Broken Kieran.

(Warming! There are sensitive topics regarding mental health and suicide. Reader discretion is advised.)

Under the night sky, Kieran was sitting at the corner of the rooftop.




He was clicking his lighter up and down, watching the flame dance around before vanishing.

"I wonder is there any purpose for me to live?"

"No, am I living?"

"I can't tell... Am I still human?"

Kierran looked down at the busy street below.

He was seriously contemplating should he jump and end his life, be free from all the suffering and misery.

Or should he just continue with his life, as a puppet of the Johnson and the Blood family?

"Isn't it better to just end it all? I don't have anyone left. My mother is dead and so is my sister, so who should I live for?..."

Kieran lit up a cigarette, inhaling a puff of smoke he discarded the suicidal thoughts from his head.

Suddenly, he heard the sound of footsteps behind him.

"You look like you are going to commit suicide!"

Recognising the voice, Kieran replied.

"I was! But decided not to in the end."

Lucretia sitting beside Kieran frowned.

"If you do kill yourself, then I will follow suit and meet you on the other side!" Replied Lucretia, staring deep into Kieran's eyes with a serious expression her face.

"Chill gurl! You know me, I'm like this since you met me. I can't help but think negative thoughts, you know!"

Lucretia sighed hearing Kieran.

Taking the lighter and the packet of cigarette from Kieran, she lit up a cigarette for herself.

"Tell me what's wrong? Is it your father again?" She inquired.

"Yeah, him and my dear old brother. It's just I'm tired of it! Tired of waiting for an opportunity to fight back, I'm mentally exhausted..."

"So what's new?" Shrugged Lucretia hearing Kieran.

Kieran laughed at her response.

"Hahaha! Nothing other than me being too much suicidal I guess."

There was a moment of silence before Kieran looked up into the dark sky, gazing at the twinkling stars.

"Today is my sister's birthday... I miss her, Lucy! She was everything to me, protected me from the Johnsons and the Bloods. My sister was my best friend, my mother, my god!"

"And they took her AWAY FROM ME!" Screamed Kieran at the top of his lungs.

Putting out the cigarette, Lucretia hugged Kieran tightly from behind.

It hurts her to see her best friend so broken and hear him scream like that, full of pain and anguish.

Lucretia understands Kieran's pain, as she too has lost someone dear to her just like Kieran.

"They killed my sister! My only family!!! Lucy, the only thing that is driving me to live for another day, is revenge!"

"I know..." Lucretia whispered.


"This Harrington going to be a pain! Sometimes, I hate my beauty." Aaron muttered looking at the profile that Erina just gave him.

"You beauty? Haha, that's the best joke I have heard this week!" Ian who was playing snooker with Erisviel laughed hearing Aaron.

"Not me, but Nyx! But I do look beautiful though..." Aaron said turning his head to see his reflection on a mirror nearby.

"Well, he does look beautiful than handsome, Ian." Erisviel commented pocketing the pink ball.

"Yeah, he's too feminine. Not manly enough..." Seeing the table, Ian sighed and conceded the game.

"F**k, you guys! At least, my girlfriend loves my looks."

"Speaking of that girlfriend of yours, when is she coming to Starfall city? You, Zulkernyn and Ian moved everything to her new apartment, so why is she not here yet?" Asked Erisviel, while she was tidying up the snooker table.

"She will be here in a couple of days, Yong-Hyeon's transfer papers are not ready yet. I offered my help but she declined, saying I helped a lot with the moving so at least let her do something on her own. I reluctantly agreed to her, she is currently staying in a hotel. But I managed to convince her to pay for the hotel at least! She-She is not used to living life in luxury, you know? Even if it's me paying for it, she always tries to limit expenditures to low as possible. I can see sometimes she wants to buy luxury make-ups, wants to eat an expensive meal, wants to buy beautiful clothes etc. But she never asks me for anything and when I buy it for her, she lectures me about how expensive it is and I shouldn't have to Yadadayada!!!" Aaron sighed thinking about Li Hwa who doesn't let him shower her with his endless amount of money.

"I can understand her, I was the same before I met you guys. After meeting you guys and having my pockets full of money now, I lost my middle-class mentality completely! Think about it, she has been living her life paycheck to paychecks. Everyone has desires, but she has to bury her desires because she can't afford it. She is a single mother and her job doesn't pay much, the stuff she's able to buy on a middle-class wage is just barely enough to satisfy her needs. She has to take care of her, son. She needs to think about her son's future and save money for her son. Yong-Hyeon still is a kid, though he is mature for his age, it's her son! Sometimes, she needs to sacrifice her own desires to fulfil her son's desires. Now suddenly, she got herself a rich boyfriend! Someone completely outside of her world. Yes, you can shower her with money but you can't change her mentality overnight, Aaron. I observed her for a while and found out she is similar to you who thinks too much! You just started this relationship, your future is uncertain. How can she take your money without questioning and objection? If she keeps on taking, people might call her a gold-digger. If she keeps on relying on you and one-day things don't work out between the two of you and you two broke up, then what? She has her own fears and insecurities, Aaron! Try to change up your mindset, now that you are in a relationship, my friend." After finishing, Erisviel muttered something inaudible before she left the playroom.

"..." Aaron listened to Erisviel seriously and carefully.

Aaron nodded, thinking Erisviel is right.

He also needs to change certain aspects of his mentality too.

"What's up with her, she is a bit out of herself today?" Zulkernyn asked, watching Erisviel leave with an uncomfortable look on her face.

"Yeah, what did you do to piss her off Aaron?" Ian turned to Aaron asked him.

"I didn't do anything, the reason she is out of herself today is that she is having a crappy day! Her menstrual cramps turned very severe for the past couple of months. It's a girl thing, my brothers you won't understand. I'm going to call Ana, so she can look at her." Answered Aaron being concerned for Erisviel.

"..." Ian.

"..." Zulkernyn.

The two watched Aaron leaving to make a call outside.

"I'm glad I was born a boy, Zulk..."

"Me too..."

"Let's go flirt with some girls, I feel bored!"

"I know a good club not too far from here."

"You're the man, Zulk!"

The two left to have some fun outside.