Duel 2

Lenna was looking at Helen with a serious face while pointing her sword at Helen.

"PPFFFFF HAHAHAHAH! Len-chan is same as always." (Helen) She put arms on her waist. "so same rules then? Haaaa you haven't changed at all since we're kids." she continues.

"Hmph! Looks whos talking!" (Lenna)

"Hmmm? Oloren-san and Helen-san were childhood friends?" you notice how they talk like friends when no one is around them.

"Ahhh. Yea we are. Len-chan and I go way back. Did you Len-chan is actually a cr-."

"WWWAAAAAAAAAHHHHAAAA!!" (Lenna) She quickly came and covered Helen's mouth while her face is bright red. Then she looks at Helen and notices that she would not talk anymore. Then Lenna slowly removes her hand. "Did you know her eye patch is actually a fak-?" (Helen)

"NNNNNNNOOOO!"(Lenna) she quickly covers Helen's mouth again.

"pfff." You try so hard not to laugh. "Human!? what so funny!?" (Lenna) She coldly looks at you while her hand is still covering Helen's mouth.

"Nothing at all!" you put on your poker face.

"Hmph, you're next! Human!" (Lenna) she is pointing at you as well.

"Hmmm? For what?"

"I'm going to duel you after finally beat this fool!" (Lenna) she is staring at Helen.

"Heee? Len-chan, you want to get beat again? Like the last duel?" (Helen) she gare back at Lenna with full confidence.

"Hahaha!" not this time, Helen!" (Lenna) she gave Helen an evil smile.

And you notice that Lenna hadn't told Helen about the Custom Adamantium blade you made for her yet. It is going to be an easy win for Lenna after all.

Lenna and Helen then walk toward to their position in the arena. And you are the judge standing on the platform. Both Lenna and Helen took out their sword. Then Helen just notices that Lenna was not wielding legendary sword Arel.

"Oi, Len-chan! Where Arel?" (Helen)

"You mean your Arel the sword for the strongest Champion of Eilven?" (Lenna)

"Oh come on, Len-chan! I can't use Arel! It too small of me to handle! I can only use the big and heavy sword! (Helen) she shows her buster sword to Lenna.

"Yea but, you don't have to toss it to me. You can just hold on to it." (Lenna)

"No way! That would be a waste just leave with a cloud of dust. And it turns out great right? If you were not holding it, you would be dead by now." (Helen) she was referring to the Hamon city event.

"Tch! I hate it when you always right. But now I'm going to fight you and proof you're wrong on one thing." She unsheathes her katana. "I CAN BEAT YOU, HELEN!" (Lenna)

"HAHAHAHA! You said that like a 100 times every time we fight already! But in the end, you always lose." (Helen) She then licks her lips. "oh, I can't wait for the prize!" (Helen)

"Sorry, but I am the one that is going to get that prize!" (Lenna) she had a very evil smile on her face.

Then they both look at you. "We're ready!!" (Lenna & Helen)

"Ok, Then! Ready? FIGHT!!" you shout at them.

Helen is charging toward Lenna with her buster sword as always. Lenna is stood there in striking position. Helen finds it strange for Lenna just to stand there because it not her style to stand still.

Lenna locks on at Helen who was charging to toward her; then she activates the sword ability. The katana edge began to glow a blue colour. Then Lenna springs toward Helen.

"Mmmmm?!" (Helen) she was caught off guard because she never saw Lenna charging like that. But she was in the range to attack Lenna.

"YYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAA!!" (Helen) she swings her buster blade to Lenna left side.

"Hmph!" (Lenna) She usually avoids or blocks Helen's attack. But this time her real aim is Helen's Buster Blade. At that moment the two blades colliding each other. Lenna katana easily slice through Helen's heavy buster blade like a butter. In second Helen's sword was slice off in half.

Helen and Lenna pass each other without harm. The only that was damaged a half of Helen's blade that was on the ground.

"WHA-!?" (Helen) She was shocked to see her mighty buster blade was slice in half. She quick turns around toward Lenna.

CINNGGGG! Lenna'sword was at Helen's throat. "Checkmate!" (Lenna) she proudly shouts at Helen.

