
Warning: violence and other stuff here boyyos and gallos.

In a dark alley, there was a man who had a suit covered in blood, some troublemakers were shocked at the crime this man just committed, "Are you just going to stay there?" said the man to the troublemakers, these people had fear in their eyes because just a moment ago he was just a normal guy, "Keep your mouth shut, I'll give you two options, either go away, or I'll have to force you," at this, they ran as fast as possible out that alley.

The man smirked, "Kids," he then pulled out his phone and began to call a number, "Did you do the mission successfully V?" asked a man behind the phone.

"Yes bossman, the target is eliminated, only six people witnessed it," said Sora with a little grin, "Geez, that was my most annoying target,"

"What about Joshua?" asked the voice.

"He just insulted me, it only took a few weeks, but geez, ten whole months, and it isn't even filled with action like with Shou, Nah just ten whole months of staring at a computer," Sora said, his voice had a hint of anger in them.

"I get it, I get it, geez, just make sure to share your location and put him in a trash bag, leave it to me," the voice said.

"Wow thanks for the info, It's not like I have been doing this job for twenty-five years," Sora said while stuffing the body in a trash bag.

"Oh yeah, how are the kids?" said the voice.

"Chris got new friends... and all of them are boys," Sora said while taking off his clothes.

"Oh, I see, protect her, maybe the boys will get frisky with her," said the voice with a serious tone.

"Nah, I'll have to protect one certain boy though, I know she has eyes for him, but I also know this one boy who is close to Chris," then suddenly the atmosphere became quiet and tense.

"Why do I feel like somethings wrong?" the voice said worriedly

"You see here... the boy who is close to my little girl is… the Arawan family's Spider," this made the voice in the call freak out, but Sora continued, "The Spider has the fake name, it was Shinabaru, and what's more terrifying, Angelo Arawan, the Monster, Alessia Arawan, the puppetmaster, and Angel Arawan, the Wolf, they are all here," it was clear to Sora that the man behind the phone call was shivering.

But then the man behind the call regained his composure and connected some dots, "They're going to attack the Yamashita family, then after that, the Kazuya family, then… the Yui family, and they're going to either team up with the Yakuza, or destroy them," and when they do that, they rule the underground of Japan, and add that they already rule the Philippines, Cambodia, Ukraine, and the USA in a couple of months, and if they get Japan, they'll take over China or Russia next,"

"How did you know all that?"

They are just theories,"

"Heh, I guess this world is full of surprises, a fifteen-year-old perverted boy might be what he is now, but tomorrow be might be the king of the world," Sora then took a big breath, "To change the subject to a bittersweet situation, I feel it," Sora then got into his serious voice.

"Feel what?" asked the voice.

"Christian, he is going to break, only a couple of weeks or months, and the rough nature of Christian will fade to show the true nature of Christian, a lost and helpless boy," Sora then took a deep breath, "I wish he'll see it himself, not somebody points it out,"

"That is true, what Christian hates the most are people, I understand it though, what they did to your wife was just heartless, Sora? Sora? Sora are you there?"

There at a dark, Sora was gripping his phone tightly, "S-so I gu-guess that I'll b-be having my va-vacation?" said Sora with a shaky voice.

The man behind the call read the situation and decided not to push it, "Yeah, you have six months until you go back to your job," said the man with a condescending voice.

"Thanks," Sora then dropped the call, Sora stood there for a couple of minutes, then he began to go back to his house, "My son, it's time for the pain to make you develop, it made you this way... from a shy and timid kid to somebody who reminds me of myself," Sora thought, Christian was turning out to be like his own father.

*Beep* *Beep*

"Oh c'mon it's not even a school day," Christian reached for his alarm clock to turn it off, "It's my Saturday lazy day, I deserve some sleep for the hours of studying I did," Christian complained.

"Wake up big brother, almost everybody is awake," Chris said, she had always complained about how loud Christian's alarm clock is.

Christian groans, but after stretching and scratching for a couple of minutes he finally gets up and begins to go down.

"Rather late of you to come down," Samuel said, he looked and sounded angry.

"What do you mean?" Christian said, he wasn't having the best morning, so he was beginning to get angry.

"Broo, we talked about this in Samuel's room remember," Shinabaru said while crossing his arms.

"Ohhhhhhh… yeah I forgot," Christian said while rushing to get his clothes and eating at the same time.

"Geez, sometimes Christian can be really irresponsible," Samuel said while putting on his shoes.

"Oh c'mon guys, don't hate on Christian that much," Npc tried to make the situation a little bit lighter.

"Bro, we're going to buy a dog and Mr. tonguey boy over there was just sleeping," Shinabaru instead of putting on shoes, he just got some slippers.

