
"Fuck, Aurora! Look what did you did, that's nasty!!!" Yelled Sabastian making a disgusted face.

Aurora turning around shrugged her shoulders and said.

"He fainted, it's not my fault that he pissed in his pants."

"Who went to free Aaron and Eris?" Asked Aurora to Sabastian.

Sabastian was pinching his nose shut, the foul odour of urine was making him feel sick.

"Terry, I told him to get Aaron and Erisviel."

Looking back in the hallways, he could see blood everywhere.

Sighing he turned to Aurora then told her, "Erisviel is gonna freak out, seeing all the blood and bodies."

Aurora was about to reply but she stopped.

She bit her lower lips, thinking about Erisviel.

"Will she still accept us, after what happened today and seeing all of this?" Aurora said in an almost whispering voice, not confident and unsure of what Erisviel's thoughts are.

The two of them, Sabastian and Zulkernyn were still able to hear what she said.

The two boys were silent.

Sabastian turning away from Aurora said, "let's go meet the two of them."

Aurora sighing left with Zulkernyn and Sabastian to meet Aaron and Erisviel.


(Right after 'Nameless' attacked the night club 'Trinity Spectrum' under Donald, a high ranking associate of Trinity Crown.)

"You are uncomfortably calm, Eris." Aaron said.

Gunshots could be heard from outside the room they were in.

"So?" Erisviel turned to Aaron.

"What do you want me to do, Aaron? Pretend to be scared?" Erisviel narrowed her eyes looking at Aaron.

"Aurora is here, isn't she? Sabastian too, since you are here Nyx maybe also here with them."

"I'm not an idiot, Aaron. I can guess a few things. From all the work you have been giving me. Aurora and Sabastian? Their fighting style and how those two are different from others like Ian. Those boys and that scary-looking man who sometimes visits the clubhouse. There are a few possible scenarios that come to my mind." Erisviel stopped speaking to let Aaron say something.

Hearing Erisviel, Aaron sighed.

He knew Erisviel was starting to be suspicious of Aaron and Aurora.

He doesn't want to hide it from Erisviel.

He knows Erisviel is a person they can trust.

But will she, accept them?

Aaron doesn't what to say, so kept his silence.

"Your family, they aren't involved, right?" Erisviel smiled looking at Aaron.

"No, they aren't. It's only us, Aurora, me, Sabastian and few others." Aaron replied to Erisviel.

Taking a deep breath, he decided to tell Erisviel everything.

Well, he only just summarised everything in short. There wasn't much to tell actually.

After telling the existence of 'Nameless' to Erisviel and what the organisation is about and it's goals, he waited to hear Erisviel out.

Erisviel after listening to everything pursed her lips.

There was a hint of anger in her eyes, Aaron could see it clearly.

He sighed and prepared himself for a lecture.

But Erisviel only said one thing to Aaron instead of a lecture.

"You told me about your past life and everything but you didn't tell me about this, huh. I see that you trust me but Aaron, do you really think of me as your friend?" The tone of her voice cracked a bit at the end of her sentences.

Startled, Aaron paled hearing Erisviel.

To Erisviel, who has trouble opening up to people and make friends. Aaron finally realized what kind of grave mistake he and Aurora made.

"No-no-no, Erisviel! You are our friend, yes. A part of us, our best friend. The reason we didn't want you to be involved in this is that we don't want you to be in danger, it's to protect you! Eris, we won't be able to live by ourselves if anything were to happen to you because of us. That is why we didn't involve you or tell you about any of this."

"I AM ALREADY INVOLVED, AARON! The moment you asked me to help you with your work is when I got involved in all of this." She felt hurt, yes, but she also gets what Aaron is trying to tell her.

Gritting her teeth she stopped before she could say anything that hurts the both of them.

She stopped lashing out and tried to calm herself down.

"Breathe in, breathe out, Breathe in, breathe out, Breathe in, breathe out. Shhhhhhh!!!" Erisviel chanted a few times calming herself down by breathing in and out.

"You are an IDIOT, AARON! Aurora too!!" Erisviel said before shutting up.

Aaron just stared at Erisviel and didn't say anything.

Shouts and gunshot could be heard from outside.

Soon, the door of the room they were in was burst open.

Both Aaron and Erisviel were calmed and were not. Nervous.

Aaron getting a look at the person who barged in, sighed and said.

"You are four minutes late, Terry."

Terry clicked his tongue and replied, "Not my fault, I got lost."

Chuckling Aaron asked Terry to free them from the ropes.

Turning to Erisviel, Aaron said, "It's going to be bloody."

Erisviel rolled her eyes hearing Aaron but still replied.

"F**k you! I need to get used to it!!!"

Aaron smiled listening to Erisviel's comment.


"F**k you, Aurora! It's busted. Do you know how hard it was to make this? It took me months to just create these four guns! Now you destroyed all of them. You have no idea how much money it costs and how hard it is to make a true silenced gun!!!" Nyx shouted at Aurora looking at the busted guns on her hands.

These guns were specially made by her and Aaron, It's still a prototype model, not a finished product yet.

These guns were designed from his memories of her past life as Ian.

'Silent assassin' is what the guns are called.

The guns are costly to make, hell even the bullets are different than norms.

Even in their previous life, it was costly to make cause the guns were made with anti-magic materials.

It's actually a good thing that magic doesn't exist on earth. If it did then Aaron and Nyx would've been begging on the streets.

Still, the internal structure of the gun is very complex and intricate.

Looking around, Nyx could see people unconscious and dismembered bodies as well as bodies with holes in them bleeding out and dead.

"Let's hurry, Julian? Grab the leader, get him in the truck. Hidelio and the rest? Go loot!" Nyx said to everyone else.

Nameless only killed the people who are people of Trinity Crown.

It's a nightclub, there is bound to be 'innocent' people here who are here to have fun, entertainment and pleasure.

So they only knocked those 'innocents' out of consciousness with strong sleeping gas.

Aaron and Erisviel arrived following Terry.

Nyx told terry to go loot, she told him to follow what Hidelio tells him to do.

Aurora was having trouble making eye contact with Erisviel.

Aaron and Nyx already feel s*it from what happened before, now it's Aurora's turn.

Aurora was about to say something before Erisviel stopped her and said.

"I don't give a s*it! I'm joining your 'Nameless' or whatever it is. If you say anything? I will hit you, so shut up. Still, it smells bad." Pinching her nose Erisviel looked around.

She could see blood and dead bodies along with the unconscious people.

It would be a lie if she said she isn't feeling anything.

Erisviel is kind of scared, yes, she also feels sickening looking at the dismembered bodies.

But she also feels excited for some reason.

The future is uncertain, it's kind of exciting to be a part of a secret hidden organisation.

There is danger and she might die, who knows? But at least she will be with her friends and have fun with her life, do exciting things as well as many things to look for in the future.

"I kind of dig the thug life." Erisviel opens her mouth and said looking at Aurora.

"So do you have any job for me boss?" Smiling Erisviel asked.

Aurora was in a daze, since the moment she heard Erisviel said 'I'm joining your Nameless'.

But hearing Erisviel now, she snapped out of it and returned a smile to Erisviel and said.

"I'm not gonna be your boss but your partner Eris. So welcome to Nameless, 'Chaos'. So, my friend, you will be the sixth leader of Nameless."