Bidding for the shopping mall

As Carla is still underage and her powers are still unable to comprehend, they have to be more careful about her safety.

One day she will lead two powerful supernatural kingdoms, thinking all this Luther is worried sick, but he can't do anything until Carla is aware of her power.

Thinking all this, he fell asleep dreaming about his wife and little Carla when she was a child, whereas Carla was sleeping dreamlessly.

It's Wednesday morning, and everyone woke up apart from Carla.

After freshening up, they had breakfast and discussed decoration as there are only two days left to organize the party.

At the party, they will also announce for the city that Carla is not their adoptive but biological niece.

There will be no media allowed, as it might be dangerous.

It's still an hour left to start Carla's classes, so they thought to let her sleep for some more time.

They began to discuss random things while Margery and Adaline are making calls to event management.

It's going to be half-past nine, and Carla didn't wake up yet, worried Margery went into her room and knocked it twice as there was no response.

Margery unlocked her bedroom and went inside to look at her. The curtains were still down, and a petite figure is still sleeping in peace on the bed with no motion.

It's rare for Carla to sleep even after 9'o clock.

Margery drawing curtains up spoke a bit loud "Carla woke up; it's time to go to the school.

We all are about to head towards campus, come on wake up now."

Usually, Carla is a light sleeper, listening to voices she will wake up. Still, today she is not even stirred listening to Margery's voice and entirely ducked under the quilt; only her face is visible.

Margery walked towards the bed, sitting on it dragged slowly the quilt a bit down. She is surprised to look at Carla and called out for her brother in law.

Luther and Easton both came into the bedroom, asking what happened. Margery signaled to look at Carla, who is lying on the bed.

Easton, not noticing any changes, clearly said, "what did you shout for my brother..? She might be tired with all the crying and revelation of her father's identity, so let her sleep for some more time."

Margery is hitting him on the shoulder, "hey dumbo, didn't you notice her appearance. She became fairer than her previous self. Look at her hair; it's becoming silver.

Brother in law, you noticed it right..? her hair was pure black before this, and now it's getting changed suddenly."

Easton then noticed her clearly and fell into silence, looking at Carla, not knowing what to say.

This sudden change in her appearance rendered him speechless.

When he first saw her, her hair was dark ink-like black, but now there are shades of silver color visible.

They didn't expect this sudden change soon after getting the warning.

Adaline and Rome also came into Carla's bedroom noticing others staying there for a long time.

Adaline was also surprised looking at this sudden change, but she reminded them saying,

"Let her sleep; for now, we will apply sick leave for her. First young master, you, please take care of Carla. After coming, we will think about this."

Rome also said, "today is the bidding day for shopping mall, we have to be there by 10:30. Let first young master take care of this for now.

Also, the servants here are our community, so there will be no problem." Listening to this, Easton nodded at Rome, patting on Luther's shoulder.

Everyone headed out of Carla's bedroom for their works despite being a little bit worried.

Luther sat beside her bed, looking at Carla thinking to use some concealing magic power.

Here the mayor is quite satisfied with the outcome of the background check he had done against Easton secretly.

He is more willing to hand over this project to Easton than anyone else.

When Easton and Rome reached the administration building, there's still half an hour left for the budding meeting.

When they arrived, the mayor looked at them, assuring with a small smile.

Since there is still half an hour, all the companies who are going to participate introduced to one another and started getting familiarize with each other.

The companies who are going to participate are all locally well established and willing to cooperate to gain more profits.

Easton understood their strategies of not cooperating with his newly established branch here as they don't want some outsiders to gain more popularity and benefits than them.

Even though they greeted him politely because of Rome's existence, Easton can see the unwillingness and ridiculing gazes.

Being a pure-blooded vampire, he can easily read others' minds and make them act according to his wish, but he doesn't want to waste his time on them.

They sat calmly on their allocated seats and were engaged in a small chatting with who were willing to spare their time.

Sassy's brother is also one of the bidders for this shopping mall, he also met the mayor, but the mayor is not that impressed with his behavior and attitude.

When it was time, all of them gathered, and the budding procedure started.

All the companies submitted their architecture drafts before the bidding.

The bidding started, and all the companies began bidding their numbers for the shopping complex/mall. The numbers started getting increased from time to time.

Usually, for government projects, the government sets a figure for the amount.

All the companies who wanted to get this project should bid equal to or less than the quoted amount.

Winden city is a tourist attraction, keeping this in mind the shopping mall should be more friendly at the same time not to be too expensive.

The bidding started with a figure of amount 1500 crores; the companies that are going to participate should be less than or equal to the amount.

Most of the companies' representatives started bidding from 1300 to 1500. Sassy's brother remarkably quoted his amount as 1200 crores.

Every one astonished at his bidding and started ridiculing.

Based on the points governments mentioned, it's not that difficult to build a shopping mall at the quoted amount, but there will be fewer benefits to the builders and the construction company.

Winden city is developing recently; at this time, there will be more projects on constructions; if this project went into the hands of outsiders, the insiders would not be able to keep their faces.

Thinking all this, two local companies allied the spot and quoted their amount as 1100 crores. They even submitted their architecture profile.

At noon, bidding stopped with the selection of Easton and Rome's newly established branch of the smith construction company, then sassy's brother, Mr. Raphael Knight.

The Bidding announcer announced, "thank you for participating in today's bidding, we will hope to work all of you in future projects.

Smith company representative and Knight company representative, please wait in the meeting on the first floor.

The rest of the company representatives thank you for the cooperation." This announcement left others in a bitter state.

Even after allying, they were unable to win the bidding. Involuntarily all the members regretting started leaving the office.

Easton and Rome went to have lunch as it will take time for the final discussion.

Meanwhile Gresham family reached their packhouse, and everyone greeted them.

Jacob went to have a meeting with this beta to know about the current situation in his absence.

Leon went along with his parents carrying their luggage into their rooms. Unlike other's werewolf packs, their packhouse/ royal mansions are only for the Gresham family.

All the critical meetings will always conduct in this royal mansion. They indulged in their works as soon as they reached.

Here in the St. Mary's mansion, Luther is still sitting on the bed beside Carla. When he was thinking of using his magic, her appearance started gradually reducing into normal.

Carla is still sleeping in peace, whereas her good jade-like skin changed into the previous color, and her hair became black. Luther heaves a sigh of relief.

Margery and Adaline thought what more changes would occur in Carla in the future. Both of them are absent-minded while doing school work.

After having lunch, Easton, along with Rome, came back to the government building and went into the meeting room.

Mr. Knight, sassy's father using his influence, made his son have the first meeting with officials.

The meeting took place for almost an hour; Raphael answered all the questions except for some budget issues.

The budget they announced is the figure given by his father rather than him.

After completing the meeting, even though there are some mistakes in the budget file, the officials are willing to give the project to the knight company under the influence of Mr. Knight.

The officials made Easton and Rome wait for more than an hour even after finishing the meeting.

They want Easton to lose temper, and then they will get a chance to reject his company's proposal.

But, Easton and Rome waited with patience until the panel called them into the meeting.

Easton patiently answered all their questions even though they were trying to provoke him.

They asked some questions to Rome, thinking he is just a butler; to their surprise, he was the one who gave the quoted amount taking all the expenses and investment into consideration.

At last, Mr.knight involved himself and gave a call to them.

After the call, officials announced as the project is going to knight company.

Easton and Rome expected this result despite their bidding amount being the best and reasonable.

The officials ridiculed them while leaving the government office, Easton ignored them and left from there with Rome.