New year, new chaos

In a dark playground. Stood the monster of the Arawan family, Angelo Arawan, who was talking to someone on his phone, "Boss, I get it that you've already heard of this new upcoming gang family," said the man on the phone.

"Indeed I have, the Aquino family?" Angelo asked for clarification.

"Right on boss," the man said on the phone.

"Alright, why do you need to call me now?" asked the intrigued Angelo, his curiosity turned to anger as the man began his monologue.

"Well you see here boss… the Aquino family has been selling drugs to people around the country, normally this isn't a problem, but it seems that they're selling drugs not to provide for their families cause they're already rich, but they're selling drugs just to ruin the cities around the country… but not only that boss, but they also sell drugs to kids… and someone is helping them," Angelo was about to throw a fit of anger, but this one detail made him wait, "They are the Yakuza," Angelo then took a massive breath of air.

"I destroyed them last time when I was a teen. I'm certain I can destroy them now as an adult. Declare war on the Aquinos, and also make the five families of the Philippines fight them to reduce Arawan casualties," declared the leader of the Arawan family.

"Yes sir," Angelo ended the call. He was about to go back to the Tsunade household, but then he crouched down and scooped up some sand.

Then from the darkness. Came a man with a katana. The man was silently listening to Angelo as he talked to the man on his phone, waiting for the perfect time… to strike. With the speed of a hungry beast, the man charged at Angelo with his katana drawn. But instead of blood, the man met eyes with sand, Angelo had thrown sand to the eyes of the man, he dodged the katana and grabbed the throat of the man and threw him to the ground, "Tell me right now, who are you and who sent you?" asked Angelo.

"I'll answer those two questions with one answer. You already know Angel of Death," this stunned Angelo to a point where the man escaped from Angelo's submission.

"Only one group calls me Angel of Death. Why is a member of the Yakuza attacking the main reason the Yakuza is a broken group?" asked Angelo, the man merely snickered, "And why is the sword saint alive?"

"You only shot me on the jaw, not the head," said the man as his mouth was revealed to be destroyed. He then began to brush the sand in his eyes, "But I have a better question. Why did Angelo. The Angel of Death. Save an old man?" Angelo gritted his teeth.

"Alessia's father was innocent. He was a man I highly respected. The mafia wasn't part of the Arawan and Yakuza gang war," he said as he went into a stance.

"Oh, is this the famous, 'Perfect technique' I've heard so much about," the man charged at Angelo preparing a swing, but Angelo slipped through it and landed a perfect punch to the stomach.

Angelo's perfect technique was made for fights like these. He had learned the technique from getting all the styles from masters all around the whole world. Angelo was built and known for being the ultimate weapon used by his brother, Jacob Arawan. Angelo also uses his emotions as one of the fundamentals of this technique. All his life Angelo was referred to as an object. Only two people in the world saw him as a person when Angelo was at his mental lowest, those two were his late uncle Bautista Arawan, and his wife whom he loves but hates to admit it, Alessia Arawan.

"I believe you still remember the night I killed fifty men in front of the whole Yakuza," Angelo then made a sadistic smile, "And that time I killed that dear boss of yours while you merely watched?"

"SHUT UP," the man swung at Angelo who dodged the attack, but the man kept pressing forward, "You monster, you forcefully made a brother watch his brother's death!!!" the man was then shot in the chest… but it wasn't Angelo.

"Said the monster who made my clumsy husband watch the only person that saw him as a human, getting burned," said another figure in the shadows. The figure came out and revealed herself as the puppetmaster, Alessia Arawan. She gave Angelo a little peck on the cheek and proceeded to put her whole magazine on the man's head.

"That's enough Alessia… he's already dead," Angelo then felt Alessia embrace her, ".....Why are you clingy today?" Angelo wondered.

"Well, he did talk about your uncle, so~ I felt I'll comfort you a little," Alessia exclaimed, Angelo just smirked.

"I thought you hated me," Alessia just didn't talk… but then she realized.

"Wait… I shot a gun, c'mon let's hurry," shooting someone typically makes a lot of noise.

"Alessia… the Arawans need their spider," said Angelo, Alessia turned around to meet Angelo eye to eye.

"You sure… I mean… he's having fun here, back there… he's just like you," replied Alessia.

"...He needs to take out the Aquinos," Angelo then took a massive breath, "I'm afraid… our family is going to separate again, I don't want that… our son will be-" Angelo was shushed by Alessia.

"Let's give him two more months, I think he needs to do something before he goes," said Alessia, Angelo couldn't agree more.

"I'll inform him about this," Angelo then pulled out his phone, "Heh… I guess he's just like his father," Angelo awkwardly said.

"Yes… that is true," Angelo looked straight into Alessia's eyes, she did the same, "I guess our little Lucifer has grown up?" said Alessia with a smile.

