(Aaron and Aurora) In Country O???

Aurora looking at her brother who's giving her the creeps made a wry face.

"Will you stop that! It's giving me the creeps, it's just a walking stick." Aurora shouted at Aaron.

Aaron who was walking in circles around her with a blissful smile while caressing his cane muttering 'Oh my precious ahhh my precious ooooh precious my precious' over and over stops suddenly after hearing his sister shout at him.

Aaron made a disdainful face towards Aurora then he said.

"It's not a walking stick, its a cane! A CANE!!!" Emphasizing on the last part a bit loud.

"Yes, a cane which is a walking stick." Rolling her eyes Aurora said in a monotone voice.

Giving his sister a scowling face he tries to make her see the romance of the marvellous item that he is holding in his hand.

"Look this is not a walking stick its a cane, custom made designed by yours truly." Eyes sparkling Aaron continues

"The handle is completely made of Black Platinum, The delicate and intricate designs on the Coiling Viper handle was handcrafted by Javier Rodriguez who's in my opinion, is currently the best crafter in the world. The body is a hollow carbon rod with a platinum rod inside, if you twist the handle to the left you can contract the platinum inside the carbon hollow rod making the cane smaller in length." Demonstrating while speaking. Aaron twisted the Viper Handle to the left, The length of the cane becomes smaller by half.

(A/N. The person doesn't exist he's a fictional character The Crafter.)

"Which makes this cane smaller giving an appearance of a Scepter" the cane which now looks like a scepter Aaron waved it around.

"Again if you twist the handle to the right, the platinum rod will be pushed out of the carbon hollow rod expanding its size once more giving it a look of a cane." Aaron once more twisted the Coiling Viper handle to the right into and the scepter turned into the cane once more.

"In my previous life, I had this magical scepter that could turn into any type of weapon" Aaron said caressing the cane reminiscing about his magical partner an ego-scepter, which he created along with his friends.

Looking at her brother who's giving this sorrowful gloomy vibe "Yeah yeah, its a fancy walking stick." Aurora said sarcastically.

Scoffing at her words Aaron only scowls at his sister.

"Anyway, how do I look?" Aaron changing the subject asked his sister.

Aurora looks at Aaron who's wearing a black t-shirt over a black traditional double-breasted trench coat with black jeans, wearing rectangular rimless frame eyeglasses before his light green eyes.

She must say, his brother looks extremely Handsome and Beautiful.

"Handsome and beautiful brother. That cane of yours gives you a noble aura when someone looks at you." Giving Aaron a gentle smile she replied.

"Thank you for the compliment sister." Aaron giving thanks nods at his sister.

"So have you made any plans? Unlike Nyx who's being monitored 24/7, we are free who can do whatever we want." Aurora said plopping down on the couch.

"I can't say for now, I'm still working on some things after they are finished we can go for our first outing.

I haven't finished my research on it, will probably be able to finish it when we are in Country O." Walking back and forth Aaron trying to get used to walking with a cane he continues.

"My hacking skills are only above average I can't get all the information I need from here. But there are few candidates though, one is an orphan and another has an alcoholic abusive father and a sick mother." Aaron looks at her sister and said once more.

"It will be very risky I know about your skills, but you dont have to do that. We can find some other source or wait till I get good enough with my techs and hacking skills." Showing deep concerns over his sister who proposed an extremely dangerous but very very good plan. He's still reluctant to do it, it concerns his sister's life. One wrong move she's dead that's it that's how much dangerous the plan she proposed is.

"Don't worry brother even though I dont look like it I'm pretty strong." Understanding his concerns she assures him and tries to persuade him.

"That is the quickest way we can earn money. it's risky but you know what they say higher the risk higher the rewards"

Groaning slightly Aaron gives up sighing.

"Okay, I believe in you." Aaron forcing a smile said.

"Go get ready we will be leaving for Country O soon you always take too much time to get ready."

Hearing that Aurora rolls her eyes at him.

Watching his sister leaving his room Aaron plops into his bed looking the white familiar ceiling he mutters.

"This f*c*ing curse I swear If I ever meet Darkness I'll tell her to beat the shit out of you three I swear you hear me Fate, Time and Death I swear I will unleash Darkness on you three gods."


Arriving at their aunt's place in Star City, Country O.

"It's not far away only 5-minute walk from here to where Nyx is staying." Aaron said looking at his aunt's residence to Aurora.

"Really! What we're the odds of that?" Hearing her brother saying Nyx is not far away from them really surprised her.

Inside the residence, they met with a beautiful young woman in her mid-20s who looks just like their father but female.

"If you give Father a wig and put makeup on him wouldn't he look exactly like aunt May" Aurora made a comment looking at her father.

"You're right he will look exactly like aunt May minus the boobs and will be just a bit taller and leaner." Hearing his sister say that, he looks at his father and tries to imagine him in female clothes.

"Aurora! Aaron! You both are finally here I was so excited when I heard from your parents that you both have chosen Carsons, I will finally be able to pamper my niece and nephew. I've prepared one of the guest room for both of you and one for your parents, if you two mind sharing a room then I can kick your parents out after all both of them will only stay on weekends. They both can stay at hotels and you two can have a room each by yourself-" Suddenly his father shouted at aunt May.

"Stop! Stop! Stop! They won't mind sharing a room and you are not kicking us out." and started arguing over kicking them out and stuff.

Aaron and Aurora looked at each other.

"Well, thats our Aunt alright" both of them said it at the same time before laughing out loud.