The next day after the event of the Fortress of Falenas.
It was morning. You are slowing waking up, blinking your eyes a little. Then your eyes are fully wide open, looking unfamiliar ceilings. Then you finally remembered. You remember about Goddess Mila and her sacred jewels and ward. You got excited. Then you start to look around and wondering where is the place. The last thing you remember was when you are entering the world's atmosphere. The heat was so intense that you fell unconscious.
"Mmmmm?" you noted tools looking holographic icon at the bottom left of your vision. When you look to the right, The tools icon still lock into your vision. Even thou you changed the field of your view.
You proceed to touch the Tools icon.
Then you hear a jingles sound like the on the phone.
A Chibi Goddess Mila pop out of a smoke animation in your hologram vision.
"Congratulations! You have selected Crafts anything system. For you other world adventure!"
The animation showing the Chibi Goddess throwing flowers left and right while shouting "Yay! Yay!"
It was very cute and adorable, you thought.
"Now let get started!" the chibi Goddess claps her hand together.
Then the whole hologram begins to change to a black square. In the middle, you can see a Craft button. Under next to craft button is dismantle the button, next is the inventory button, next is the codex button, next is setting button and ???? Button. You were curious about the ???? Button. You press it, and nothing happens. Then you go back to the menu screen and press the craft button.
"Welcome to the crafting menu! Where you can create anything, you want! As you can see there a three tab page, which is Blacksmith, Alchemy, and Artefact."
"Blacksmith is where you created any tools or equipment items. Alchemy is a consumables items. And finally, the artefact is for magical items as you can see that you have nothing here on you craftable! Why? That because you have to create something on your own hands first! For example, you create the wooden sword by your own hands.". "Then the Craft system will register the wooden sword that your first time created. And now you have a wooden sword In your crafting system! Now press on the wooden sword on the crafting system. Next, all you need is the right material and the right amounts. Then press craft! And there you have it — 1 new wooden sword made by the crafting system!"
"Next is a rarity of the crafting system. All the items you craft by the crafting system gained a rarity. Right, you know you have a wooden sword common rarity. These six levels of rarity with a state bonus and skills effectiveness. Which is common give you 0, uncommon give you 20%, rare give you 40%, super rare give you 60%, Ultimate gives you 80% and finally Legendary give 100%."
"And how do you increase you crafted item rarity? Keep crafting the same item until you got rarity you want and the best way is to pray to your RNG god."
"And that it for crafting menu. "
Press next for dismantle tutorial.
Then you proceed to press the button.
"Next up is Dismantle system. Dismantle system is a system mostly where to you obtain any materials for you for crafting systems. This is how the Dismantle system works. You need to be in the dismantle page and then in your field of vision. Select any object. Press lock on. Then finally press Dismantle button and there you have it. You obtain materials for whatever you want to craft. But be warned the dismantle system cannot dismantle and living target."
Press next for inventory.
"Inventory is simple. it where you store your stuff in Crafting Systems personal dimension. And the limits space for your inventory is UNLIMITED. But unfortunately, you can't store a living being inside. Also, if you use dismantle or craft an item. The items that you got by those systems will automatically put in the inventory system."
Press next For codex
Finally, the Codex System.
"Codex system is where information is stored at. What kind of information do you ask? EVERYTHING. But as you can see everything is a lock on your codex. There two way to unlock it. First is level up your whole crafting system by doing activities with crafting, dismantling to the requirements levels. The second way is to interact with any object or person, and you will gain exp while you are locking some of the information by yourself."
"And finally the blueprint. The blueprint is the things that you got when you crafted for the first time. But with the blueprint, you can craft any rarity of items you want without praying to RNG God. And the difference between the RNG and the blueprint is that RNG can use a default Material but blueprints you must have a different material of each different rarity."
"And that is it for the tutorial. Have fun on you Adventure!! Bye! Bye!"
Pop! The Chibi Goddess wave goodbyes at you and disappeared.
Seeing the Goddess again make you happy, even she was just a tutorial video.
Then you note a mail looking icon on the top right of the hologram. You press it
You saw an unopen mail from the Goddess Mila. You then open up the mail which contains a letter and some attachments. You then read the message.
Dear Tony this my personal gift to you. Which are 999x all materials from your old world. And also don't tell anyone that I send to Astia. Finally check your crafting system, blacksmith tab. They are not empty because it wasn't me but your own past experience, that why it wasn't empty.