"Maybe… or maybe not," Alessia looked at Angelo with a questioning gaze, Angelo looked away from Alessia, "Our son is a great actor, he may be the same even though he paints himself as this cheerful guy," Alessia grabbed Angelo's hand and began to sprint away, "I was going to call Antonio," Alessia then instructed Angelo to shush.

"I saw some police officers," Alessia then suddenly embraced Angelo yet again, "Don't worry about our son. Just like his father, I'm sure someone will help him through all of his troubles, just like you and me." while Alessia was being a good wife, something was going on inside the mind of Angelo.

"W-w-wait… why is Alessia being kind, I thought she only liked me in high school. I THOUGHT SHE CHANGED HER MIND ABOUT LIKING ME?!?!?" Angelo thought as he kept his poker face, "Yes," he said, "I'm sure our son would someone."






"Omg, is that what the Golden boy big sister told me about?"

"Woah, that guy looks like a chef."

"That guy… he's so~ tall, and his blue eyes, woah~"

"Who's that guy with them, where's Christian Tsunade?"

"I bet they threw him away."

One of the new first-graders wondered who this Christian Tsunade is, "Umm, big sis, who is this... Christian Tsunade, everyone seems to talk bad about him?"

"Oh yeah, you don't know his real name. Christian Tsunade is the Silver tongue you kids talk about," one of the new third-graders said to her little sister.

"Oh~ that guy who beat up some gangsters and destroys people with words?" asked the first-grader. Her sister just nodded as a response.

"He was a massive deal to everyone. Either you hate him, or you're in the minority that hangs out with him, like these boys and a few more people," the first-graders were in awe, these people look like they are in an anime.

One of these boys noticed all the students looking at them. He smiled and turned around in a flamboyant fashion, "Greetings students, I am Shinabaru Arawan, your sen-pai~," said the pretty boy of the group. Shinabaru Arawan, the golden boy, the most attractive second-grader of Sakura academy, it is rumored that people who are close to him, get more attractive. He is also the club president of the chess club.

"You sound like a pervert, pervbaru," said a man with brown hair. Samuel Briggs is one of the most respected people in Sakura Academy, this is due to his strict but caring nature. Many people regard him as a better teacher than most of the teachers in Sakura Academy, he also started the cooking club.

"Uhh… Samuel, the girls are looking at me," a giant of a man hid behind the smaller Samuel Briggs. Npc Png the soft beast, standing at a staggering height of seven-feet growing from last year, Npc is now one of the best basketball players Sakura Academy has ever seen, being in the same team as Christian Tsunade, Npc has grown to be one of the highest prospects the world has ever known, literally.

"Don't worry Npc, we will protect you," said Shinabaru who blocked the stomach of Npc, "Darn it, we need reinforcement, everyone, in one, two, three," at three, Npc, Shinabaru, and Samuel smiled.

"OMOIYARI PLEASE HELP US!!!" the three of them shouted as everyone fell in complete confusion… well, that was before a blacked haired man with an angry expression tried to punch Shinabaru, but he just barely dodged it.

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO CALL ME BY THAT NAME!!!" said the blacked haired boy. Christian (Omoiyari) Tsunade the silver tongue, said to be the most hated person in Sakura Academy.

"Omoiyari? Who is that?" asked one of the senior boys. Christian looked at him, walked slowly to him… and put his hand on his shoulder.

"Omoiyari is me… I am also Christian Tsunade the silver tongue and the man of everyone's dreams," everyone then both felt the feeling of fear and confusion, "Anyway I gotta go," Christian then started walking to his classroom.

"Oh yeah, it's almost class time. Gotta go guys," Shinabaru gave Samuel a fistbump, Npc a high-five, and Christian a gaze.

The crowd was just ignored.

"Oh Shinabaru, I didn't expect you to appear out of nowhere," from the corner there stood Christina Tsunade who looked a little tired.

"Chris~ you gotta sleep early, it's school days now," Shinabaru patted Chris's head. It was when he realized, "Wait… did I become taller?" he asked. Chris looked Shinabaru up and down.

"I think you did, I think you grew a few inches," Shinabaru looked a little more like a man now. If he just got rid of his long hair, he would look more handsome in Chris' opinion, "Oh yeah, have you heard? We've got a substitute teacher today."

"Yeah, I heard he's a foreigner," Shinabaru then remembered the date, "Hey Chris… you know two months from now, it's going to be valentines day. Are you going to do something?" asked Shinabaru.

"Why? Are you going to ask me to go on a date?" Chris said, her face full with smug essence only the smug gods can achieve.

"Chris... Me and you go on dates all the time… well, friend dates. Anyway, I need your help on something," Shinabaru said as they arrived in their new classroom.