Helen stood there with a confused look on her face, then realise that she did lose this duel. "Sigh, I lost. Damn it how did this happen!? (Helen)

"YESSSSSSSS! I FINALLY BEAT YOU HELEN!!" (Lenna) She so happy she hops like a rabbit.

The Helen notices Lenna new sword on her hand; she then enters a deep thought for a sec and then she figures it out and quick looks at you. You then look away while scratching your cheek.

"LEN-CHAN YOU CHEATER!!!" (Helen) she was pointing Lenna.

"What are you talking about Helen? I heard you said you lost with my ears." (Lenna)

"But it's not fair! You were using Tony-Kun's weapon! It not fair! It not fair! (Helen) she is throwing a tantrum like a child.

"Hmph! A win is a win! It too late now." (Lenna)

"MMMMMMM! Len-chan you poopie blockhead!!" she turns to you. "Tony-kun let me borrow your armour, so I teach this poopie head a lesson! (Helen)

"Sorry Helen-san but this armour is only connected to me so only I can use it." You shake your head.

"Then beat that arrogant poopie head for me. If you win, you get two prizes." (Helen) she shows her two-finger sign to you.

"Hmph if he can win that is." (Lenna) she is still mocking you.

"Oh! We'll see." This time you had the evil face.

You then flew off the platform and land in the arena. Helen moves back to give you guys space. Lenna went to her position.

"You both ready!?" (Helen)

"Ready!" (You & Lenna)

"BEGIN!" (Helen)

"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!" (Lenna) She is confidently charging at you. She still thought that her new sword was still your weakness.

"Aisha lock on to her and fire a homing paralysed dart."

"Yes, master. Target lock! Firing Paralysed dart!" your armour shoulder opens a small hole and fires the dart.


"Hmph! (Lenna) She saw a fly object coming toward her. She successfully dodges the dart but the fly around and hit her in the back.

She then instantly fell toward the ground, and her body stops moving. You then walk toward her.

"MMMMM MMMMNNNNMMNN!" (Lenna) Her face was press against the ground. So she can't speak normally.

You came and turned her body over.

"Haaaaaa!" she finally got some air. She angrily looks at you. "Human what did you do to me!?" (Lenna)

"Oh, it paralysed dart. it stops your body moving for one hour."

"Hahaha! Len-chan lost!" (Helen) she runs toward you and Lenna who cannot move.

"But how? I dodge that dart!" (Lenna)

"Oh, that dart can follow whatever the target might be until its target. And now since you can't move, you lost the duel. Oloren-san"

"But That not fair!" (Lenna) she can only say that in her defence.

"Ha look who talking about not fair now Lenna! Hahaha" (Helen) she is enjoying this.

"Then I want a rematch." (Lenna) she demands.

"that fine but this match is your lost, Oloren-san."

"TCH! DON'T GET COCKY HUMAN!" (Lenna) her face flush red from embarrassment.

You ignore Lenna look at Helen "Now then since I win, where my prize you told me about?"

"Oh, that! Wait at your room; tonight I deliver to you." (Helen) she winks at you.

You still don't know what prize they are talking about, but for now, you are going to check the things in your inventory.

"Then I will be in my room checking on something, see you later then." you unequip your armour and walk back to your room.

"See you Later!" she waved at you then she turns and looks down at Lenna. "Now then for my revenge, while I still have a chance." (Helen) she smiles evilly and extends her hands on Lenna unmove body.

"NO! NO! NO! STAY AWAY FROM ME." (Lenna) all she panicking look at those land coming toward her.

Helen's hands have finally reach Lenna waist on both sides. Then Helen starts her revenge.

Tickle! Tickle! Tickle! Tickle! Tickle! Tickle! Tickle! Tickle! Tickle! Tickle! Tickle!

"HAHAHAAHAHA! HA STOP it! YOU HAHAHA STOP IT NOWWWW HAHAHAAHH!" (Lenna) she burst out none stop.

"he he he he! NOPE!!" (Helen) she enjoys this.

Tickle! Tickle! Tickle! Tickle! Tickle! Tickle! Tickle! Tickle! Tickle! Tickle! Tickle!

"HAHAHAHAHHH HAAA I'M SORRY PLEASE HAHAHA STOPPPPPPPPPPP!" (Lenna) her painful laughter was echoing throughout the training ground.