
(Author note: sorry guys this chapter have finished last week but I got sick. and now better, so no need to worry. and those of you want a sex screen it will happen soon.)

All the Odana retainer eyes lock on to an image of their lord, including you. And for some reason, you felt a connection with her just like Ava, then you think deep and realises that there are two more people you felt similar with which Mia and Claire.

"Nobuna-sama!!" (Kaoru) she sprints toward the hologram, but she passed through it. She looks around confused and turn to look at you for an answer.

"This moving picture is only showing the pass event. See, look, there your catkin friend on it." you point at the holo screen.

"Mm, this is the last time I saw Nobuna-sama." (Ku) she nods her with a sad face. Then Odana retainer continues to watch the recording, then Karin and her clan come to see what you are showing and they were blown away when you told her what you were showing.

"Such marvellous things you had created! Tony-dono, I truly wish you appear in my land when you arrive in this world." (Karin) she looks at you with high admiration. You smile at her and turn to watch the holo screen.

And the image showing that the horde is rushing toward the Nobuna and the others. She then orders her soldiers to protect the fleeing non-combatant. But the Catkin want to help her leader, but she yells at telling to run with the others.

"Ku........you did well. You follow Nobuna-sama orders brilliantly." (Kaguya) she pats Ku head while Ku looks down to the ground with regret. Then the clip shows that Nobuna rush toward the horde with beautiful swordplay, with a single slice, result in a perfectly clean cut. But you notice that her sword style take a toll on her. She was panting, leaning against her katana that is stab to the ground. The second wave of Shadow spawns rushing toward her with a raging roar. Nobuna is ready for another round. But this time some of the royal beastkin soldiers appear next to her side. She was shocked and began to Scold the soldiers, but the soldier smile and told her that they were doing their duty and decide to die here. Nobuna shakes her head, smile and call them "What a bunch of royal fools!" the two forces clash, and the victor was Nobuna and her soldiers.

Then another wave was already charging toward them. Nobuna and the other look grim because they know these monsters are not going to stop until they die. Everyone is watching could tell that Nobuna and her soldiers are being played; otherwise, why sent a small group of Shadow spawn every time they are defatted.

Seeing this, you can feel your angry broiling up. Every wave after wave, the soldiers would die one by one and Nobuna herself was trembling with fatigue, her body was also cover in bruise and cut wound.

"Unforgivable!" (Kaoru) she clutches her hand until it bleeds and Ku, Kaguya and the Odana beastkin are looking the screen with pure rage. Then Kaguya turns toward you; she was shocked when she saw you. Kaguya has mythic eyes which let her see mana energy and a personal aura. And what she saw was your anger aura was massive high. As if your whole body is cover red violent aura.

"Tony-sama?" (Kaguya) she tries to call you, but all your sense is cut off, and your only primary attention is the holo screen in front of you.

Nobuna was heavily injured laying against the tree.

"Cough* cough* cough*." She spat blood to the ground. "ha ha. There so many things I want to do." She looks up at the red evening sky. "I can't feel my body at all..." (Nobuna) your body tremble, and you keep repeating the word in your mind "No, no, no, no" over and over.

Then another group of Shadow spawns walk toward her. "Tch, you freaks are so persistent." (Nobuna) "Ahhhhh, well look like my time has come….." (Nobuna) the Shadow spawns stop in front of her and lifts up it Axe to the air.

"I wonder...If I die, would I be able to meet my destined person in heaven? If he is there, I would love to meet him..." (Nobuna) she smiles and looks toward the sky. And coincidentally she was looking at Alice camera, which made her look at you and the others. Your rage when over peak because you felt like she was talking to you directly. She closes her eyes to accept her fate. The Axe swing down hard, causing her head roll.

"NOBUNA-SAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!" Odana people cry in despair. You, on the other hand staring at Nobuna's head then you saw a tear slowly run down of her smiling face. Then your mind enter a bank state, and some burry image appears again, but this time you heard a feminine voice.

"I'm sorry that we didn't meet again......…my love..." (Nobuna) And this was your breaking point.

"THOSSSSEEEEE BAAAAAASSTTTTTTTTTARDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" you yell so loud that everyone turn look at you.


"But Master, If we destroy the whole continent, we would be killing 100 million of innocent people!" (Aisha)


"But Mas- (Aisha)


"Master...….(there a sense of sadness in her voice) No! I will not commence a mass genocide on the innocent people! Activating Second protocol!!" You are lockout from all your tech.

"YOUU!!! FINE!! I'll do this myself!!!" you press the emergency control button which hid in your H.B., a holo keyboard pop up and you type with impressive speed.

"Tony-kun, what going?" (Helen) she and Lenna hurry toward you. But you ignore them and try to get control by manually.

"Helen-sama, Lenna-sama, stop Master! He is about to do something that he can not take back!" (Aisha) she speaks through their HB. Helen and Lenna look at each other confusingly.

"Please, Hurry! I can't hold on much longer!" (Aisha) Lenna and Helen nod at each other and equip their suit and fly toward you. "Please lock his arms!" (Aisha) Seeing both Helen and Lenna approach you quickly equip your suit but Helen and Lenna were faster, and before you know it you are lay on the ground with both of your arms lock. Helen lock your left arm while Lenna locks your right arm to the floor.

"LET GO! LET ME GO YOU DAMN DIRTY ELVES!!" you struggle like a mad man, and thank Titania and Thor, it was no use.

"Haaaaaaaaa!!!!! Tony-kun, How meannnnn!!!!" (Helen) her helmat fold back revaling a pout Helen face.