"What is the something that I will do the doing?" Chris said with a serious expression.

Shinabaru was about to burst out laughing, "That's one of my favorite jokes that you do. Anyway… I'm going to confess to my crush."

"Ah, I s-"




Their classmates then started erupting out of nowhere, "WHO IS IT!!!" one of the girls said.

Shinabaru was first annoyed… but then, "Heh, wouldn't you like to know fair maiden," he removed his hair tie and slicked his hair back, "You all will find out in valentine's day of course," the girls erupted with hearts in their eyes, while the boys started making theories.

"Alright everyone, sit down," one of the teachers said as everyone walked calmly back to their seat, "As most of you know, mister Kaito is currently in hospital due to an incident," everyone in the class nodded at this, "So you all will have a substitute. I'll let him introduce himself," suddenly, a man walked in, his black hair swaying in the wind, the light revealing his brown skin and his sharp black eyes.

"Hello students, I will be your substitute for a couple of weeks, my name is Angelo Arawan, you may call me mister Arawan or Arawan-sensei," said the father of the golden boy, Shinabaru was completely shocked by his father's appearance.

"Wait… Arawan, isn't that Shinabaru's last name?" asked one of the boys of the class.

"Yes, I am in fact Shinabaru's father, pleased to meet you all," everyone then jumped out of their seats and started questioning their new teacher.

"Why do you have black hair while Shinabaru has golden hair?" asked one of the girls.

"Oh, my son has more features from my wife than from… me," Angelo then felt a little depressed.

"Sir… can you please go back to your job," Shinabaru embarrassingly said, Angelo nodded and began to teach them while everyone chatted.

"Oh yeah… I forgot to say," Angelo said to the students, "Next period is physical education right?" asked Angelo, every student either said yes or they nodded, "Yeah, you'll see my wife working with you guys, she's also a sub."

"EH!!!?!?!" Everyone was very excited to see the other parents of the golden boy. Shinabaru was essentially dying inside.

Meanwhile, inside Angelo's mind, "Heh, Alessia is a sub," Angelo was thinking of his wife as a submachine gun. (The kind gun she hates the most)


"Yo Sam? Sam? SAM?" Npc smacked a half-asleep Samuel Briggs, "Wake up, the teacher might see you."

"Uah, y-yeah, I'm awake," Samuel started rubbing his eyes, "OMG RAINBOWS!!!!" Samuel said inside his mind.

Npc sighed like he was reading Samuel's mind, "How the heck did we end up in the same class as Christian and Yashiro?" Npc thought while looking at the two honor students.

30 minutes later…

"Alright everyone, good lesson, have a good lunchtime," their teacher said as everyone exited the room.

"Let's pick up the golden boy," Christian said as he waited for the group.

"I think they are now in the gym," Npc said as they started walking because the group was seventy-five percent there.

While walking to the gym, they were talking about what kind of situation Shinabaru would be in. Christian said that he'll just be in the corner talking to girls, Npc said that he'll be crying because of an injury and the girls would be around him trying to help him, and Samuel said that he'll be doing nothing… while girls looked at him… but what they saw. Shocked them.

"LET'S GO MOTHER!!!" Shinabaru excitedly said as he threw a ball that was so fast, it made the wind itself hot. But when the bullet-like ball was about to hit its target, the target suddenly evaded the ball with such grace.

"Well well well, I guess you don't have balls in your corner now, look at my corner though," the person talking to Shinabaru was his own mother, Alessia Arawan, "Time to get punished little boy," while this was going on, everyone in the class of Shinabaru was looking at awe at the two Arawans. And the gang didn't expect Shinabaru to be this athletic.

But finally, after a few minutes, Shinabaru got hit by a ball, "AwwwwaaaAAAAAAHAHHHHHH!!!" the ball hurt.

"Okay students, nice workout, go to the lockers and get changed," said the tired Alessia Arawan. After a few minutes, Shinabaru got out of the locker room and started walking to the gang.

"Hey guys," said the clearly exhausted Shinabaru.

"I didn't know you were that athletic Shinabaru?" Samuel said as he saw Angelo in the corner of his eyes, "Hey Shinabaru, look it's your dad," Shinabaru turned around to see his entire class talking to his parents.

"Let's run before they see us," Shinabaru then started sprinting.

"Hey, isn't that him?" a student said while pointing at Shinabaru.

"Hey son, come here," Alessia said to Shinabaru, but he kept going, "I SAID COME HERE!!!"

"I suggest you guys run as well," Shinabaru said to his friends.

"Your suggestion… has been accepted," Npc then ran as fast as possible, "Eat my dust."

"Nope," said Christian who passed both Shinabaru and Npc.

"GUYS WAIT!!!" Samuel was last yet again.