Chapter 38 | The Crown on The Throne

"In somno et vigilia, in lumine et tenebris,Potentia ligatur, voluntas constringitur,Qui anulum gerit, sibi subditum habeat,Ut amoris vinculum fiat, et potestas aeterna sit."

The room darkens further, the shadows growing longer, and thicker. The light from the ring cast eerie patterns on the walls, flickering like flames in a strong wind. The energy in the room became almost unbearable, a pressure that made it difficult to breathe. I could feel the ring's power reaching out, searching for something—someone—to bind to.

Medea's voice grew louder, more forceful, as she completed the incantation. The final words echoed through the room, carrying with them a sense of finality and power:

"Ligatum sit, aeternum et indivisibile. Hoc anulo, tua erit potestas. Ita fiat!"