Best wishes
You then immediately check your inventory. And you very shocked to see all the 999x raw materials and consumable ingredients from your catalogue: there even a golds, and Diamonds and other precious metals and rare stone. Then what you shocked the most was there an Adamantium and Vibranium the unique and strongest metal on your homeworld. Back in those, you can barely get those metals. Even you hack the gov to get it. You only got about the size of your thumb. Then you finally checked your blacksmith tab and saw the lists of item, gadgets, weapons and armours. And on those lists can be craft right now. Those things that you previously made before back in your crazy days. And now with all the rare materials and craft systems.
You feel like a kid in the candy store, but with all the free candy. You are now drooling happiness.
Then you heard a strange sound. You snap back into reality. You forgot that you are in strangers home.
You turned off the hologram and got off the bed. You then open the door and through. You see a long hallway, you then look left and right. And there seems nobody here.
"Ahnn AAAHHHHA! " (???)
You heard the sound again and decided to follow that strange noise. you walk and walk and noise starting to get closer and closer.
You arrive at your destination at the was open for a bit.
"OMG someone is masturbating in this room! You thought excitingly. Then thought again " I should peek." Then you about to peek but. "No! Stop! This not how a gentleman behave." Angel figure appears above your head. "Yea. You right." Then an evil figure pop "Don't listen to that killjoy. Us men are supposed to peek to the unknown and beyond, to discover the true beauty of the world know women!"
"What a load of horse shit!" (angel)
"Shut Fake tits! (Evil)
"IT NOT FAKE!" (angel) she then proceeds to hide it.
"THEN LET ME SEE IT THEN!" (Evil) she rushes to Angel start strip her.
"Nooooo!" angel try to stop evil from stripping her.
You three immediately peek the gap of the door. And the only saw a back of a long hairs platinum-blonde girl that was in the middle of the climax. You can't see anything but her back. You then try to move forward a bit so you can see clearly. But.
KINGGGGG!!!!* There a sharp object touching your neck.
You slowly look at your right. A long black hair with an eye patch. She had brown skin, look in her 20s and very sexy body. And then you noted. She had a long pointing ear.
"An Elf! Are you an Elf? Right?" you asked excitingly.
Then the eye patch Elf's eye look darker and say "ohhhh! You speak our language." Then she grips her sword tighter. "that makes you more suspicious! Prepare yourself! HUMAN!" she charges at you then swing her sword. "HAAAA!" you duck. "WHAT?!" she surprised that you dodge and you slide under her legs. She now noted that you seem to be a good fighter.
You might be an engineer but after you lost your granddad Lee. You always practice fight skill. So when trouble came back again, you be ready.
"All right. It seems that I have to go all out!" she then grabbed her sword with two hands instead of one.
"Come on guys! Let do this!" you spoke to Angel and evil while you are in self-defence style.
"Dude we are just a part of your imagination. We can't do shit! (evil)
"yea. Later." (angel) evil and angel disappeared.
"TRAITORRRRSSS!" you scream in your mind.
"HHHHAAAA!" She charges at you with her sword is up above her head and try to swing down at you.
You charge forward her as well.
"What a fool!" she mocking you. But as her coming down towards you. You smile and wait for the right timing and then grab her blade by pressing your hands on the blade. "WHAT??!!" she was shocked that you caught her. You use this chance by kicking her in the stomach. "OOOFFFP!" she backwards to the ground.
You then dropped her sword and kicked it away. Then you walked towards her in a real worry manner. "Sorry! Did I kick too hard? You are very worried because she was the first Elf you see.
Then a door open behind you.
"Lenna-san? What's going on?" (Ava) she came out of her room.
You then turn around to that lovely voice. But you were shocked to see that.
"WW W WW WWWWH-????!!!!!" You were so shocked you can't come up with any word. You saw everything from her beautiful F cups breast to her full package that was still hard and twitching, and you can see the white liquid of her cum on the tips slowly dripping to the ground.
"SHE! SHE IS SO BEAUTIFUL! BIG BREAST AND A FULL PACKAGE FEMALE DICK. AND FINALLY SHE AN ELFFFFFFFFF!" you scream in your mind extremely happy and continue "Ahhhh best day ever! TRULY BEST DAY EVER! First was the crafting system and now there a FUTANARI GIRL IN FRONT OF ME! The best part is SHE AN FUTANARI ELF!!!!!!! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAA!!! NOTHING GOING RUINED TODAY!!!! HAHA HAHAHA HAHAH!" you still screaming in your mind. But then.
TAB, TAB* on your shoulder. You turn and look and-
SMACK*. There a fist landed on your face real hard.
You got knocked out by Captain Lenna.