The Blood family.

In the study room of the Blood Mansion, Tessiana was on a video call with Aurora.

"Mom, don't worry about me. The people they sent after me, were weak. Even if they have sent elites after me, their end would have been the same as the useless Assassins who are on their way to meet the deities of death!"

Sighing in defeat, Tessiana replied to Aurora.

"Okay, I will not bother to tell you to have more guards around you or Aaron. But please, be careful my daughter! The Blood's are the cruellest and the most ruthless than any other family or clan inside the circle of 23 Sacred Nobles."

"I understand, mom. I will be extra careful and you don't have to worry about Aaron, in terms of security. Aaron is the most secured person in this world, believe it or not!"

Hearing her daughter, Tessiana didn't inquire about their means.

The siblings and the parents both have a silent agreement not to talk about their hidden powers in the dark.

"I see, then I will take your word for it and will not worry about his safety! As for the list of names you have given me, I will have to investigate on my own first before doing anything to them. Anything else, dear daughter?"

"Yes... Aaron might have gotten himself a girlfriend. We are not sure yet, but there is a high chance that his confession might be accepted."

There was a moment of silence before Tessiana called out in shock!


"Mom, I don't have much time on hand. I have a meeting in 5 minutes! Do not, I mean it! Do not try to investigate the background of the girl or try to pry out any information about the girl from anyone. You will lose your son forever if you interfere in his personal life. When he will be ready, he will tell you about it. So I warn you, please! Do not do anything stupid! Bye, I'm ending the call..."

After finish speaking Aurora ended the call.

Tessiana was still in shock, but soon she composed herself and thought about what Aurora said.

Since Aurora warned her not to investigate, even had gone so far as to tell her that she might lose Aaron forever!

It means Aaron is very serious with the girl or whoever she is.

Tessiana sighed once more, thinking about her kids.

In the past three years, Tessiana learned many things about her children.

Her children are not simple or ordinary by Sacred 23 noble family and clans standard.


No, even the word genius will not be able to describe her children.

Aurora is highly intelligent. She is also calm, sophisticated, and confident. People may say that she is like that due to her upbringing as a Blood, but mysteriously enough it's her nature since birth! Even Tessiana sometime feels inferior to her daughter.

Aurora is a born noble, a Queen by birth.

That's what Tessiana feels.

To the entire world, Aurora conducts herself as a sociable, friendly and often easygoing person. But it's all a facade to mask her true nature.

A person who only shows compassion to her people and no one else.

Aurora is merciless, cold-hearted and tactical as Tessiana has noted when giving her tasks on a few occasions.

Aurora is willing to sacrifice innocents and her subordinates, if that is what it takes to achieve her objectives. But she will try to look for a different approach if she can avoid innocent casualties unless it's necessary.

As for her son, Aaron?

Aaron is an apathetic, cynical and calm, as a person.

He doesn't talk much unless he is with his friends. He is an introvert and a lazy bum but no one can deny that he is a genius.

Aaron's demeanour is normal, compare to his sister.

But there's more than meets the eye to him.

Just like his sister, Aaron too has a side that he never let anyone sees.

Even Tessiana haven't figured out, Aaron's true nature yet!

Only his group of misfit friends and his sister knows that side of him.

Thinking about her son, Tessiana remembered how Aaron and Aurora were fighting for months.

Thankfully that has been sorted out.

Aaron rarely gets angry, though he does appear to get irritated often.

Suddenly, Tessiana got out of her thoughts when she noticed someone in front of her.

"Finally, you notice me, my love!!!" Aiden said, feeling kind of unhappy that it took more than 5 minutes to get Tessiana's attention.

Seeing, her husbands tired face Tessiana sighed.

"You seem tired, did they gave you some hard time?"

"Yes! Well, I handled it. So it was nothing. I see, that you were working and was in deep thought. Anything bothering you, my love?" Aiden said plopping down on the sofa nearby.

He has a glass of liquor on his hands.

Aiden with one hand massaged his neck and with the other hand, he took a sip of his liquor.

"Nothing, that needs your attention, love. You already have many matters that you are juggling with those 'two hands' of yours."

Catching the hidden meaning behind Tessiana's words. Aiden swiftly changed the topic.

"Has Aurora called you yet? Anything about Aaron?"

"No, she didn't and nothing about Aaron yet."

Hearing Tessiana, Aiden started complaining.

"Why can't that boy listen for once! If he accepts the Blood Token and become my successor, everything would be fine. He is being too stubborn, Tessiana! He knows what is at stake, yet he doesn't want to accept the Token!"

"..." Tessiana.

"Did Aurora tell you anything about the Johnson boy? About when are they meeting next?" Asked Aiden, taking a sip of his liquor.

Tessiana narrowed her eyes at Aiden before opening her mouth.

"Aiden, don't force Aaron! He doesn't even want the Blood Throne. As for Aurora, she has already mentioned last time that they will not meet again."

Tessiana focussed a bit of her intent on Aiden.

"Aiden, don't play with our children's lives! They are Blood, but they have carved a different path for themselves."

Aiden turned to Tessiana and stared at her for a few moments.

After a minute, Aiden spoke.

"They are Blood and a Blood cannot change their own fate, Tessiana. It is their fate, they're destined to go through this even if you think otherwise."

"Aiden, do not force me."

"It's fate."

"Do not force me to kill you, my love!"


Placing the glass of liquor in front of the table, Aiden stood up and started walking towards the door.

"Tessiana, we have gone through the same and they will too. We tried in the past but look at us, we are still here regretting the actions that we have taken to avoid our fate. In the end, we lost to fate. And now, this is what has fate stored for us. This is karma, for what we have done and the price we must pay for defying fate."

"My wife, my love. I'm simply doing what I can with my hands tied to protect everyone I hold dear. My methods and actions may be harsh, cruel too! but it will ensure our survival."

Watching the back of her dearest, Tessiana closed her eyes and said just as Aiden was about to leave.

"I stopped being your wife and your lover when I became a mother, Aiden."

Aiden stopped in his tracks and turned back.

The woman ever so beautiful even though the cracks of time could be seen on her face.

The woman that he fell in love and will forever love till his dying breath.

She stared at him with resolve and determination.

"I will do anything for my children's happiness, Aiden."

"Even if it demands me to kill you, I will do so."

Smiling at Tessiana, Aiden turned back and left the study. As he closed the doors of the study room, Aiden replied.

"Certainly, you must my love. Because that's the person I fell in love with and forever will."