Needs time to recover the disaster

The older man stood in front of the portal of a beautiful woman. He stood them for a long time, reminiscing the ancient times.

He remembered how the woman in the portal used to be when she was with them. There were only laughter and pleasant days in those times.

He caressed her face, tenderly, "Carla looks precisely like you; I hope she wakes up before her birthday and be braver than you.

Don't worry; I will take care of her after all, she is your daughter and will be in your place soon," saying so, the old man went into Carla's bedroom.

The little woman is still sleeping peacefully, not knowing anything happening in the world. She wants to wake up from the stupor, but her eyelids felt more decadent than before when she tried to wake.

Even though she is in deep slumber, She can sense that Carla is in some unknown strange place, but she didn't feel any malice or danger coming from the surroundings.

In the human world, this time, the damage quite expensive and unexpected. It may need at least 3-to five months to recover from the disaster.

This world still doesn't know the damage is not a natural disaster but done by supernatural beings. People are just cursing their fate as nothing is in their hands.

Even though the modern generation nowadays doesn't believe in supernatural things. It doesn't mean they don't exist at all. It doesn't matter how advanced our science and technology are.

In this world, everything exists simultaneously to balance the livelihood.

Some things are beyond our imagination and understandings. The newspapers and media started screaming about the disaster portraying in their way, which is far away from the truth.

The mayor, Winston, announced to the media that the present government would help the needy and takes full charge of recovering the damages.

Compared to other cities, their city is not that badly affected. Hence he also lends his hand of help to nearby villages.

As for schools, colleges, and workplaces, they announced the buildings would be shut down from today until they will reconstruct.

It may seem like this vengeance, and attacks are only to burden the human beings. Still, other supernatural beings also suffered in the process, including the ones who launched the attack.

The royal soldiers of the vampire community didn't spare single witch/wizard slandering them into pieces. The black wizard community lost their soldiers and didn't gain what they wanted.

Aniceto is more aggrieved, thinking about how he almost won but yet failed miserably. He wanted to tear Luther into pieces for swallowing his soldiers.

He not only lost his soldiers but didn't gain what he wanted the most. They failed miserably even after getting the pendant that proved as duplicate.

Taking this as an opportunity, some of the members in his council started blowing up things. He sighed to himself, mumbling,

"I am already boiling in anger on top of it, these annoying people. How I wish to kill the good for nothing people."

Luther is still searching for her vigorously. He sent even his spies to search for her, but no news came from her. It seems like she vanished from the earth.

One relief amidst this chaos is there's no need to explain Carla's situation to anyone. But they can't sit quite doing anything.

Easton and Rome are also trying from his end, whereas Margery is pacing to and fro saying, "who might take Carla from here. I remember safeguarding the mansion yesterday."

Adaline answered, "don't overthink Margery, let them use their sources to find. Nothing bad would happen to her, stop pacing to and fro like that. It will make you even more tensed."

Margery, not listening, moved froward but stopped by Adaline, and she made Margery sit on the sofa by force.

One of the wolves from the moonstone pack came to st—Mary's house. Looking at him, Margery and Adaline puzzled as if thinking he might be the messenger of that kidnapper.

Before they asked who he was, the wolf said, "Greetings everyone, I am here on the orders of our king William, to invite your family.

Due to safety measures, king William asked me to bring you personally. If you are ready, we can leave now."

After listening to the wolf words, Easton went to inform his brother. Luther nodded his head and said, "if William sent someone personally, it might be secretive. Pack some clothes we will leave right away."

The older adult has immersed himself in the book Oliver's men bought while they were in a fight with the moonstone pack.

He is hell-bent on making an artifact with his hands to prevent Carla from falling in danger soon. He tried his best to wake her up, using up all his energy and experience, but he failed.

Alas, he understood one thing that it is crucial to find the real red pendant.

Even though he is enraged with Luther and William, he can't ignore his love for the one and only grandchild of the ancient clan.

In the room, only Carla's breath and changing of the pages can hear. The older man is reading and memorizing them word to word.

His eyes lit up when he found an artifact that can be craft with little effort.

The artifact looked like an anklet with a purple butterfly crafted on the right-side end of the hook. This artifact is nothing like the pendant, but it will help in blocking negative energy.

The older adult is none other than the elder brother of Carla's paternal grandfather, Anderson Kuran. He still holds some powers to make an artifact. After all, he can't see his younger brother's clan suffering.

Anderson called Oliver and asked Oliver to guard Carla until he comes back, saying so he hurriedly left the place to his secret room.

Anderson found the things he would require in crafting the anklet, satisfied with them, he closed the room and locked it.

Oliver shook his head, muttering, "weird old man, don't know what he found this time."

Easton called the team whom he intended to bring back from abroad and canceled their transfer. He instructed them to wait for his further notice.

Luther, along with his family, left with the messenger who came to take them away. The journey to the moonstone didn't take much time, but their hearts felt like it's more than a day.

Margery, unable to sit quietly, started fiddling with her fingers, thinking about how Carla might be in a strange place, whereas others are in their world with different emerging thoughts.

All of them only want nothing more than Carla to be safe and sound.

Before an hour, Leon reached his pack and learned about his father injured in an unexpected attack. He is as clueless as others of why these unwanted attacks are frequently happening.

Jacob received his younger brother and consoled him before bringing into their parents' bedroom, and seeing his father immersed in some books, Leon, unable to stop, shouted at him.

"Father, can't you be more sensible and lie down in peace for some time. Look at you, reading god knows what even at this time..?"

Nina scolded him, "watch your tongue, boy, is this the way to speak with your elder hmm..?"

Jacob interrupted his mother, "mom, it's because of you, our father dear is like this. Don't you think you pamper him more than us..?"

Oho, come on, Jacob and Leon. Unlike your thinking, this is very serious. What do you mean by your mother pampering me more than you..?" his father countered Jacob.

Stop your bickering boys, prepare some rooms for the guests" Nina stopped them.

They looked at each other and uttered in unison, "what..! guests are coming at this tie. Who are these guests..? Don't tell me these people are some investigators like in the previous attack."

Nina shook her head, "nope, not investigators but someone you already know, fast move now."

When Luther with his family arrived at the moonstone pack, they have already prepared the rooms for them.

When they came into the living room, Leon shouted, almost dropping his phone on the carpet, "woman, why is it you..? No!, I don't agree with this."

Adaline, along with Easton and Rome, laughed listening to Leon's words. Even Jacob muttered slowly, "why is this woman who is our guest. We still have the memory fresh in our minds. This woman came only to embarrass us."

Ignoring their words, Nina warned them to behave. Luther asked the servants to show their rooms. He then said, "fresh up and took some rest, and we have so much to talk."

Amidst all this chaos and tensions, Leon and Jacob are like tension relievers for them. Margery teased them playfully, "who are you not to agree with these arrangements..? It seems there will be more days to have fun."

Adaline winked at them, and they both looked at each other, keeping in mind to stay away from these crazy women.