Chapter 4 | Levina

I gritted my nails when I saw the long line outside our shop.

Sh☆t! What did I say about getting home early?

"Excuse me. Pardon me, coming through..." I squeezed inside.

"Where were you Xianne? Give that to number 56."

"I got a call from the hospital. I left early." I quickly reasoned. I had a lot of time thinking.

"I thought you were on a scavenging quest again."

"You know I'm laying low."

"Number 60." I handed out the orders while he compile them on the counter.

"You know you should ask for a part-timer."

"We don't need to. Next week, there will be few customers."

He got a point. We only get packed whenever the kingdom is under a rogue condition.

"Number 72." He called out, this time.

"I need to get back before noon."

"Alright. Help me eliminate these bosses first then I can let you go."

I nodded; I need to get back to the prince before he wakes up.

    ☾ 𓆰𓆪 ☽

My eyes flickered back and forth from the almost open bars, his eyes flickering with excitement. 


"MOVE!" Ahlai growled. 

I didn't catch my breath, the rails burst open hitting me on my forehead, his claws out scratching my chest down to my stomach, the metallic silver pushed into my bloodied flesh as he ran out like a mad dog. 


He slobbered and ran like a hound, howling. I lost consciousness. 

"Xianne..." The lights were so blinding, that I closed my eyes again.

"Have you seen Xianne?"

"Why is the prince suddenly calling her name?"

"I swear that omega always gets in the way."

"Shush, I think he's waking."

"Should we call her?"

"Should we even?"

These nurses scream in whispers, I'm getting annoyed.

Why the hell would these nurses cut Xianne out of the way, anyway?

"The second prince is awake!"

"Second prince, please you have to stay in bed. Your wound might open." The nurse on my left stopped me from moving.

"Yes, she's right second prince. Please stay lying on your back."

"What happened?" I asked them.

"You were rushed here by the general."

"Where is he?"

"He said something happened at the castle. He didn't come back since then."


"Are there any gammas outside?"

"There are none, second prince." The girl on my right said.

I felt my heart sank. There's no one there. No one in here. I was never the suicidal type, but I wished Ahlai slashed me deep enough to kill me. I felt it, he almost touched my intercostal arteries. 

Was there a reason why he let me live? 

"What time is it?"

"It's past one, second prince." 

I nodded. I tried to search for the feeling of hunger but I only longing registered in my system. I sighed; I was hopeless. 

"Is there anything you need, second prince?" The nurse on my right broke my self-pettiness. 

"There are none." 

I wish you to call Xianne...

"Please dis--" 

"You are dismissed." I didn't let her finish her sentence. At least let me pick up the ounce of pride that's left for me. 

I tried to stand up to watch what was happening outside. It took me a long excruciating time but I forced myself. I don't want to lie down. I want to do something. I want to know something. 

What happened? 

Where is Ahlai? 

Was the palace left untouched? 

Why did he suddenly turn into a rogue, a new moon at that?

  And... the piece of metallic silver, why did it glow? 

Did that come from him? 

My hands absent-mindedly flew to my chest, where my wound is. I couldn't feel anything, just my heartbeat. I'm covered in bandages; did they find it? Was that silver out of my body? I need to get Xianne, she's the only person I can ask. 

Turning to get out of the door, there the sole person whom I'd been yearning to see was here. 

"My prince!" She exclaimed as I tightly embraced her. "Are you okay? Shouldn't you be resting?" 

"Please, just a few more minutes," I begged her. 

I don't know why but I want to cry with happiness—the only person that came back, who helped me. I can feel her genuine concern and care, the things I so wanted to demand from my family, I so desperately wanted to feel. And she's here, giving it to me and I am beyond grateful. 

"Xianne... thank you for coming," I whispered through her ears. Closing my tears away. 

She returned the embrace and lightly tapped my back. She didn't say anything, she just let me fall into a deep hug. 

"I'm sorry for catching you off guard. I do not mean to impose. I felt happy that someone came for me. I felt lonely-- not that kind of lonely. Please I hope you wouldn't misunderstand." I clarified my actions. I do not want her to think otherwise. 

I want her to think only of the nice things. 

She chuckled. "My prince, I understand." She opened her bag and put something on the table. I resumed my thoughts, looking at the palace. 

"Do you know what's happened?" 

"My prince, please eat first." I faced her. She put lunch on my bedside table, it was a large bowl of black broth. 

"Xianne, do you know how to cook?" My question made her chuckle. It was delightful that I chuckled with her. "Did it come out as a joke?" I asked amusedly. 

