Clues and suspicions

Your father might go berserk thinking about your abduction. What to do..? I don't have other options than this. Little princess, you should be more careful from here on.

In the study room, Anderson is standing in front of the table, crafting the anklet. His hands were shaking with excitement looking at the anklet.

He excitedly came out of the study room and walked towards Carla's bedroom. She made her wear the anklet with some magical spells chanting.

Anderson said, "Oliver, this not only will let her be safe but us also. Let's hope she will wake up soon."

Oliver asked, "what do you mean for us, also father..?"

Anderson clicked his tongue before saying, "foolish son! Even though she is unconscious, her subconscious mind may remember us or this place. It's not time for us to come out in the light."

Oliver nodded his head, "Fine! Fine, I understood. No need to explain further. It's night now, come we'll have dinner."

At the same time in the Moonstone pack, Luther is standing on the balcony wandering in his thoughts.

It's been two days since Carla is missing; the storm that happened two days ago seems to slow down gradually.

He had searched everywhere but still unable to find where exactly she is. Moreover, there will be a real red pendant. It seems they have to find that genuine pendant for Carla's safety.

Easton and Rome came back from their site, seeing and looked at Luther standing not far away from them.

Easton said, "brother, what are your thinking about so seriously. Don't worry; we will find Carla soon."

Rome said, "yes, first young master. Don't overthink about little princess's departure. As a king, you need to be calm."

Luther nodded his head and informed, "I am going to the royal palace now. Easton, you manage here with Rome," saying, so he vanished and landed in front of the gates of the royal mansion.

All his people were waiting for him to give the latest updates. One of his trusted men came to receive and urged him to go to one of the secret rooms.

The vampires' royal mansion has several secret rooms as they can't trust anyone easily. Being as king, Luther has to vary with everyone.

As soon as they reached the room, Luther made it lit up with small born fire. He grunted in response and ordered him to speak.

"Your majesty, we found some clues that someone from the royal mansion is in touch with your cousin and uncle.

As per our search, they are behind the princess's abduction. The people who attacked us are behind something which belongs to our queen's family.

Listening to them, Luther narrowed his eyes with redness brimming from them. With a sharp look, "What do you mean, Raven..?"

Raven shivered slightly with the coldness dripping from his voice, but he is well aware of Luther's nature. He stood on the ground firmly and answered,

"Your highness, you are well aware of my nature. I have already captured the person who is in touch with them. If you want, I will present him to you now.

We coincidentally found him searching for something from the people we had captured when they first time attacked us.

My people went into the lowest dungeon where we keep our prisoners; this man is seen rummaging in his outfit and caught off guarded. Suspicious with his behavior, our men took him into custody."

Luther nodded his head and said, "listen to me, Raven, whatever we have discussed here, it shouldn't go out of this room, understand..?"

Raven bowed his head in respect and said, "over my death, your highness."

Luther disappeared from the room and went into the woods for a hunt. He roamed here and there to clear his head first.

"The uncle who disappeared after the war is actually behind Carla's abduction. What do they want to do with Carla..? Does it mean his elder brother is also alive..?

All these things are leading to something big. I need to inform this to William as early as possible. They might come back for the advanced version of artifacts books."

Even though he doesn't want to believe this, he also can't ignore Carla being abducted suddenly immediately after her power outburst. They must have got wind.

He calmed his nerves and cooled off his mind. After that, Luther came back as if nothing happened and went into his courtroom to listen to other findings.

Nina urged Margery and her family to stay with them for some days as the city is quite chaotic. Margery hesitated but nodded with others' persuasion.

When Jacob and Leon came, they heard their mother's words, "I am so happy that you will stay here. I am bored staying with men here. We will have more fun."

Leon immediately countered, "mother dearest, is it necessary for her to stay with us..? think about our dignity at least."

Nina pretending angry, said, "Why are you always against her..?

No matter what, she and the family will stay with us for some days. You have to be more careful with your words."

Rome asked, "why are you both against us staying in here..? It's not like we will stay here forever. Does something happened which we missed..?"

Adaline, with an evil grin, explained, "aah! You both don't know, right..? When we came to stay here when these both were kids, something hilarious happened.

In their childhood, these two were so naughty and mischievous. One of those days in our stay, Leon wanted to go into the woods when it was full moon day.

We tried a lot to persuade them into giving up, but Leon sneaked out of the mansion and went away. Jacob followed him instead of reminding us.

On their way, He almost caused Jacob to fell into the river on the way. It was Margery who saved them and brought them back to the mansion.

After getting into the palace, she made them wear girl outfits for a week. She also made them go to school with the same d as punishment."

Nina, giggling, said, "I think we have taken photos also, wait I will bring the album."

Jacob and Leon looked at each other in horror and shouted, "Woman, are you our mother for real...? You easily sold us for your entertainment. how can you be this heartless..?"

Adaline said amid of her laughs, "who told you to do such a thing back in those days. What if something has happened to you. Who should we believe."

Margery then remarkably said, "Listen, boys, you should be careful and be vary about your identities.

You may not have the freedom to do whatever you want, but your parents will always stand with you and support you."

Leon nodded and said, "even though I don't like you, it was because of you, mother started to pay more attention to us crazy... I mean, aunt Margery."

William went to see the rogue wolf they had caught. He asked the subordinate to open the cell.

The rogue wolf is heavily injured when they caught, but now it's almost healed and is sitting on the small bed.

Sensing someone's presence in the cell, "whatever you want to ask me, I am not going to answer you."

William squinted his eyes and asked, "why..?"

He answered again, "it's not because I don't want to, but I will not be able to answer you as I don't remember anything. We only trained to work under them."

William sighed, listening to his voice, and asked the subordinate to close the cell. He contemplated the wolf's words on his journey back to the living room.

When he came to the living room, others were teasing each other. He silently signaled Easton and Rome to go to the study room.

Nina, along with Adaline and Margery, went into the kitchen for preparing dinner.

Before leaving, William ordered, "Jacob arrange a strict patrol for the upcoming week, Leon helps him."

Jacob and Leon went to look after their work, whereas William lead Easton and Rome to study room.

After having dinner, Oliver and Anderson went back to Carla's room. They stayed with her for some time and observed her for any movements.

Sending no movements sighed to themselves and retired for the day.

Aniceto is still unable to digest the outcomes of the attack they painstakingly planned for almost a month.

There's no use on crying over the spilled milk. Aniceto called all his court members and ordered them to look for alternative ways to gain the lost power.

He gritted his teeth, thinking about Luther and his wife; if not for them, they could have won in the war and established an empire.

Aniceto wanted to gain the throne belonged to Carla's mother's family. They believe in slavery and violence.

Even though it's going to be midnight, Mr. Knight is still unable to sleep thinking about the humiliation he felt at the party. He is hell-bent on taking revenge and is planning to take out now.

After arranging everything, mayor Winston Churchill felt relieved and went to his home. His wife and children were in the living room when his car parked in front of the villa.