Monthly Hell!

Aaron was working on his new project at the clubhouse.

He was supposed to design a 'hidden blade' for Aurora.

But he was having trouble making the 'PERFECT' blade.

He thought of many designs, such as a hidden arrow bolt, a poison dart launcher, a gun etc.

He researched and reference many historical assassination weapons, he even had gone far to get ideas from games, movies, novels etc.

The designs and mechanism for these kinds of weapons are very very complex.

For example, the hidden blade has many trigger mechanism designs such as pulling a string attached to ring-type or a pressure switch type, flexing muscle on the wrist pressure and arm type etc etc.

Too many designs.

But the problem with these kinds of hidden blade weapon does not end there for him.

The designs of such weapons are too bulky or take too much space on the arm that its too noticeable.

And the fragility of the weapons? Hah! It's too fragile that the durability is already low and if Aaron tries to make the hidden blade weapon 'unnoticeable' then it will be so fragile that one can break it with one's hands with enough force.

It really is a pain in the ass, making this type of weapon.

He experimented with lots of things, some designs he liked that could be based to make another type of weapon, some he completely threw away and some just broke apart after the durability test.

So far, he made a watch that can throw 3 projectile laced with fast-acting poison and a poison dart-throwing brace.

He tried to work and make a 'hidden blade' but he couldn't make anything. Instead, the more he tried to think about the 'hidden blade' project? More distracted he become with other ideas and new projects.

Since he couldn't work and think at all, he decided to finish up for today.

After tidying up his 'work station' he turned back feeling another person's presence in the room.

He saw Julian, groggily walking towards him yawning.

"Oh, you finally woke up!" Aaron said looking at the dazed Julian.

Julian frowned hearing the person in front of him.

He tried to recall everything Nyx said, finally remembering! he spoke to Aaron with a tired sleepy face giving a yawn.

"I'm sorry! I slept late last night. You are Aaron, right?" Julian asked seeing a pale sickly-looking boy with a cane on hand.

"Yes, I am. Which means I'm also one of your 'Boss'." Aaron said giving a smile to Julian.

Julian hearing Aaron, jolted awake from his half-asleep state.

He was now completely sober.

Nyx told him about everything regarding Nameless and his other 'Bosses'. So speaking informally and casually with Aaron like this, who was his boss was rude and disrespectful.

Especially, someone from the Blood family who are part of the 23 Sacred's.

He, Julian Grace is from the Grace family. Although a branch family, it's still connected to the main family who is part of the 23 Sacred's.

He quickly bowed and apologised for his rude behaviour.

"It's fine! Nyx told you about everything, right?" Aaron questioned.

"Yes, Lady Nyx informed me about everything." Julian replied.

"Hmm." Aaron hummed and observed Julian.

Julian was nervous after, the 'Boss' part.

He kept his head down and silently stood there in front of him.

"Plans have changed for you, you will undergo combat training under Sabastian and my sister Aurora. After they approve of you, you will be assigned to Nyx as her permanent personal bodyguard and will be assigned as her personal assistant in the future, when she joins the Prince Industries." Aaron said to Julian.

After what happened with Rodney, Max and Kira the other day. Nyx has decided to finally take her matters in her own hand.

She gave them many chances, but they never learned from their mistakes.

They treat Nyx as a child, she can't blame them for that, after all, she is a 12-year-old child.

But Nyx is not just a normal 12-year old. She is the Prince heiress, and her mentality is much more mature than a normal 12-year-olds.

Even after proving herself to them countless times they never learned so she got tired of that. Not anymore, she gave them enough chances.

They dont want to tell her about her family? Not gonna tell her about the Sacred Noble families and clans? Not gonna tell her who is after her life? Not gonna tell about 'Death Parade'? It's okay, she will find all the answers herself.

She has Aurora, Sabastian and her other friends with her.

She will not give a f**k, she will do what she wants to do with her own life.

She is Nyx Aurelia-Rose Prince.

The heiress of the Prince household.

While Aaron was thinking about his/her own matters.

Julian was surprised to learn that he will be Lady Nyx's personal bodyguard and will be her PA in the future.

A smile crept upon his face, Aaron didn't notice as he was in his own thoughts.

Julian was thinking about the future, he will always be near his 'light' and will always be there for her to protect her.

He knows that his feelings are one-sided, and she will never look at him that way.

But, what can he do with his feelings?

He can only just lock it up, deep inside in his heart.

He will just be the 'Loyal knight for his Light' and nothing more.

And that is enough for him.

It has only been 2 days and he has fallen deep.

The smile on his face vanished, slowly it was replaced with an expression of indifference. No emotions were seen on his face.

Aaron finally, out of his own world of his thoughts said.

"Best of luck! With your training with my sister then, and my condolences in advance for what you are going to go through with " Aaron said feeling bad for Julian, as Aurora is very STRICT and serious with her combat lessons.

Ian, their friend is still suffering daily abuse from Aurora.

Aaron was thinking about the things Julian will go through, Suddenly he stiffens up.

Aaron's face grew paler than already pale complexion he has.

It was like a sheet of white blank paper.

Sweats were starting to form on his forehead.

Julian, seeing the drastic changes in Aaron frowned.

He asked Aaron in a concerned tone. "Are you okay?" Julian knows that Aaron's body is weak as Nyx had told him about it.

"I'm fine." Aaron said trying to walk towards the bedroom Julian came out off before.

"I'm going to sleep here, today. So you will sleep on the couch." After saying that to Julian.

Aaron slowly went towards the room.

He looked like he will fall at any moment.

Julian watching this 'Boss' of his acting weird, didn't know what to do.

Aaron, in the room slowly approached the bed.

He carefully and slowly lay down on the bed and stared at the ceiling.

Frowning his brows, feeling extremely irritated he cursed out loud.



At Nyx's residence.

Nyx was in the bathroom, sitting on the floor leaning on the wall on a corner.

Her face was scrunched up, her forehead had beads of sweats flowing down.

She had an expression, that looked like she wanted to beat the crap out of people or anyone who comes across her face.

She calmed her breathing and called out to Aurora through her telepathic connection.

"Aurora?" Nyx called out.

"Yeah, sis?" Aurora, suddenly getting a telepathic call from Nyx was surprised.

Because its always Aaron who called her through the telepathic connection for everything. Even something related to or about Nyx, Aaron always was the one who communicates with her.

Nyx hearing Aurora, took a deep breath before she said to her.

"Aurora, I'm currently having my first period!!!" Nyx said through the telepathic connection.

There was a few moments of silence before, Aurora replied.

"Oooh! What a coincidence, I'm also having my first period. My dear beloved sister."

Nyx: ...

Aurora: ...

Both, Nyx and Aurora: F**k!