Setting up a new branch in Winden

Mr. Knight being thick-skinned, protested, saying, "mayor Churchill, in the earlier bidding it was my son who won the tender.

Don't you think you will be answerable for the changes you are doing now."

As a last attempt, he tried to intimidate by making him an answerable person to which Winston replied

"of course I am answerable because of which I am changing your son's company from the construction.

Moreover, it will be less embarrassing for you if I do it right now instead of later.

Coming to the fantastic team who acted as the panel will be suspended from there for two months to reflect on the team's actions.

Don't even think about protesting against my decision, or else you will be losing your jobs now.

Take this as a last warning and seriously reflect on your evil deeds" he finished looking at the other officers.

Mayor further added, "coming to you, Mr. knight, you will be demoted to a lower position than you are in, and you will exclude from all the confidential meetings held by the government."

Mr. knight is shocked listening at the outcome, and he shouted, "mayor, you can't abuse your power like this, what evidence do you have against me to pass such a punishment.

You gave your phone number to them for help, don't you think you are being too biased here and using your position to gain your benefits."

Mayor laughed harshly, "Mr. knight, don't be so foolish and arrogant. What do you mean by I don't have evidence...?

As a mayor, I can completely dismiss you from work if I wish, but I am giving you a chance to reflect on your behavior.

Instead of being grateful, you are trying to defame me. Do you know what consequences for defaming a mayor of the city..?"

Easton trying to appease the tense situation, said, "mayor don't be angry.

It seems Mr. Knight here is still not familiar with the city's rules yet as he carried the same attitude.

Let him be free from highly confidential matters so that he will pay more attention to how Winden works.

Mr. Knight takes this as an opportunity to reflect on your behavior.

Mr. Churchill, as you will have pressing matters to deal with, we will be taking leave from here. We will personally visit you later."

Rome and Easton shook their hands with the mayor before leaving the government bidding office. Margery finished preparing inspection documents for record purposes.

She then attended the physical training school campus has been giving past these years. Students should be physically strong to overcome their struggles in society.

Their physical and mental fitness is more critical to achieving their goals through studies. On the other hand, even though Adaline had faced ridicule looks, she didn't give a damn about that.

She is here to teach the students not the other way around. What does this bunch of youngsters have to do with her personal life..?

After finishing her classes, she went back to the staff room and started reading something.

She just ignored all the weird and disgusting looks every one throwing at her.

She amused at the way of their thinking even in this century, and alas, people are always fond of judging others, not even knowing the exact scenario.

Easton and Rome went to the building they were supposed to be purchasing today. This time they didn't face any difficulties; moreover, the building owner was waiting for them outside.

He apologized for his earlier behavior and handed all the necessary documents required for the purchase. Checking all the materials, Easton just nodded at the owner.

The owner pleaded them for mercy and informed them they would do the registration tomorrow as it's almost closing time for the property registration office.

Easton and Rome went back to pick up their wives from the school campus. Due to the inspection session, the college closed a bit late today.

When they reached students, it's 5'o clock in the evening, and the students were coming out of the campus. The entire school looked so lively with buzzing noises coming from the students.

Easton called Margery and informed, "Margy, have you both finished your works..? we are waiting at the entrance of the campus. If not, please finish early."

Margery informed, "I almost finished my work here, ask Rome to check with Adaline. I will be at the entrance in 10 minutes."

When Rome called Adaline, she sighed in immense relief and said: "thank god you saved me. I am already out of the staff room. I will be there in 5 minutes."

Rome sensed uneasiness in her words but didn't ask anything as they will have time to discuss after reaching home.

Meanwhile, in the moonstone pack, William is seen inspecting the pendant his son got. The necklace felt very familiar yet unfamiliar to him.

He has seen this pendant but where he can't put it into words.

There are more pressing matters than this pendant, so he kept it aside and started dealing with the unfinished works from the royal kingdom.

Margery came to the entrance, and they started for the st. Mary's mansion. When they reached, They saw Luther dealing with someone from the royal palace.

Margery went into Carla's room to take a look at her. She saw Carla is still sleeping on her bed. Her pale face is glowing lightly; looking at her, Margery is more worried.

For a moment, she thought to summon the royal physician/doctor from her parent's side, but it will attract a lot of unwanted attention.

With helplessness all over on her face, covered her with the quilt more tightly. Her skin started slightly burning even in the cool breeze.

Worriedly Margery came out of Carly's bedroom. Luther finished dealing with his work, sealed the barrier for today.

Looking at Margery, he asked, "what happened, why are you so worried."

She replied, "brother in law, Carla is slightly burning either fever. Is it fine if we call a royal physician here."

Luther looked troubled as well but controlled himself before saying, "don't worry, since there are only three months to be an adult, there will be slight changes in her appearance.

I was speaking with the royal doctor earlier; he said the same thing as well.

We have to be extra careful as she might often fell asleep these days as she may feel weak with extra sleep."

Listening to his words, everyone felt relief and went onto their bedrooms. All the day, Jacob felt restless, thinking what storm might bring the pendant to bring into their lives.

Easton and Luther, along with Rome, went into the study room to deal with their business.

Easton informed everything that happened in the budding process. Luther said, "since we got the project, we have to be more careful with these humans.

They are more cunning and smarter for their excellent. Rome is careful with the registration process of the property. No one should know about this."

They can't afford any mistakes at this time with all the drastic changes. Luther and Easton later dealt with their abroad business.

Luther is the chairman of Smith construction while Easton acting CEO. Rome is one of the board members of the company.

When they settled all their works, it's almost time for dinner. Washing up themselves, they proceeded for dinner. Carla has been fed with liquid food by Margery.

Today is a tiresome day for all of them. As soon as they had dinner, they bid good night to each other and retired to their rooms for sleep.

Wilson sent his trusted people to investigate about this pendant. He decided to discuss this Luther once he got answers to his questions.

The family of four had dinner and retired for the day while Leon went to patrol with his team of soldiers for the day.

While his brother, Jacob, is going through with individual forbidden books about the pendant.

William and Nina also have to deal with their outer appearance in the human world before they go for sleep. The night passed by quite peaceful with little worry about Carla.

In the morning after getting ready, all of them had breakfast together. Carla woke up with no feeling of weakness or tiredness.

She insisted on going to college as she had already missed one-day classes, and she is perfectly fine now.

They were all reluctant to allow her to attend the classes, but she convinced them, saying, "I will be careful; if I feel any uneasy, I will immediately come back home okay..?"

They agreed and left for the campus with Easton and Rome accompanying them. Luther is quite concerned about his daughter.

He wanted to tag along with them but stayed thinking this is not the time reveal himself yet a brought danger on his family.

Easton and Rome left the campus, immediately dropping them without having breakfast as they have to arrange several things for the registration process.

The owner requested them to give half amount in cash in the reading transaction, and after registration, they can transfer the remaining amount.

The registration process went quite smoothly as a result of yesterday's outcome. Easton and Rome have registered the building under their construction company name.

The building owner didn't create any fuss this time and followed the legal process.

He urged the officers to make it quick, and after making the remaining payment, the previous building owner handed over the property original.

The two parties signed the necessary documents along with witnesses before handling property ownership transfer.

They have already planned for a slight makeover which will happen today.

Then Easton will bring up a team of experts to branch out and expand here.