Aaron??? Nyx??? Nyx??? Aaron???

Two days have passed since Nyx came back to Country O.

Aurora, Nyx, Aaron and Erisviel was in Cafeteria.

It was lunchtime, Ian was supposed to come but had club activities.

Aurora recovered from her injuries, she feels a slight discomfort when she moves but she is fine and made a quick recovery.

Erisviel was thinking about something while watching both Aaron and Nyx.

That day Aaron also revealed to her about Nyx and Aaron being the same.

They both share the same soul. 'Ian' who reincarnated into this world shares his soul with two different bodies.

When Nyx learned about that, she was shocked.

Yes, she believed Aaron being a reincarnated soul from a different universe.

But its really hard to believe Aaron and Nyx sharing the same soul, them being the same person? It's hard to believe that.

Erisviel thought Aaron was joking about everything.

But no, Aaron laughed at her reaction and knew she wouldn't believe him.

So he asked her to tell him some random numbers or words, then Nyx will call her right then and will say those words to her.

Erisviel being sceptical still decided to listen. She said some random numbers and words also asked a few questions.

When she finished, Nyx called her right away and said the exact same numbers and words also answered her questions.

Erisviel was so shocked that she was in a daze for a few minutes.

Her reaction was so funny that Aaron and Nyx who was at Country Z at that time was rolling on the floor laughing.

Erisviel them soon turned into a crazy curious cat.

She kept on asking Aaron questions after questions regarding their life blah blah blah.

That day Aaron and Nyx suffered greatly.

It took her 2 days to calm down. But since then, nothing has changed between them. Nyx and Aaron were worried about what if she doesn't want to be friends with them anymore, but their worries were for nothing.

Erisviel, now looking at both of them after thinking for a while said.

"Its something similar to multiple personality disorder, but very very complicated."

Aaron, Nyx and Aurora the three of them looked at Erisviel.

Aaron and Nyx frowned hearing Erisviel, while Aurora was looking at Erisviel with a curious look.

"Are you saying I'm some nutjob with multiple personalities? I'm crazy?" There was a hint of anger in Aaron's voice.

"No, I said something similar but different. It's very complicated considering your unique existence." Erisviel said unfazed by Aaron showing anger after being triggered.

Aurora told everything about Aaron and Nyx to Erisviel after when she found out, Aaron told Erisviel about their reincarnation.

She told Erisviel about Aaron and Nyx's mental state, about how unstable they both are.

Erisviel thought about it, a lot after Aurora told her about such things.

Today, she finally came into some conclusions and have some theories regarding Aaron and Nyx.

"You have a single soul that is connected to different bodies. If you two, Aaron and Nyx were twins and born in a single household instead of being born in two different households then it would not have been so complicated. You are unstable cause you have born into two different households that have two different background completely opposite of each other." Erisviel said looking at both Aaron and Nyx.

Aurora listening to Erisviel become serious and told her to continue.

"You two have different backgrounds. Aaron was born into a loving family and have people beside him but Nyx doesn't, she is an orphan and was born into a s*ithole, no offence, but that house really is a f*c*ed up place to live in" Erisviel said looking at Nyx.

Both Aaron and Nyx said at the same time "None, taken." They were looking at Erisviel with a serious expression on their face.

"Taking control of two different bodies took a toll on you mentally, not only that both bodies have different backgrounds and are of the opposite gender. You both grew up differently. Aaron had people he could rely on, a mother, a father and a twin sister who is also similar to him. But Nyx was all alone she had no one to rely on, the people who are taking care of her are not her family but her parent's loyal servants, there are a clear hierarchy and status between them that made them distant. With how they were treating Nyx? All I can say that they are idiots" taking a deep breath and drinking some water Erisviel continued.

"Because of your circumstances, you have unknowingly created two different personalities that are opposite of each other. Although you both are the same person but also not the same person."

Erisviel looked at Nyx and said to her.

"You felt jealous of your own self? Why? If you and Aaron are the same person then, why? Nyx craves the warmth of family which she doesn't have."

Aurora frowning said, "their personalities are in conflict of each other?"

Shaking her head Erisviel corrected Aurora.

"No, not their personality. It is their feelings which are in conflict with each other. And Nyx's feelings are strong, very very strong. While Aaron, on the other hand, is mentality unstable from controlling two bodies at the same time. His weak body, as well as the memories from his past life, is also a burden on his soul." Nyx said to Aurora, then she turned to look at both Aaron and Nyx before she continued on.

"You unknowingly created two different personalities. Over time, the two personalities solidified their individuality and have created this mess. That is why you both are the same person but also not the same person anymore. Both of you are slowly becoming individual entities."

Aurora said in a grave voice "What are the chances of both of them separating and becoming single individuals?"

She looked at Aurora and said "almost impossible."

Frowning Aurora said in disbelief "how?"

Giving a smile towards Aurora, she said looking back to Aaron and Nyx.


Aurora turned to Aaron and Nyx both were looking down as if they are thinking of something very deeply.

Aurora then noticed something else.

She saw both of them were tightly holding onto each other hands, their hands were trembling.

Understanding suddenly dawned upon her seeing both of them holding onto each other.

Erisviel noticing Aurora said "If it really becomes a reality about both of them becoming individual entities. Then it will be something like what you have with them. Nyx will be Nyx and Aaron will be Aaron, just like how you share a telepathic and empathic connection with them, they will just only share the same connection. They will sever their own soul and form their own identities. But like I said that is only a near impossible possibility."

Aaron and Nyx both looked at Erisviel.

The atmosphere was solemn. They were seriously looking at Erisviel's eyes, then said.

"Then tell us, tell us how to overcome that. How to not let ourselves be severed, how to not let us become something or someone that we are not." Aaron said to Erisviel.

Then both Aaron and Nyx said at the same time.

"I dont want to lose myself like that!!!"

"I dont know how to answer that, you have to face those trials yourselves. But all I can say to you is, you both are going to change in the future."

Giving a smile and placing her hand over both of their hands, giving them a sense of security Erisviel said.

"Change is inevitable. But how you two will change? It is up to both of you."