
"Hello, darkness my old friend." Ian said in his mind.

That's the first thing that came to Ian's mind.

"So this is what afterlife is like, total darkness."

"It feels so weird and strange."

Ian used to think in his past life, after death it's total darkness, but never ever he would've thought that it's not just darkness that will accompany him but also this strange feeling and weirdness of being trapped in a cramped tight space.

"It feels so weird, I feel like I'm wrapped up tightly in some thick blanket or something, it's warm and feels weird?"

Ian feeling up the weirdness and strangeness of being trapped in some closed space in total darkness started to get annoyed and disturbed.

He feels like he is floating; it's too uncomfortable for him.

He tried to move but he can't move. He feels restricted in this tight space.

Suddenly, the surrounding space started to contract. He feels more uncomfortable, weird and was getting annoyed by it. He feels something is pushing him towards somewhere and it's starting to get more uncomfortable for him. All he wants is this to stop.

Feeling the contractions, Ian felt that it's getting more disturbing for him, so he shouted in his mind.

"F*ck this, let me out! Let me out!"


And, he's out.

Not feeling the suffocating tightness around his body and feeling a little cold also warm sensation throughout his body, he said 'finally!' in his mind, being relieved from that tightly constricted space.

Breathing in the fresh air, He suddenly felt like he was floating and something or someone was holding him.

Slowly, he starts hearing things like people shouting and moving. So much noise that his head started to hurt as it will explode at any moment.

Ian started to slowly open his eyes, he only just opened his eyes a little bit, he felt like his eyes were burning from the bright light that assaulted his eyes.

"F*ck, so bright!!! S*it, let me go back!!!" He shouted, but all came out of his mouth we're utter nonsense gibberish. Which sounded like wailings of a baby.

Baby yes, baby.

Wait, what?


Ian tried to look around to see, where he is at.

Looking around he saw a giant fr**king face.

"F*ck, mommy! Save me!" Ian shouted getting scared by the giant face. (A/N waaah eaaah baby wailing)

That glasses-wearing giant passed him to a beautiful angelic-looking woman.

"Oh, you're so beautiful and cute my little baby!" The woman with the beautiful angelic-looking face said smiling, which looked so heavenly to Ian that the first thought came to his mind was 'must protect that smile, HE MUST PROTECT' staring at the smiling woman.

"Aaron, Your name will be Aaron Christopher Blood."

The woman with the angelic face said staring directly at his eyes, with a loving gentle smile on her face.

Which to Ian, he imagined glowing halo seems to form around her. As he stared in a daze at the beautiful angelic-looking face of the woman who was holding him carefully with a gentle and loving smile on her face.

"Ahh! I see."

Ian, now Aaron.

Finally realized, that he has reincarnated.

Suddenly, Aaron starts to get drowsy, feeling tired; he closes his eyes with a single thought in his mind.

'Yeah, it seems like I am a baby now. I have been reborn.' Aaron thought in his mind, who was once formerly known as Ian.

And once more, darkness filled his entire vision as he fell asleep at the embrace of his mother, of this new life.


Aaron woke up feeling the familiar uncomfortable cramped tight space, in darkness once more.

Again the same darkness and weird uncomfortable feeling hit him.

He thought to himself "Weird, Deja Vu???"

It took him a few minutes to gather his thoughts

He finally said in his mind after coming to the conclusion that what he experienced before was nothing more than his imagination running wild after dying.

Aaron/Ian sighing, thought in his mind.

'Aight, here we go again.'

"Hello, Darkness my old friend."

After going through the same thing all over again, thinking his soul must be very unlucky as he was just reborn? was he?


It doesn't matter, now he is dead once again or perhaps, he is in hell? And he is going to be reborn constantly on a loop?

'A weird type of mind wrecking punishment, I say' Aaron/Ian thought.

Going through the process of being reborn once more.

Once again, he found himself in a room with medical appliances, people shouting and moving around.

Since he has gone through these procedures once before, he keeps himself quiet in order to not cause a panic. He only just blinks constantly, as he doesn't want to let these doctors think that he is having some kind of problem or whatever, he will just keep his mouth shut and blink once a while.

He was handed to this guy, with a plain-looking face who seems to be crying but was holding himself back, not to startle Aaron who once was formerly known as Ian.

The guy that Aaron/Ian was handed to sniffs holding himself from crying, He holding onto Aaron/Ian on his arms carefully said.

"Oh, my lady, you are as beautiful as your mother."

The plain-looking man stared at him lovingly, holding him carefully, giving a hideous half-crying half-smiling smile. he opened his mouth to say something once more.

"You have your father's eyes, my lady"

Frowning, Aaron who was once formerly known as Ian stared at him weirdly and starts to think.

Hey! wait a moment!!!

Her eyes go round in shock by the sudden revelation.

This plain-looking guy wearing a fancy suit said What???

He/she screamed in her mind 'heavens!!'.

"F*ck, what did I do wrong in my previous life. For Gahds sake, tell me you mother f*cking s*ithead of a God of death, come out you ba*t*rd!!" She started shouting loudly.

(A/N: waaah awash waaaaaaah waaaah. Baby wailing.)

The plain and average looking man, who's looks so normal and plain aside for his fancy suit stares at the wailing little girl in his arms in panic.

He doesn't know what to do, he was trembling holding the baby in his arms.

After, which seemed like an eternity.

She finally calms down, feeling tired and drowsy just before she/he succumbing to sleep.

Aaron/Ian hears the plain-looking guy saying to someone near him.

"Nyx Aurelia-Rose Prince. That will be her name, Max, that is what lady Rose and lord Arthur decided to name if a girl to be born." The plain-looking guy said to Max his dear friend and partner.

Max stared at the beautiful baby girl in Rodney's arms and said "Then it shall be, I will go inform the others that the 'Prince heir' has been born and inform Kira to come here to take care of lady Nyx.

Rodney nods hearing Max and stares at lady Nyx, the daughter of the person he was supposed to protect, lady Rose.

He can't help but tear up thinking about lady Rose who gave her life to bring this little angel to this world.

He can't help but think about the future of Lady Nyx, about how she will survive without her parent's guidance, who left her alone in this world.

What kind of person she will become? and what kind of future holds for Lady Nyx?

Only time will tell.