She waved her hands in front of her. "Oh no, my prince. That's not what I meant. I-I do not cook. I bought it on my way here. I figured the sanatorium food does not appetize you." 

I only nodded, "Is that what the patients here tell you?" 

"Unfortunately, yes." 

My brother should do something to sustain the patients here. After a few sips and bites of the black broth, I couldn't contain to ask her again. 

"What happened." She stopped checking my IVs and turned to me. "How's my brother?"

"He's here. The crowned prince was brought here before you. The doctors said he was badly injured and was still unconscious. From the looks of it, the rogue attacked you first and then went to attack Prince Alaric." 

"I overheard a few king's men talking on my way here. They said that the queen has ordered to do an investigation, and she herself is leading it." 

It's the proper procedure, and I guess she's thinking that after my sister, I'm trying to get rid of my brother. That's why she's working on the investigation herself, and well, my father allowed it. 

  "But why were you there, my prince?" 

Is that concern in her eyes?

I stayed silent. I do not want her to think I'm a fool and careless prince. Although I am--

"Xavion Silverfate, the second prince of Canidae Kingdom, you are under arrest for abetting, and aiding a rouge of the attempted murder of, Alaric Silverfate, the crowned prince of Canidae Kingdom. You will be transported to your cell and will remain unless the queen has found enough evidence, enough to banish you from this kingdom."

"WHAT!?" Xianne screamed, "You should have at least waited for him to finish getting his IV!" 

"Please, stand back omega. If you do not cooperate, I'm afraid we have to add you to the list of offenders." 

I stopped her before she opened her mouth. "I only have one favor." 

"What is it?" 

"My queen!" Everyone exclaimed, we all bowed our heads as she visited me unannounced. 

I should be happy but I feel far from it. I feel on edge. 

"Xavion, did you have lunch?" 

"I already had lunch, Mother." I politely answered her. 

She sighed and sat on the bed. 

"Will everyone please give us the room?" 

Xianne looked at me and courtesied her way out, I smiled at her and hoped that she'd wait outside. 

    ☾ 𓆰𓆪 ☽


"Alaric! My child!" My voice quivered as I scooped him in my arms. His body tensed, as I tenderly caressed his back. "Mother's here. Mother's here, you can put your guard down, now." 

He is covered in bandages, his right eye black, and an awful bruise is forming. His red lips busted, both of his cheeks covered in tiny cuts, his forehead covered in a long-stitched wound, his hands deep with slashes and delicately wrapped in a sling, legs covered in gashes and I can still smell that nasty scent from that disgusting rouge! 

He's still on the run, I made sure the Epsilons find him, I will punish him myself, for what he did to my sons! 

"Mother." He softly called; his face chagrined. 

"I should have killed him, Mother. I should have killed him!" 

"Meet my eyes, Alaric." I scooped his chin with my finger. 

"You would become a murderer. I do not want you to bear the guilt." 

"I would not be guilty mother. What I feel right now is rage!" His eyes glowed red. I caress his hair to calm him down. He always calms down when I do it, a little magic trick I learned when he was still little. 

"I do feel it too, Alaric. But it would not look good on you if you killed a rouge before your coronation day. It would be if you were king. They we'll start counting." 

"But why mother? He's rouge, I'm sure it'll be glorious for me." 

My lip curled up. "You're still young my child. You must remember you are still a prince. You have not yet received King Lycaon's bestowal. Blood will tarnish your purity, and will make you invaluable to receive the throne. It is something you cannot undo, Alaric." 

I carefully remind him of the rules. His eyes are impassive, "For now, just train with Warrior Neal Aketcha, he has been battling with rogues since he was five. He's from the Aves Kingdom, I asked his majesty to pay us a visit."

Alaric's still tight-lipped. But I can read the excitement in his eyes. "When will he come?" 

"He'll come after the first quarter." 

"That's a few days from now. I must recover quickly." 

"Do not worry, my child. I have asked the potion master Garett to prepare a royal healing potion for you."

"Eat this, I asked the royal cook to make you your favorite chicken broth." 

His eyes glistened like a child, I chuckled he is still a child. I wonder if he's ready to become King. He should still be enjoying his 20s but I'm afraid he's forced to mature. and yet, he is still as clueless as he will ever be. 

He quickly ate the chicken broth and sipped it soundly, "Are you finished? What else do you want?" 

I sipped on my tea. 

"I hope once the investigation is done, you'll behead Xavion." 

"What!?" I almost spit my tea at him. 

"You heard me, mother. I want him dead." 

I couldn't believe what I heard. "Why would you want him dead?" 

