First day of school??? the clubs???

Aurora was getting annoyed.

At first, Aurora made some inquiries about the school. They talked about the school and its facilities as well about various school-related stuff.

Even though she gave off this 'back off dont disturb me' aura she answered them seriously.

When did it start? well, it was from a casual topic. then one thing led to another now the three of them arguing about stuff that doesn't make sense to Aurora at all.

At first, it was technology then sports after sports it was the current situation on politics later the topic turned to web novels. they hit it off like children finding a common interest to talk about.

Suddenly they started to argue about some novels and debating over the male lead and the female leads of the novel.


A full-blown war, debating over choices or whatnot of fictional characters.

They finished their lunch a while ago. But their debate is still going on strong.

"Okay! that's it stop, please stop!" Three of them looked at her with an annoyed look hearing Aurora complaining.

Seeing their looks she got triggered and leaked a tiny teeny bit of killing intent and glared at them.

They shut up, a cold sweat forming on their foreheads internally thinking 'she's scary!/she's mad'.

"Let's go check those clubs" cleaning up the trash on the table by throwing them into the trash bin nearby. She grabbed Erisviel and started walking towards the exit.

Surprised by Aurora's sudden action frowning a bit Erisviel tagged along shrugging 'well at least won't be bored today' thinking in her mind.

Aaron and Nyx followed after Aurora to go check on the clubs.


Looking around various stalls with banners and older students trying to recruit new students to their clubs.

Four of them Aurora, Aaron, Nyx and Erisviel walked around.

"Any interests Nyx and brother?" Aurora said looking around.

"I dont think I will join any clubs." Nyx said looking at various clubs.

No way in hell she will join any club with physical activities and as for the rest they are just elite posh clubs and odd clubs nothing suits her tastes.

"Aurora, look at me?" Aaron seriously called to Aurora.

Showing his cane and walking around Nyx, Aaron said

"There's no way in hell I can join any clubs with Physical activities and as for the others, there's nothing interesting for me to join." Aaron said looking at her.

Sighing deeply she looked around then started walking stall to stall.

Finally coming to conclusion she turned to Aaron.

"I might join the athletics club or the mixed martial arts club." She told Aaron about her choices.

"Though I have to check them out later if it's not up to par I won't join." Shrugging her shoulders she said.

She went to the respective booths of the martial art club and athletics club to register they told her that since its the first day of school they will just register the students for now and the tryouts will be held a week later for the said clubs.

After registering they explored the rest of the school.

The three found out that Erisviel is a second-year in the school. She always spends her free time at the back of the school where she said there's an old outdoor basketball court, that students go to hang out since the indoor basketball was created.

After spending some time talking they separated and went back to attend the rest of the class which was nothing much just talking about the school and its facilities teachers bragged about school history and such.

After the final bell rang everyone hurriedly left.

Coming out of the school building they saw Nyx's driver waiting for him.

"So that's it! huh, our first day of school was pretty normal." Aurora said looking at Nyx and Aaron.

"Yeah, it was nothing much really and we were looking forward to it." Nyx said.

"Oh come you were looking forward to it just like I was to meet Nyx." Aurora said snorting

"She is a bit guarded and has lots of walls surrounding her but she is not a bad person and did you notice, she was actually enjoying our time together and was a bit sad when we separated." Aurora said talking about Erisviel to Aaron.

Hearing his sister Aaron nodded.

Aaron also thought she was a bit guarded but she did enjoy it. Erisviel just needs someone there for her, she has lost faith in friends, she doesn't know the true meaning of friends yet from what he understood from Erisviel she never had any real friends.

"Indeed she was." Nyx said.

Three of them looking at the driver waiting for Nyx walks towards the car.

"Lights! Camera! Action!!!" Aurora said in her mind telling her brother to start acting.

Hearing Aurora, Nyx started acting immediately showing a sad reluctant to go home face.

"Nyx looks like your leaving already huh? " saying a bit loud enough to let the driver hear their conversation.

"Yes, it looks like our time for the day has ended Aurora." Nyx showing a sad face clenching the hem of her clothes said to Aurora.

"Why are you sad, we are going to meet tomorrow again here at school." Frowning a bit Aaron told Nyx.

"B-b-but I wanted to spend more time with you guys." Nyx stuttering a bit at first said to both of them.

"Don't worry, it's not like we are going away or anything. we also live near we can get together sometime and spend time together." Aurora said comforting Nyx.

Hearing that Nyx's face brightened up and gave a smile nodding.

"Yes yes we can meet anytime and we can also talk anytime why dont we exchange numbers too so we can talk later." Nyx said cheering up but soon she realized something she once more made a sad face.

"What now?" Aaron looking at Nyx's downcast face questioned.

"I dont have a phone." Nyx said clenching her teeth and tightly grabbing the hem of her dress.

"Don't worry we will give you our numbers and then you can call us from your home or you can buy a phone yourself too!" Aurora said giving her their numbers and comforting her.

"Okay, I will buy a phone and then we will talk later." Nyx said nodding to Aurora.

"Then we shall be going home see you tomorrow Nyx" Aaron said giving Nyx a brilliant smile.

"Yes tomorrow then, bye Aaron! bye Aurora!" Turning around she saw the driver giving her a bow then opening the door of the car for Nyx to get inside.

Seeing Nyx leave the siblings looked at each other with a brilliant smile plastered in their face.

"Nice acting bro!" Aurora holding her right hand up the n air.

Giving a high five to his sister Aaron also commented Aurora.

"You were also not bad sis." Aaron said.

"Ice cream?" Aaron asked.

"Chocolates?" Aurora replied with another question.

"Let's get both" both brother and sister said at the same time.

Both of them started walking towards their residence hand in hand.