"Alright I'm ready," Christian said, still sleepy, he was speed drinking an energy drink.

"Woah there kid, don't do that, you gotta savor the flavor first so you drink it slowly," said Alessia who came out of the front yard.

"My jelly goo, read the description," Angelo said while also appearing out of the front yard.

"Flavorless energy drink," Alessia then realized.

"Wow, very smart there my honeypie sweetie pie," Angelo said with a sarcastic tone.

"S-shut up," Alessia said while slapping Angelo.

"Anyway, go on kiddos, Shinabaru takes care of yourself," Angelo said while going back to the house.

They walked for a couple of minutes to go to the city, when they arrived at the city Shinabaru wanted to buy everything, Samuel was helping Npc look for pet stores, and Christian was just looking around.

"And here," Christian pointed at a pet store.

"Alright let's get a dog," Samuel said while walking inside the store with grace, Shinabaru, Npc, and Christian followed Samuel as he walked inside, but they didn't expect to meet somebody they know.

"Samuel?" said Tsuyuki who was wearing a staff uniform.

"Tsuyuki, why are you here?" Samuel asked Tsuyuki, then he realized that she was wearing a staff uniform.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to say, Nana- I me-mean Tsuyuki works here," Christian said while sweating, "Tsuyuki, Npc over here wanted a Shiba Inu… Npc?" Christian realized that leaving somebody who likes cute animals at a place full of cute animals is stupid, but he realized that Shinabaru is with him, "Oh Shinabaru's with him.... SHINABARU'S WITH HIM!!!"

But before things escalated, Shinabaru and Npc appeared, "Hey guys, I think I found the dog," Npc said with a smile.

"Alright, let's see," Samuel said while all of them followed, Npc was leading them to the corgi section.

"This one," Npc pointed at a baby corgi, "Look how stubby his legs are," Npc then petted the little one, the dog started wagging its tail.

"If you want this little boy then that'll cost you two-hundred-thousand yen," Tsuyuki said to Npc, this made him a little sad because he only had one-hundred-thousand.

"But… I only hav-"

"Half a million yen," said Samuel with a smirk, Npc looked at Samuel with shock, "You have the whole day to spend that much money," Samuel said while looking at another corgi, "You can have two if you want, well we have to consult the owner of the house of course,"

"If you take care of it you can have two," Christian said while looking at the corgi Npc petted, "That is what father would have said, so it's your decision, frankly I don't really care if you get one or two,"

"Oh no Christian Tsundere has been awakened once more," Shinabaru said.

"Shut up Shinabaru," Christian replied, he always hated that nickname.

"Thank you guys," Npc said while his eye was revealed, it showed his azure eyes, but they didn't look terrible now, he also had a big smile on his face.

"Wholesome," all of them said inside their minds, even THE SILVER TONGUE, had to confess that yes, this is wholesome.

"So you'll get two?" Tsuyuki said while smiling, she was happy for seeing Npc happy.

"Yeah," Samuel said, he got Npc's back on this, "Oh yeah, since we're here you guys should buy some toys for the pups," Samuel said, Shinabaru and Npc dragged Christian to find some squeaky toys. Samuel wanted to be alone with Tsuyuki for the moment, "Tsuyuki," this got Tsuyuki's attention, "Since you know… we have a date tomorrow, I have something to tell you," this made Tsuyuki blush a little.

"I see, alright so have you planed where we are going to go?" Tsuyuki said while turning her head away from Samuel, she then saw her manager giving her a thumbs up, "Mr. Hiiro have you been watching all this time," Tsuyuki thought in her mind

"It's a surprise," Samuel said while walking away, "I'll see you here tomorrow," he then waved to her, Samuel was looking slick at this moment, but his mind wasn't, "WHERE THE HECK AM I SUPPOSED TO GOOOOOOO," Samuel didn't like going to five-star restaurants because, in his opinion, it's far too fancy and they're trying too hard to look fancy, "I need Owen for this," Owen was Samuel's trump card for girls, Owen himself is very knowledgeable to girls because he has several, girl_friends.

When they finally got out of the pet shop, it was already evening, "C'mon Yassah and Taniwha," Npc said while two adorable baby corgis went out of the store.

"See you around Tsuyuki," Christian said while carrying all the toys, Shinabaru gave him toy duty for five thousand yen, "C'mere doggos," Christian said while giving rope to the corgis for them to play with.

"Cute," all of them agreed that this was worth it.

When they got back home Sora was surprised, "I thought you wanted a Shiba Inu Npc?" Sora said while the two dogs began to bark at him, "Oh you little ones wanna play tag eh?" Sora then ran around the room and even outside.