"Mother, don't you see? He befriended that rouge to kill me! He had it all planned. He acts dumb, he acts clueless and he acts all respectful and kind, but he isn't I can see through his mask! He's working hard to get rid of me and get my throne!" 

I sighed at him. "You know that isn't true." 

"Why do you think he 'lost' Levina? Do you seriously believe that glàmon? Mother! He did it once, doing it again is a basic instinct for him! That rouge said so!" 

My eyes glowed. "You know if I prove you were lying it will cost you much. And don't you drag Levina's name here! This is a different situation." 

He let out a bitter laugh. "It's the same situation Mother, we're in the same kingdom, a rouge the only difference was me. It's me now Mother because he successfully destroyed Levina!" 

"Enough! Alaric! Is this in your head? If the roles were reversed, would you also kill your brother?" 

He went silent. "Silence is also an answer, my crowned prince. Tell me, where were you when that war broke out in this kingdom? I remembered it vividly you three were playing on the castle grounds, so where were you?"

He bowed his head, lips shaking and his hands turned into fists. 

I collected myself and stood up facing my back on him. "You owe Xavion everything." 

"Mother, please, let me redeem myself!" He bowed and cried, tears slowly falling down his red cheeks. 

"Tell me honestly what the rouge said?" I warned him again before he opens his mouth. "Do not fool me, Alaric!" 

"He said nothing!" 

"Are you sure?" 

"Yes!" I sensed him stopping his mouth. "I'm not gonna ask you again, what did the rogue say?" 

"Nothing important, mother. Other than insulting me and provoking me to kill him." 

"So why have you assumed that Xavion befriended that rogue to kill you?" 

"They sounded so close when he was provoking me, saying he's smarter than me." 

At this rate, I might have believed that rogue. "Do you think so, Mother?" 

I closed my eyes to prevent the irritable feeling inside me. "Alaric, firstborn, heir to the throne of Canidae Kingdom. Although it's rare to change the successors in every kingdom, remember that you must still work to become worthy of the throne. I was once a princess, not the direct successor in my family, but how come I became the Queen of our land?" 

"You were married to Father." 

"Yes, but if I was not worthy of the throne, I wouldn't be Queen, I would be a concubine to his majesty. Not his equal. I made myself valuable to accept the royal seat. And so should you. Criticisms are always around the royal family, being compared to your brother mustn't move you. Especially when it came from a rouge. Focus on yourself and be better not just for me and your father but for the whole kingdom. The people are trusting you with their lives, something you shouldn't gamble just for the sake of your ego." 

"I will be visiting your brother. And keep in mind, you may be the crowned prince, but I am still your queen, you will still submit to me until you have found your mate. Until then, respect my decisions."

"Your words will not fall on deaf ears, Mother. Please accept my endless gratitude." 

I turned my back to him and appointed the guards. 


    ☾ 𓆰𓆪 ☽

"I'm afraid you'll have to stay in confinement until you receive my verdict." Her voice far from guilty but filled with agony. 

"As you wish, Mother." I have accepted my fate. 

"Your brother has dropped a heavy testimony against you. So expect the highest forms of punishments." Her eyes couldn't meet me.

"You know what they are don't you?" 

"Yes, death sentence, serving a life sentence, and or banishment." 

"Very well, you have been studying." 

"It's the least I can do, Mother, to make you proud." 

Her smile reached her eyes. "You have made me proud, Xavion." She let out a deep sigh. "You would have been a perfect leader, Xavion. I can see it in you. Too bad, you let yourself walk into your very own grave." 

I clenched my jaw. If our minds shut off and come back with no recollection of the traumatic precis, how come I still remember every bit of it? 

"I miss her eyes, colored like the lightning." I murmured. 

"Me too." She escaped the tears in her eyes, she stood up and looked at the kingdom. The very kingdom I have been longing to be accepted. 

A flat silence echoed the hospital room. I can feel Mother having the hardest time in her life. Contemplating what to do with my brother, what to do with me. And since she investigated this herself, the King will not intervene and whatever her decision will be, will happen. 

"I will be talking to your doctor. Once he dismisses you, you will be escorted to the penitentiary. But I'll make sure you'll be comfortable there. What books would you want to be there?" 

"One book will be enough, Mother. 'The Ruins of Lycaon'"

"I'll visit you whenever I can." She opened the door. 

"Do not worry about me, Mother. I'll fully cooperate and your decision will be accepted with utmost respect. I'll try my best to become a better son." 

She bit her lip. Walked gracefully back to my bed, and gave me a hug. 

"Be sure to find your mate." 

© 2020 by bleedingpapers

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