88 wait for the next update

Xianne came back to their room, exhausted and awfully drained. She dropped herself on the canopy bed, while Xavion watch him coming from the bathroom. 

"I swear she doesn't like me!" Xianne said, looking at her mate with a frown on her face. 

"Xianne, no. Why would you say that?" Xavion wondered, standing in front of her.

"Agh! Nevermind, I'll just try to practice more of that princess stuff."

"Why, what did she say?" Xavion asked, taking a sit beside her. As his eyes drowned at her presence. 

"She said, sit like a lady, when I sat crossed legs. And then por the tea like a princess, not a waitress! How would I know I'm not a princess, I was a waitress in a coffee shop!" Xianne said and stopped adding more sentences as she felt shortness of breath. 

"I just want to sleep." Xianne quietly said and close her eyes.