instead of an adoptive daughter.