"That's why," Npc said while giving Sora some dog toys.

"Do I hear doggos," Chris said appearing out of nowhere, "CORGIS," Chris said while charging towards the little fluffballs.

Sora and Chris were playing with the corgis, they were just running around, "Do I hear dogs," Angelo went down the stairs and saw the little ones, he then walked to the dogs.

"Yo your dad looks serious," Npc said a little bit worried.

"Don't worry, my dad's the ultimate animal lover," Shinabaru said to Npc.

When Angelo arrived, the dogs looked at him, "Sit," Angelo said while having a treat on his hand.

"How did he get tha-" Christian then realized that the treat bag was torn and Angelo somehow got a treat in a matter of seconds.

As Angelo said this two of the corgis sat down, "Twirl," the corgis twirled, "Bark," the corgis barked, "Good good, come you deserve your treats," the two dogs ran as fast as lighting to Angelo, "Good good, feast upon the sweet and scrumptious treat," Angelo had a serious tone while saying this.

"See I told you," Shinabaru said, but then Angelo looked at his son.

"Son get dressed we're going somewhere," Angelo said in a serious tone, Shinabaru looked at his dad with a questioning gaze, "Act 1,"

"Yes father," Shinabaru said while looking as serious as Angelo himself, this freaked out his friends, "Sorry guys, it seems I have to go somewhere," Shinabaru said with his usual attitude.

"Alright then," Christian said, "That was weird," he thought.

Later that night, at an abandoned warehouse, "Just who do you think you are," a figure said to a man who was bleeding out of his nose and mouth.

"GET OUT OF ME," the man said while throwing a punch, the punch was disabled because the figure got the man's shirt and tied his arms with amazing speed.

"Didn't I tell you to stop with that," then the figure punched the man, the punch made the man was tumble five feet away, "Two," the figure said, the man had a massive black eye on his left eye.

The man started coughing up blood, "Just who are you," the man stood up and grabbed a baseball bat and charged with it.

The figure went down the swing and grabbed the man throat, "If you want your esophagus to be ripped out then feel free to resist," the figure grabbed the man's throat, slowly crushing it, "I'll let you go if you tell me how much people are in the Yamashita family,"

"You… want… me… to… betray… my family?" the man said cautiously since he didn't want to die.

"Yes now answer," the figure said while a sudden massive smile.

The man stopped with fear, and the fight or flight switch turned on, "About eight thousand," the figure then unhanded the man.

"Thanks for the information," the figure said losing his smile, "Easy enough," the figure thought.

"Wait, tell me," the man begged for the figure, being curious the figure turned around, "Why are you doing this, why is the Arawan family doing this?��� said the man, he had seen the slaughter the Arawan family is capable of.

"Why?" the figure then smiled a smile that reached his cheeks, he opened his arms to look bigger, and those eyes, eyes of someone who has a burning passion on what they do, "I want this world to burn to ashes,"

The man was completely terrified at what the figure said, "Why?"

The smile of the figure disappeared as he went closer to the man, he whispered something in his ear, "That's why," the face of the man showed what he thought of this, the figure began to walk away from the man.

The man looked upon the figure, the figure made the man feel like he was doing something good for humans, "WAIT," the man screamed, the figure turned around, "I want to join you, I support your ideology and morales," this made the figure smile again.

The figure slid a knife to the man, "If you're serious, carve an A on your arm," the figure said, "But don't forget, you're betraying your family if you do this," the figure warned the man, but with no hesitation, the man carved an A on his arm, he looked upon the figure with determined eyes, "Very good, you're going to be a good piece, you may call me younger master or Spider, whatever you want," the figure said while opening the door of the warehouse, it seemed like the door was glowing because there was a light shining through it, "Come," the figure said.

"A-alright," the man stood up and followed the figure, behind the door was an army, five hundred people were shining flashlights at the man and the figure, the man saw the figure in the light, the figure looked like a teenager with brown skin and golden hair.

"This is only a fraction of my army," the boy said to the man, he then looked at the army, in an instant they all bowed to the boy.

"LONG LIVE OUR MASTER," all of them said, the boy looked upon the man with the same stare, and as all of them did, the man bowed, "Long live our master," the man said.

Then in the crowd, three people went closer to the young master, "How much," one of them said.

"Eight-thousand, father you think we can beat them with three-thousand," the figure replied to the man.

"Yay fighting, this will be fun Luci,"

"I can't wait for the slaughter,"

"Honeypie, please act natural, we have a couple of months until we do so,"

Then the three of them bowed, the boy looked at the man again, "Welcome to the Arawan family, your arm has an A that means you are one with us," the figure said, "And you will see what the Arawan family is capable of,"