On the verge of??

Aaron was running to where his mother is.

He had only one thought in his mind and kept chanting 'Dont die!' Over and over under his breath.

He saw his mother being surrounded by 6 'security guards' she was trying to fight them off.

His mother wasn't any average fighter, she was one of the best martial artists on country X.

Boxing, Karate, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Judo, Taekwondo, Wrestling etc etc.

She knows many styles and has been regarded in the martial art community as the Empress of Martial arts.

Fighting six 'security guards' wasn't much for her.

While she was fending off six security guards another one of them arrived with a gun and shot her with the gun.

Melee fighters can't do anything about projectiles, right.

He saw his mother being shot not once but twice one in her right shoulder and one at her abdomen.

It has been 20 minutes since she has been shot, which Aaron found out from the timestamp in the video.

He eas extremely worried and concerned for his mother, every step that he made towards where his mother currently at? He felt like something or someone was eating away his soul.

He, Aaron was on the verge of losing his sanity.

He never had any family in his previous life. He was blessed with many friends but one by one they left him alone.

He was so tired of losing people he cared about that in the end, he gave up on caring and become a person without emotions or feelings.

He got a second chance in life, though he was once again cursed. He was also blessed, with family and friends once more.

He doesn't want a repeat of his cursed tragic fate.

Once is enough.

Arriving near the area where his mother is at.

He quickly hid behind a tree seeing two people walking towards him.

Luckily they didn't notice him.

He observed the two 'security guards' walking towards the area he came from.

They were having a conversation. Since he was in the forest it was pretty much quiet here in the forest.

So he could hear what they were talking about from where Aaron hid.

"That B*t*h is one nasty sl*t! My ribs are hurting real bad, s*it!!" One of the 'security guards' said.

"Well, what did you expect from the Empress of martial arts? That *lut can really fight, argh!!" The other 'security guard' said limping and holding on to his stomach.

Aaron, understanding what they were talking about got furious.

He clenched his jaw and grit his teeth hearing those two b*star*s cursing his mother.

He raised his left arm and took aim holding on to his silver platinum watch.

He gently pressed the crown two times aiming at their neck.

*stwick* *stoowick*

A couple of needle like projectiles were shot and directly dug into their neck.

"Ahhh" 'security guard 1'

"Ouch" 'security guard 2'

Startled by sudden sharp ant-bite like pain?

They touched the area and found it odd that there's something sharp needle-like thing dug onto their neck.

10 seconds later they plopped down.

Paralysis hitting them they can't move, what worse is they can't even blink their eyes and doesn't feel anything at all.

Their eyes were shut so they didn't see Aaron approaching them but they still heard someone approaching them.

Aaron looking down at the two b**star*s twisted the handle of his cane and pulled out the blade from the cane.

He knelt down and slit their throats.

He noticed their gun on their holsters, quickly grabbing one of the guns and searching the body finding a suppressor he took it and got up.

Attaching the suppressor on the gun, he slowly made his way to where his mother is.


Aurora ran as fast as she could to where her father Aiden is.

Aaron told her that he is in the north of the forest from where the Athena statue is.

She soon arrived at where her father is.

She saw him fighting 8 'security guards'.

They were all panting hard, they must have been fighting for a while.

She saw 5 dead bodies and guns laying around.

Whenever one of the 'guards' try to pick a gun from the ground Aiden focuses on the person who tries to pick it up and make sure he doesn't get ahold of a gun.

They were doing the same thing, the moment Aiden tries to grab one they make sure he cant get hold of one.

Suddenly, Aiden got a chance and got hold of a gun he shot one person in the heart before one of the guards made him lose the grip on his hand dropping the gun.

It was a messy fight.

Aurora, she learned from her father once that he isn't much of a fighter compare to their mother.

But he is very well versed in marksmanship and is on par with their mother.

Aurora was watching Aiden trying to fend them off, trying to find another opportunity to grab another gun.

Aurora, seeing this and watching her father fighting for his life made her lose control of her emotions.

She was angry and furious, she was about to join her father finding an opportunity not to disrupt her father's momentum and flow.

Suddenly, Aaron muttered something which made her halt her movements.

She was frozen right there, her complexion was deathly pale and she had a shocking expression on her face.

Time seemed to have stopped for her.

It was deathly silence and everything felt still for her.

The voice of her younger twin brother Aaron was in loop in her mind.

No, Aaron was repeating the same thing over and over again.

Knowing Aaron, Aurora knows that something like that, he would never say to her when she was on route to save their father.

He is so desperate that he didn't even care about blocking their telepathic connection with her.

Aurora could hear what Aaron was repeating over and over on his mind.

Not only that she can even feel what he is currently feeling.

Desperation, despair, hope, intense amount of fear among other emotions.

Aurora's face slowly become emotionless.

Her eyes were reflecting what she was currently seeing there were no emotions in those beautiful green eyes, in fact, it was like a mirror reflecting the scene in front of her.

The murderous aura around her faded into nothingness.

If someone were to look at her they will find her extremely beautiful and otherworldly. She was like a finely crafted sculpture made by the gods.

Her mind was at peace, she only had one thought of her own in her mind.

And that is to kill the people who were trying to kill her father in front of her.

She has to kill them as quickly as possible.

She has to hurry, time is running out. She learned from Aaron's repetitive mutters, that their mother is in a dangerous state.

Tessiana Blood, their mother is on the verge of death.