"Tony, what's going on why are you acting like this?" (Lenna) her face also reveal. And her face was full of worries.

"SHUT UP!!!! LET ME GO, AND THIS TIME I WILL BEAT THE HELL OF YOU!!" Saria came out of the tent and running toward you with concern written all over her face.

"Aisha, what is wrong with him?" (Lenna)

"I don't know, but I know that he is not the kind Master I know..................oh No!" (Aisha) Aishia felt a massive breach in the main sever you stop struggling and concentrate your mind, using the nanomachine in your brain to connect the main sever. She quickly tries to push you back, but it was no use because you created all the program and you know every single detail so you can easily overwrite everything.

"Lenna-sama! Quickly, let Master wear your Helmet!" (Aisha) Lenna nod and the Titania helmet cover all of her head, then some of the plate armour start to expand, and Lenna grabs the helmet and take it off.

"Ple--ase—h—urry!!" (Aisha) her voice is glitching out. Lenna quickly put her helmet on your head. Then the armour plate that expanded shrink down to adjust your face.

A few seconds later, your eyes were wide open. "..................….what just happen? And this Titania helmet I'm wearing?"

"Master!!" (Aisha)

"…..Oh, Aisha, what wrong?" you ask her in a calm voice.

"What do you mean what wrong!! Mooooouuuu!!" (Aisha) then a pout emoji appear on the hud screen.

"Huh??? By the way, why am I laying the ground and I...….can't (You turn to the left and saw Lenna in her armour pin your arm)......…move?" You turn to the right and also see Helen lock your arm.

"Ok, what the hell is going?" the faceplate open, revealing your confusing face.

"Tony-kun! What going why you being so mean!" (Helen) she pouts.

"Yes! tell us!" (Lenna) she glares at you.

"Waaaaaaaaaaaa??? I don't know what you are all talk about, but first, could you both please let me go?" Helen and Lenna look at each other, thinking that is it a good idea to let you go?

"Lenna-sama, Helen-sama, Master is back to normal." (Aisha) hear her voice Lenna, and Helen let you go.

You quickly get and up slap the dust of your trouse and raise both your arms up "Woooooo! Freedom!!" you try to light up the mood since you notice there a tension in the camp atmosphere. Seeing that no one reacts to your joke, you sigh knowing that you fail miserably.

Suddenly you felt you hit by a car but a very soft car. "Tony-san, Tony-san, what's wrong? Are you ok? don't worry mommy here." (Saria) she hugs you tightly with your face deep in her majestic valley.

You just love to stay in these sacred valleys forever, it is truly heaven, but there is one problem.........….you can't beath. "Mmm!! Mmm!! Mmm!!" you tap on her breasts telling her that you can't breathe.

"Oh, sorry~ (Saria) she let you go. Then you suck most of the oxygen in your lung.

"Now tell me, Why did you act like a madman?" (Saria) she look straight in your eyes.

"Sigh...Honestly I don't know…��we was watching a clip, and then I realise I was laying on the ground." You spoke the truth. You don't know what happens.

"I see…..you really don't know anything. Aisha-san could you tell us what happens?" (Saria) the holo screen pops up above your HB and show you everything.

"What the fuck!!?????" You were very shocked to see yourself act like a lunatic and trying to commence a mass genocide on the west continent and what worst you call Aisha a lowly A.I and other mean things to Lenna and Helen. Now you understand why the beastkin gave you a fearful look. This kind of behaviour never happens before even when granddad Lee dies in front of you. of course you kill a lot of people on that day, but you never try to kill innocent people.

"Oh Aisha, I'm so, so sorry, I…I….sigh what have I done" you facepalm yourself.

"Master....No, I won't forgive you!" (Aisha) she hmph at you and sent you another pout emoji. She knows it was not your fault; she is just playing with you.

"Pleasesssssss, I don't know what came over me, so please forgive me!!"

"Mmmmmmmmmmm, no, Hmph!!!" (Aisha)

"Then I'll give anything you want!.......of course, within my power." This got her attention.

"Anything?" (Aisha)

"........within my power."

"Ok, I want a body!!" (Aisha) her voice fills with excitement.

"Well, you could easily enter the battle droid if you want a body."

"I mean a living organic body." (Aisha)

"Mmmmm, I haven't created a live body before, well I could try, ok deal but not right away ok?"

"Deal! I forgive you, Master!! (Aisha) she sounds like a teenager who got her own car.

"Me too, me too, me toooo~, I won't forgive you for saying a mean thing to me!" (Helen) she already unequips her suit and huge your arms like a spoiled child.

"I didn't I gave you Thor suit?"

"That and this are a different matter! You better give me compensation or this daddy won't forgive you!" (Helen) she looks at you and pouts like a blowfish.

"So you honestly don't know what happens?" (Lenna) she looks at you while crossing her arms.

"I don't know what came over me, but I'm sure those Church people are behind this they already wipe the beast kingdom with a second thought! They don't care about those innocent people."

"Tony-sama!!" (Kaguya) she appears in a front with Karin and the others. "We sorry that we're ears dropping you and your family, but we overheard you mention the one who kills our brother and sisters. Please, we must know. Who did it!?" (Kaguya) her face and voice are filled with hatred. And you look at other beastkin, and most of them had the same expression.

"Sigh...….let me show you." you press a few buttons on your HB and show the three black hooded figure. They are from the organisation called the Church, and they are Humans." Every beastkin look at you with a shocking when you mention that the one who nearly wipes the beastkin are human.