Home welcome party

He then explained, "your majesty, my master believes both of your powers embedded in your daughter.

So it's quite natural if you observed the magical energy in silver-white and red-orange colors.

But we can't be sure of which power is more dominant than another. Master gave some herbal medicine, and she may wake up in less or more two days."

Luther nodded his head and asked, "how is your training to take over your master's position, Stanley..?"

Stanley replied, "everything is going smoothly as of now, your majesty. I will take my leave from here. "

Luther nodded his head and dismissed him. Easton and Margery looked at each other, thinking about what to speak with Luther.

Luther's people cannot be called for Carla's safety as they are unaware of her existence. At this time. William is the only one who can help him.

Luther asked all of them to have dinner and go to sleep early as there will be people coming from the event management for arrangements.

Easton and Rome still had to work as tomorrow, the official branch of the CS construction group. Their unit in this city is going to be named after Carla.

They had dinner silently while pondering in their thoughts.

Aniceto sent his messenger for Oliver to inform about their meeting.

Oliver is unconcerned about their benefits and interest in forbidden magic.

After reading the message written in the ancient magical language, he burned the letter into ashes.

He nodded his head, which meant a guarantee of his cooperation, and dismissed the messenger.

Later, he called his commander-in-chief to his warrior wolves and informed him to get ready for another surprise attack.

This time the attack should trach a lesson to those ungrateful people.

After arranging everything, he sat on his throne and smirked, thinking how interesting it would be if he can go and witness the disaster to occur on them.

After having dinner, everyone in the Gresham family left to rest apart, William. His hunch is urging him to find out the real identity of the red pendant.

Unable to make him leave the library, Nina sent a helper to help him with anything he needed.

The night passed with a little bit of worry, and the day came. At sharp 10'o clock, all the helpers from Palm Events Management landed at St. Mary's mansion.

Carla is still sleeping, not knowing what's happening around her. Her body is still in the recovery stage.

Easton and Rome left for their work even on Saturday as they have to inaugurate their new branch in Winden city.

They reached the building one hour before to check if everything is perfect. Looking at the building, Easton and Rome appreciated the carpenter teams' work and gave more than they expected.

Mayor Winston came at 10.o clock and di the inauguration. After staying an hour, he congratulated them again for gaining the project and left the place wishing good luck.

They stayed back to finish other works and set up their offices. Easton called an expert team from abroad for assistance until this branch become popular locally.

The helpers came along with the manager Adaline spoke yesterday. Luther went back to the royal mansion.

He thought to take Carla with him to his mansion, situated far from the human eye with magical herbs surround the royal palace.

But he dismissed the thought immediately as his people will make a fuss out of nothing.

Those sly old foxes are wary about all the situations and will not let him take a rest until he explains everything.

He has to visit the palace as it's been more than a week he had been staying here.

After taking everything on the count, helpers started with first decorating the mansion.

It took a whole day to decore the mansion as it's big and the decoration should be too flashy or luxurious.

They decorated the mansion with less illuminated lights. The walls and the pillars decorated with plastic flowers as Luther is allergenic to flower scent.

The plastic flowers looked real and are so attractive. In the evening at 5'o clock, they started with setting up the stage.

In an hour, the stage decoration has been complete along with the green carpet covering the mansion's backside area.

Adaline and Margery sent e-invitation cards to all the bigshots along with some trusted persons in the press.

They didn't forget to send a special invitation to the knight family. Sassy this time, restrained to make rash decisions and decided to observe the situation first.

After receiving the invitation, Mr. Knight decided to stay low key for the time being.

Leon will participate in the international car race, which will happen on the day after tomorrow; hence he is still participating in the racing area located in between Winden and their packhouse.

Jacob is not in the town as he has a meeting with one of the retired politicians to understand political things better.

When the power outbursted from Carla, they both felt a slight pain, which is gone as soon as it came. They didn't spend much thought, thinking it might be normal pain.

At seven in the evening, Easton and Rome returned home and started helping with the invitations. The workers from Palm Events already left long back, finishing half of their work.

Tomorrow early morning they will come back to prepare the food menu and then decorate the stage.

Adaline and Margery are tired after helping the workers. Luther came back at 9'o clock finishing all the pending work.

William suddenly remembered the hidden section deep inside the library, and his eyes lit up with sudden realization.

He almost ran to the door and chanted a break-spell in front of the wall. Suddenly there stood a wooden door with a black lock printed black rose on top of it.

He rummaged under his pant pocket in which he found a stem-like key adorned with tiny thorns in gold color.

He inserted the key and, with a click sound lock, opened. As soon as he opened, his nostrils were assault with the wood smell.

He went to a specific rack as if he remembered it like the back of his hand and soon found an ancient book sitting there quietly in the top right corner.

With the help of a ladder, he climber up and took the book. The title is neatly scrambled in bold red color: "Articrafts of forbidden Magic."

He came down with the book and started to read page by page.

After having dinner, everyone slept, calling off the day. The morning came, and the workers finished the decoration.

Margery and Adaline gave the menu list of food that has to make for the guests.

In the afternoon, both pairs of couples went shopping to choose their outfits. Luther stayed back to look after her little princess.

Margery chooses and silver-white gown with red-orange gems adorning the dress's neck and hem, representing her husband and her lineage.

Easton chose a custom made silver-white suit with a red tie as he doesn't like his lineage color.

Adaline and Rome choose to go with a blue color channel gown and same color suit.

When they came back, it's almost time for the guest to grace the event.

Margery personally checked with all the arrangements once again and left to get ready.

After getting ready, they came down, Easton couldn't help saying, "how lively and funny it would if Carla with us..?

Rome comforted him, saying, "Second young master, it may be best if she doesn't attend the event, what if that proves as a danger for her. We can't risk with safety, right.?"

At evening sharp 7'o clock, all the guests started entering into st—Mary's Mansion.

Luther disguised himself, and they came up with an excellent excuse for Carla's absence.

William studied the book the whole day and called Nina to meet him at the library.

Nina immediately went back, leaving her trailing behind. William showed the pendant to Nina, asking her, "Nina darling, do you remember anything looking at the charm.

Nina is both shocked and surprised, looking at the red pendant glowing calmly as soon as she took it in her hands.

She uttered quietly, "William, we have to go for the party. Bring the pendant with us, will discuss it there."

Mayor of the city, Winston, came with his family, indirectly showing his support to Easton and Rome. Several prominent figures came to the party as well.

After disguising himself to fit in the party, Luther welcomed everyone as the elder one in the house.

He introduced his brother and sister-in-law, followed by Rome and Adaline. Margery gave a small introduction about her husband.

Easton gladly accepted it and joked around, "hello! Winden, I hope I am up to your expectation of good looks.

Haha, I am already married, so I can't flirt with anyone. Here my brother Rome, you all well know about him."

Rome accepted the mike and introduced himself along with Adaline. After the intro was done, the press asked them some questions.

One of the guests who liked to stirrup trouble asked, "Mr. Smith., I believe your wife is unmarried as per the records when she came to Winden.

Will you care to explain how she became your wife and mother of your child Carla..?"

Nina, along with Wiliam, reached at the same time the guest asked this question, not knowing he is digging his grave.

Nina slightly narrowed her eyes and immediately covered her expression.

She boldly announced, enunciating each word clearly, "that's because they had some personal problems with the family. Does it answer your question..?"