
Xavion pulled a chair out for Xianne as they watch the butler announce The First Princess Zalia. 

"Oh! Who's that handsome guy?" Xianne asked the man who was beside Zalia, pointing her finger at him.

"He's taken!" Xavion said and clasp her pointer finger, holding her hand. 

"Really? But I didn't see a ring on his veiny finger." Xianne teased him more. 

"Veiny.!?" He asked, his jaw on the ground looking at his mate. "I've got more veins than him." He said, pointing the man behind him with his thumb. 

Then he raised both of his hand to let Xianne see his veins. 

"You see this?" He points out. Touching his short vein that starts from the middle of the back of his hand to his knuckles. 

"It's about to burst, right?" He said looking at Xianne and then touched the longest and greenest vein. 

"And this is the longest, travels from my knuckles to here." He said, touching his biceps and then flexing it at her.