Blood Rose. (Part 3)

"Two of them are downstairs, exactly right beneath your feet from the position you are standing." Aaron informed Aurora about her next targets.

Going downstairs sneaking around, right behind the two targets she readies her daggers.

Those two are talking to each other facing their back at Aurora.

Quietly and swiftly she approached them thrusting the daggers and twisting them underneath their ribs on the side of their bodies.

She punched one of them in the throat changing targets she grabbed the jaw of the other one dislocating it. Taking out the dagger from the one with the dislocated jaw, she slit the throat of the other guy who she punched before.

Taking out the dagger on the ribs of the guy she just slew. She turned to the one with the dislocated jaw pierced the throat and took the dagger off from the ribs before thrusting it in the heart.

"3 more right where are they?" Aurora asked Aaron.

"Down the hall at the right walking towards your direction." Taking the daggers she quickly went down the hall waiting for the guy to appear in front of her.

The guy who just heard some noise coming from the other side of the hall went to check the moment he turned to the side he saw a sinister-looking mask with bloodied teeth and exposed gum.

"Peek-a-boo" Aurora said before thrusting one dagger into the heart, one in the stomach, taking a small knife from her pocket plunging it into one of his eyes then getting the kitchen knife from her waist she slit the throat of the guy.

"Awww come one no fun, you just appeared and *plop* gone dead finished." She muttered.

'That was very quick. what a killjoy at least put up a resistance or something, after all, you were the only only one who at least had a chance to make a move'

Aurora said in her mind.

Aaron heard his sister in his mind sighed.

"She really is venting her heart out today." He mutters.

Giving her the location of the 3 remaining targets he said.

"The 2 guarding the door are in a narrow space, so you have to confront them and finish them quickly without much noise or it will alert those insides."

"Alright" replying she went towards the 3 remaining targets first before going to greet those 2 guards.

The 3 that she killed were paupers didn't have any weapons or money, nothing of value.

Clicking her tongue she went to get those two guards.

'Tsk tsk, nothing and I took the effort to use my hands instead of the knives or daggers.' Displeased that she didn't find anything on them, she readied three daggers and one knife on her hands.

Calming her emotions she took a deep breath.

She ran off to where those 2 guards are.

Running to the corner of the passage taking a turn she saw two guards standing and smoking cigarettes.

The guards surprised seeing a little figure sprinting towards them was a bit surprised at first, before getting ready to meet the person head-on.

One of the guards was about to shout when a dagger flew towards him and pierced him in the throat.

The other guard seeing his partner had a dagger stuck on his throat turned to the girl when his throat was punched.

Aurora swiftly stabbed a few times before sliding the throat of the guy before turning to the other person who was holding his throat with a dagger inside.

Stabbing the guy a few times before finishing off she loot them.

Getting ready calming herself taking deep breathes she took a peek inside.

She saw that there are three tables each had 5 people on the table playing poker.

Taking note of the surroundings, calculating all her moves thinking her plan for a few minutes.

She readies her weapons

She has three daggers, three knives and one kitchen knife that she brought from home.

Looking at the people calculating her moves she created some scenarios in her mind planning for some time she nodded.

Closing her eyes taking a deep breath.

Putting all her focus into the plan that she made she barged in.

She threw 3 daggers to the bastards who are in l farthest back from her location.

Accurately piercing them in the throats of 2 and in the eye of one, the dagger was slim and long so directly penetrated to the brain through the eyes.

Counting in her mind '3'.

Killing three, she lunged towards those was near her.

With two knives on her hand, she slashed at their hands before slitting the throats of three.

'That's 6'.

Kicking the table in front of her making three idiots stumbling on to the ground, she threw one of the knives in her hands to one person in the back who was trying to grab a gun.

Directly piercing into the eye accurately, unlike the guy who died from the dagger earlier he screamed in pain.

The other knife pierced the throat of the guy next to the screaming bi*t*h who kept shouting 'my eye my eye'.

'Oh please you are not dead yet, so rejoice on that fact bi**h' Aurora rolled her eyes.

Leaping over the table she grabbed her remaining knives, a small knife and the kitchen knife she brought from home.

Swiftly finishing the three that stumbled onto the ground earlier.

She counted '10 and a half'

She threw the small knife on one of the bas**rds who was running towards her.

The knife pierced into the stomach of the bastard who was running towards her.

She swiftly made her way towards him killing him with her kitchen knife.

'11 and a half' she muttered.

Healing towards two near her she stabbed a few times slashed a few times before finishing them off.

Looking at the last person standing who was looking at her in fear, the guy started begging for his life.

Hearing some noise from her behind, she threw her kitchen knife towards the guy who was screaming 'my eye' to the other and was the only good eye left.

Screaming once more in pain he plopped to the ground screaming and squirming.

Looking back at the remaining guy who was trembling and was begging to her.

"Please let me go! I beg of you! I will give you everything in here just let me go! I swear I won't tell anyone, please please let me go!" the guy was begging to her but also noticed the little figure wearing a sinister mask didn't have any weapons on hands the guy was unarmed.

Seeing a gun from the corner of his eye he kept on begging them suddenly, leapt towards the gun to grab it.

Before he could grab the gun, he screamed in pain there was a knife stuck on his arm.

Clicking her tongue a few times Aurora said "How so cliché of you."

"But did you really think that after killing everyone here that, I will leave you here alive? If I did that I'm good as dead, no?" Aurora said.

Walking towards the last guy. She looked at him for a bit then punched a few times, before taking out the knife from his arm she started stabbing him furiously killing him.

"There are bodies littered around with knives and daggers near me, how typical and cliché of you to think like a trashy mob villain." Aurora said.

Walking towards the guy who's eyes were pouring out a river of blood. She stabbed him a few times before she started to loot every dead body lying around in the room.

'Well that's 15 and a wrap' she said in her mind.

"All clear! brother." Aurora informed Aaron of their success.

Taking some white roses out from the duffel bag she littered them around in the pools of blood.

She looks at the white roses stained in blood she voices out words which were laced with sorrow and regret.

"As purity and innocence lost, walking the path towards acceptance, towards a new future with no intention of returning to the Past. I Aurora Christina Blood bid you farewell Weiss Rosaline Mist."

"The White Rose Queen of the Mist."