Life at the office (Heaven office)


"Tony. Tony stank." You answer John. He then looks through every page of the book.

"Mmmmm? Strange?"

"What is it?" You asked

"Your name is not in the book. Ahhh It properly Josh fault!" John said loudly

"I HEARD THAT BALDY!" Josh yell from the back office.

And John got trigger when Josh called him baldy.

"I'M NOT BALD. CAUSE I WEAR A WIG! DUMBASS!!!" John replied at Josh.

"AAAAAA Lol you said that yourself!" Josh was laughing his ass off.

"FUCK!" John realises it was a trap. He curses himself. Then he turned around facing you and said.

"Fuck that guy." You smile a little since you find them funny a little.

"But Still. It is very strange. The book of record knows every person that enters the heaven checkpoint."

"Mmmmm. Let's make a new profile then. Shall we?" John asks you.

"Sure" you nod back.

John begins to write down on the book. "ok. Tony Stank." He is saying you while writing down.

"Ok then! How did you die?"

"Oh! Got hit by a truck." You timidly said and brace for humiliation form John.

But John Froze. He back and asked "I'm sorry I didn't catch that. How did you die again?"

"I was killed by a truck in the middle of the street." You said that with a normal tone, and for some reason, the whole office fell into deep silence, and every employee looks at you as if you were a hideous monster. Even John's jaw drop down hard.

And Then.

AD! AD! AD! AD! AD! AD! AD! You can hear an alarm went off. All the employee are running for their life. It was chaos.

You and other Mortal do nothing but stay where they are looking at the employee running for there life.

BANG! The door opens. And the tall man with a brighter halo walks through the door. All the employee was running toward him in pursuit of help.

"WHAT GOING ON HERE?" the Manager yell.

"Sir. He has appeared, sir. For a hundred thousand years, he lay dormant. He finally emerges!"

"Oh, Dear CEO! You mean?" The Manage face turns pale.

"Yes, sir. TRUCK-SAMA HAS RETURN!!!" one of employee said in a dramatic tone.

DAN DANN DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Then camera turn and zoom to your face.

"OH, MY CEO! OKAY, it's happening! Everybody stay calm! (The Manager)

"What do we do?" (Employee 1)

"Stay Calm." (The manager)

"Do we follow the procedure? (Employee 2)


"There must be some procedure somewhere right? Sir?" (Supervisor)

"YES! YES! YES! Be right back." ( The Manager) when back to his room looking for the procedure.

Everyone outside the room eagerly waits for the procedure, but the sound that they hear in the management office was not a great sign at all.

"NO! BY THE CEO! PLEASE NO! NO! NO! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" (The Manager ) The manager has lost the procedure.

All the employee looked at each other when they heard the scream.

"We all going to fucking DIE!" (Employee 3)

"Right! That it! Everybody for themselves!" (Supervisor)

The real chaos has begun. Some of the Employee start taking office belonging. Some of them are smashing the vending machine and steal some candy. Some of them were fighting. Josh is quickly eating someone's lunch. John was lay on the floor unconscious, with wig missing. And there Two lesbians are making out. And one of the employees sitting against the wall hugging her keen and rocking herself back and forward, speaking gibberish.

Unfortunately, you and other mortals have witnessed all this Chaos event. You and others were thinking the same thing. Which is:



All the employee stop the there weird and bizarre activity and look at the office phone that was ringing; even the manager pokes his head out of his room. For some reason, he has red lipstick on his lips.

Then he ran toward the phone that was still ringing. Everyone does the same. They all circle the phone and clean the mess on there uniform and looking at the manager. The manager gulped down his saliva and straightened his tie. The slowly extends his hand toward the ringing phone.

Click* "Hello first-floor manager speaking." He is holding them with his right hand while his left is shaking in fear.

All other employees extend their ear to listen to the conversation.

"Yes, Mam! Yes. Everything is fine. Yes, Mam. Yes. Right way mam." Click* The Manage is feeling more relaxed now. His halo is shining brightly again.

Then he looks at you at said "Mr Stank sorry to keep you waiting. Please proceed to the elevator."

You look at the Manager in confusingly and ask him "what elevator?"


You heard the ding sound right next to you, and you turned and looked to see there was an elevator opening a door next to you. You turn to look at the manager again. The manager gives you the go-ahead gesture. You when inside and saw there was no button at all.

DING! The door close. And slowly when up.

All other mortal eyes were following the elevator going up.

"Next!" The word makes all the mortal snap to reality, and all of them was a shock to see that everything in the office was back to normal. The thing that was broken by the employee has returned to normal. So as it's candy vending machine. The business phone rang normally. Everyone was working as usual as if chaos has never happened.



It was a scene that when all the mortals first came in. And the all mortal the feel like there brain has been fucked.

"I said NEXT!"

The hooded guys step forward.


"Mmmmm can I not say it?"


"For good reason."

"Name one."

"Can't. it for your own good."

"Kid! You can't tell me what to do." The employee starts searching in the book.


"HA Found it!"


"Your name is Ad-am.....ohhhhhhhhh"

Facepalm* (Adam)

"AAAAAAhhhhh.... fuck me....." he can already hear the creepy laugh coming closer.