Mating ceremony discussion

"Boys, stay inside the car. We will take care of it," William shouted to them, but they were already out of the car.

With a sudden stop, Carla woke up from her sleep and rubbed her eyes, looking here and there from inside the car.

"What's happening here..?" Carla questioned them with her head out of the window. Leon pushed her head back, answering, "nothing you should be concerned about."

As soon as they came out of the vehicle, foxes from all sides surrounded them in a circle. "We should listen to what our father said, don't we..?" Leon asked, looking at the foxes nearing them.

Before Jacob can answer, Luther came and patted his shoulder, "get inside the car, Jacob." Nina stood behind William at the same time.

William and Luther looked at each other and started attacking these foxes fiercely without holding themselves back.